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<span itemprop="name">Riset Tren Pertumbuhan Minimarket, Supermarket, Hypermarket 2015-2018 (Data Komprehensif 5 Market Leader Industri Ritel)</span>

Riset Tren Pertumbuhan Minimarket, Supermarket, Hypermarket 2015-2018 (Data Komprehensif 5 Market Leader Industri Ritel)

Riset Tren Pertumbuhan Minimarket, Supermarket, Hypermarket 2015-2018 (Data Komprehensif 5 Market Leader Industri Ritel) ini dirilis akhir Oktober 2017 menampilkan riset independen, data komprehensif, analisis dan ulasan, serta tren pertumbuhan market value (omzet) industri ritel modern di Indonesia periode 2015-2018F. Industri ritel modern berperan penting dalam perekonomian negara mengingat penetrasi pasarnya yang besar dan menjangkau pelosok negeri serta menjadi salah satu channel utama dalam distribusi barang.

Riset Tren Pertumbuhan Minimarket, Supermarket, Hypermarket 2015-2018 ini dimulai dengan paparan data makro ekonomi Indonesia, inflasi, dan nilai tukar rupiah (halaman 2). Disambung dengan, komparasi pertumbuhan ekonomi negara berkembang dan negara maju periode 2016-2018 disertai outlook pergerakan harga komoditas 2018 (halaman 3).

Proyeksi pertumbuhan per sektor dalam struktur ekonomi nasional tahun 2018 ditampilkan pada halaman 4-6 disertai sejumlah katalis pendorong pertumbuhan. Dilanjutkan dengan infografis tentang perekonomian daerah di seluruh Indonesia, penopang perekonomian daerah, sektor industri dengan pertumbuhan tertinggi pada halaman 7 & 8.

Pada halaman 9 sampai 11, ditampilkan infografis pertumbuhan ekonomi per provinsi di Indonesia dengan rekam jejak periode 2014 sampai 2016. Berlanjut pada tren pertumbuhan PDB Indonesia periode 2008 hingga 2019.

Masuk ke pembahasan lebih detail, dijabarkan profil industri ritel modern pada halaman 12 sampai 17. Sebagai highlights, profil industri ritel modern menggambarkan pengaruh era digitalisasi terhadap perkembangan pasar ritel secara keseluruhan, prospek industri ritel modern, dan transformasi bisnis di industri ritel modern itu sendiri. Pada halaman 18, disajikan data angka terkait jumlah toko/gerai industri ritel modern di Indonesia dan jumlah perusahaan ritel modern.

Pada halaman 19, tim mencoba mem-breakdown tren pertumbuhan market value (total omzet) industri ritel modern yang dibagi menjadi; a) overall market value ritel modern, b) market value ritel modern food & fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), c) market value department store, d) market value ritel modern e-commerce periode 2015-2018. Selain itu, dijabarkan tren pertumbuhan dan komposisinya, dilengkapi analisis pada halaman 20.

Selanjutnya, pada halaman 21, tim membuat riset tentang tren pertumbuhan pasar yang tercermin dari perkembangan market value industri ritel modern segmen food & FMCG, terdiri dari minimarket, supermarket dan hypermarket. Tren pertumbuhan itu juga dilengkapi analisis pada halaman 22. Data itu diperkuat dengan karakteristik ritel modern yang dibedakan dari barang yang diperdagangkan, jumlah item dagangan, jenis produk, model penjualan, luas lantai usaha, luas lahan parkir, dan modal, berdasarkan regulasi terbaru pada halaman 23.

Pada halaman 24 sampai 33, ditampilkan data-data pendukung seperti proyeksi pasar barang konsumsi di Indonesia hingga 2030, landscape industri ritel modern dari jumlah gerai, tekanan yang diderita ritel modern segmen tertentu, dan pengaruh pelemahan ekonomi nasional pada periode 2014-2015.

Beranjak ke pembahasan selanjutnya, pada halaman 34 sampai 119 ditampilkan data spesifik lima market leader industri minimarket, supermarket, dan hypermarket. Data spesifik itu menyuguhkan jumlah gerai, jumlah gudang, jumlah pemasok aktif, pangsa pasar terhadap total segmen ritel modern, bauran penjualan, lokasi gerai berdasarkan letak geografis, tren kinerja keuangan termasuk penjualan dan laba, tren pertumbuhan jumlah gerai, daftar pemasok utama, nilai belanja modal ekspansi, strategi diversifikasi format usaha, faktor kunci keberhasilan, dukungan platform logistik untuk distribusi barang, strategi model bisnis ke depan, serta rekam jejak kinerja keuangan yang cukup komprehensif. Data-data spesifik itu diharapkan dapat mewakili tren perkembangan ritel modern secara luas dan menjadi acuan (benchmarking) bagi stakeholders terkait.

Riset Tren Pertumbuhan Minimarket, Supermarket, Hypermarket 2015-2018 (Data Komprehensif 5 Market Leader Industri Ritel) ini berjumlah 120 halaman pdf yang mudah didownload dengan teknologi easy digital download. Data spesifik ini berasal dari riset eksklusif, didukung data penunjang dari Aprindo, Kementerian Perdagangan, BPS, dan sejumlah perusahaan ritel modern di Indonesia. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda kepada Khusus untuk pembelian data ini, user tidak hanya memperoleh file softcopy, tapi juga print eksklusif (1 eksemplar – kertas hardcopy art carton 150 miligram) seharga Rp 250.000,- free ongkir pengiriman.

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Research Minimarket, Supermarkets, Hypermarkets Growth Trends 2015-2018 (Comprehensive Data 5 Retail Industry Market Leaders)

Research Minimarket, Supermarkets, Hypermarkets Growth Trends 2015-2018 (Comprehensive Data 5 Retail Industry Market Leaders) was released at the end of October 2017 featuring independent research, comprehensive data, analysis and reviews, as well as the trend of market value growth (omzet) of modern retail industry in Indonesia period 2015-2018F. Modern retail industry plays an important role in the economy of the country given its large market penetration and reaching the country and become one of the main channels in the distribution of goods.

Research Minimarket, Supermarkets, Hypermarkets Growth Trends 2015-2018, begins with exposure to Indonesia’s macroeconomic data, inflation, and rupiah exchange rate (page 2). Combined with, comparative growth of developing country and developed countries period 2016-2018 along with outlook of commodity price movement 2018 (page 3).

The projected growth per sector in the national economic structure of 2018 is shown on pages 4-6 with a number of growth-driven catalysts. Followed by infographics of regional economies throughout Indonesia, the backbone of the regional economy, the industry sector with the highest growth on pages 7 & 8.
On pages 9 to 11, infographic economic growth per province in Indonesia is provided with track record of the period 2014 to 2016. Following the trend of Indonesia’s GDP growth from 2008 to 2019.

Going into a more detailed discussion, the modern retail industry profiles on page 12 to 17. As highlights, the profile of the modern retail industry illustrates the influence of the era of digitalization on the overall retail market, the prospects of the modern retail industry, and business transformation in the modern retail industry itself. On page 18, the figures relate to the number of modern retail store / outlet stores in Indonesia and the number of modern retail companies.

On page 19, the team tries to breakdown the trend of growth in the market value (total turnover) of the modern retail industry divided into; a) the overall market value of modern retail, b) the market value of modern retail food & fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), c) market value of department stores, d) market value of modern retail e-commerce period 2015-2018. In addition, the growth trends and compositions are described, along with the analysis on page 20.

Furthermore, on page 21, the team makes research on market growth trends as reflected in the development of the market value of the modern retail segment of food & FMCG segments, consisting of minimarkets, supermarkets and hypermarkets. The growth trend is also complemented by analysis on page 22. The data is reinforced by modern retail characteristics differentiated from traded goods, merchandise items, product type, sales model, business floor area, parking area, and capital, based on the latest regulations on the page 23.
On pages 24 to 33, supportive data such as the projection of consumer goods market in Indonesia to 2030, the landscape of modern retail industry from the number of outlets, the pressure suffered by modern retail segment, and the impact of the weakening of the national economy in the period 2014-2015.

Moving on to the next discussion, on pages 34 to 119 are shown specific data of the five market leaders of the minimarket, supermarket, and hypermarket industries. Specific data it presents number of outlets, number of warehouses, number of active suppliers, market share to total modern retail segment, sales mix, geographic location of outlets, financial performance trends including sales and profits, number of outlet growth trends, major supplier list, diversification of business format, key success factors, logistics platform support for the distribution of goods, future business modeling strategies, and a fairly comprehensive track record of financial performance. Specific data are expected to represent the trend of modern retail development widely and become benchmarking (benchmarking) for relevant stakeholders.

Research Minimarket, Supermarkets, Hypermarkets Growth Trends 2015-2018 (Comprehensive Data 5 Retail Industry Market Leaders) is consist 120 pages of pdf easy to download with easy digital download technology. This specific data comes from exclusive research, supported by supporting data from Aprindo, Ministry of Commerce, BPS, and a number of modern retail companies in Indonesia. Industry data index is the latest feature in which displays dozens of data options according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users perform process according to procedure, that is click purchase (purchase), click checkout, and fill form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented.

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