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<span itemprop="name">Riset Industri Manufaktur, Peluang Investasi dan Basis Produksi 2015-2019</span>

Riset Industri Manufaktur, Peluang Investasi dan Basis Produksi 2015-2019

Riset Industri Manufaktur; Peluang Investasi dan Basis Produksi 2015-2019 ini menampilkan data, outlook, kajian, analisis, dan riset terkait seluruh informasi mengenai industri manufaktur di Indonesia, mulai dari tren perkembangan termutakhir, kontribusi manufaktur terhadap perekonomian nasional, rekam jejak kontribusi manufaktur, target pertumbuhan, peringkat kemudahan berbisnis, perbaikan birokrasi dan perizinan, realisasi investasi manufaktur dan target ke depan, serta industri manufaktur prioritas, dan tren ekspor 10 produk utama di industri manufaktur.

Riset ini dimulai dari informasi umum terkait perkembangan Indonesia, mulai dari proyeksi pertumbuhan ekonomi periode 2014-2019, jumlah penduduk, segmentasi penduduk/konsumen, dan peluang pasar di Indonesia (halaman 2-3). Pada halaman 4-5, dipaparkan tren industri manufaktur termutakhir, mulai dari pengaruh perlambatan perekonomian nasional serta fluktuasi kurs nilai mata uang terhadap pertumbuhan industri manufaktur, hingga upaya pemerintah mendorong sektor ini.

Selanjutnya, ditampilkan chart (tabel) pertumbuhan ekonomi menurut lapangan usaha 2013-2015 (halaman 6). Selain itu, dipaparkan pertumbuhan dan distribusi beberapa lapangan usaha seperti informasi dan komunikasi, jasa keuangan dan asuransi, serta jasa lainnya (halaman 7). Di halaman 9, ditampilkan secara eksklusif tren kontribusi sektor industri terhadap perekonomian nasional periode 2001-2015, realisasi dan target pertumbuhan manufaktur 2015-2019 (halaman 10), serta peringkat kemudahan berbisnis pada 2016 (halaman 11).

Di halaman 12, ditampilkan perbaikan kemudahan berbisnis di Indonesia dengan berbagai indikator, mulai dari memulai usaha, perizinan, pendaftaran properti, penyambungan listrik, pembayaran pajak, penegakan kontrak, dan penyelesaian perkara kepailitan. Pada halaman 13-14-15 dijabarkan terkait tren investasi manufaktur (realisasi dan target) serta sebaran investasi berdasarkan wilayah periode 2015-2019.

Pada halaman 16-17, ditampilkan sektor industri prioritas yang mencakup ketenagalistrikan, industri padat karya, substitusi impor, orientasi ekspor, dan lainnya lengkap dengan subsektor terkait. Di halaman 18, dijabarkan tren ekspor 10 produk utama manufaktur Indonesia periode 2009-2013 serta target 2019. Di halaman 19, ditampilkan komitmen investasi asing (penanaman modal asing/PMA) hingga 2016.

Riset ini dilengkapi secara eksklusif terkait pemberian insentif bagi industri manufaktur periode September 2015-Maret 2016 dalam 11 paket yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Rekapitulasi insentif itu ditampilkan dalam riset ini di halaman 20-27. Selain itu, ditampilkan berbagai infrastruktur pendukung industri yang ditargetkan dapat menunjang pertumbuhan manufaktur hingga 2030.

Riset sebanyak 41 halaman ini berasal dari BPS, Kementerian Perindustrian, Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM), Kementerian Perhubungan, dan diolah

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Indonesia Manufacturing Industry Research, Between Investment Opportunities and Production Base

Indonesia Manufacturing Industry Research, Between Investment Opportunities and Production Base
2015-2019 showing the data, outlook, assessment, analysis, and research related to all the information regarding the manufacturing industry in Indonesia, ranging from the latest development trend, the contribution of manufacturing to the national economy, the track record of the contribution of manufacturing, the growth target, ranking ease of doing business, repair bureaucracy and licensing, manufacturing and realization of investment targets in the future, as well as the manufacturing industry priorities, and trends in exports of 10 main products in the manufacturing industry.

This research starts from general information related to the development of Indonesia, ranging from economic growth forecast period 2014-2019, the total population, population segmentation / consumer, and market opportunities in Indonesia (pages 2-3). On page 4-5, presented the latest trend of manufacturing industries, ranging from the effect of a slowdown in the national economy as well as fluctuations in the exchange rate value of the currency against the growth of the manufacturing industry, to government efforts to encourage this sector.

Furthermore, the displayed chart (table) economic growth by business field from 2013 to 2015 (page 6). Additionally, described the growth and distribution of several business fields such as information and communication, financial services and insurance, and other services (page 7). On page 9, shown exclusively trends contribution of industrial sector to the national economy period 2001-2015, realization and manufacturing growth target for 2015-2019 (page 10), as well as the ease of doing business rankings in 2016 (page 11).

On page 12, shown improvements ease of doing business in Indonesia with a variety of indicators, ranging from starting a business, licensing, property registration, electricity connection, paying taxes, enforcing contracts, and resolving insolvency cases. 13-14-15 outlined on page associated manufacturing investment trends (actual and target) and the distribution of investment by region 2015-2019 period.

On pages 16-17, show the industrial sector priorities that include electricity, labor-intensive industries, import substitution, export orientation and more complete with the relevant subsector. On page 18, described the trend of exports of 10 main products of manufacturing Indonesia 2009-2013 period as well as the target 2019. On page 19, show the commitment of foreign investment (foreign investment / PMA) to 2016.

This research comes exclusively related incentives for manufacturing period September 2015-March 2016 in 11 packages set by the government. Recapitulation of incentives it is displayed in pages 20-27 of this research. In addition, displayed a variety of industries supporting infrastructure which is targeted to support manufacturing growth up to 2030.

Research as many as 41 pages is derived from BPS, Ministry of Industry, Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Ministry of Transportation, and processed

Download the database industry is a new feature in featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented. Thank you for your confidence to

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