Riset Populasi Jumlah Sepeda Motor 1950-2025 (Market Analysis Provinsi Paling Potensial) ini dirilis minggu kedua April 2018, menampilkan data komprehensif, riset pasar, tren pasar, market analysis per provinsi potensial, serta peta strategi persaingan merk sepeda motor di Indonesia. Riset pasar ini dibuat sebagai acuan (benchmark) strategi pemasaran bagi industriawan yang terkait dengan sepeda motor dan komponennya, terutama untuk mengukur tren potensi pasar berdasarkan rekam jejak yang panjang.
Riset Populasi Jumlah Sepeda Motor 1950-2025 (Market Analysis Provinsi Paling Potensial) ini dimulai dengan menampilkan highlight dan outlook perekonomian Indonesia. Pada 2016 dan 2017, perekonomian Indonesia mampu bertumbuh positif di tengah tantangan perlambatan ekonomi global (halaman 2 dan 3).
Proyeksi ekonomi dan perdagangan global pada 2018 diringkas dalam infografis yang menarik pada halaman 4. Pada halaman 5 sampai 7, diulas proyeksi pertumbuhan masing-masing sektor ekonomi di Indonesia meliputi industri pengolahan, konstruksi, perdagangan, informatika dan telekomunikasi, jasa keuangan, pertanian, transportasi, pertambangan, listrik, minyak dan gas. Juga dilengkapi dengan katalis masing-masing sektor. Proyeksi pertumbuhan masing-masing sektor beserta katalisnya akan mendorong produk domestik bruto (PDB) Indonesia, seperti disajikan pada halaman 8.
Masuk ke fokus kajian, pada halaman 9 sampai 14, ditampilkan data tren populasi jumlah sepeda motor di Indonesia periode 1950 hingga estimasi 2025. Fokus kajian yang dilakukan tim Duniaindustri.com ini dijelaskan secara detail dari mulai sumber kajian, metode, hingga dasar pembuatan proyeksi pada halaman 9. Pada halaman 10 sampai 14, disajikan data populasi sepeda motor periode 1950-2025 beserta tren pertumbuhan per tahun. Data tersebut diperkuat dengan market analysis pada halaman 15, meliputi pertumbuhan majemuk per tahun, pertumbuhan tertinggi, dan lainnya.
Tidak hanya itu, data populasi sepeda motor juga diperkuat dengan dukungan data penjualan sepeda motor periode 2005-2019 serta jumlah kendaraan roda dua dan roda empat yang masih beroperasi di Indonesia pada halaman 16 dan 17. Juga disajikan proyeksi komparasi segmen konsumen kelas menengah di Indonesia periode 2012 dan estimasi 2020 sebagai salah satu pendorong pertumbuhan penjualan kendaraan bermotor.
Lebih detail lagi, tim Duniaindustri.com juga membuat kajian populasi sepeda motor per provinsi periode 2017, 2020, dan 2025. Ketiga periode itu diambil untuk menggambarkan tren peningkatan populasi sepeda motor per provinsi di Indonesia. Data tersebut disajikan pada halaman 18 sampai 19. Dari data populasi sepeda motor per provinsi di Indonesia, tim Duniaindustri.com membuat market analysis pada halaman 20 dan 21 berisi pemetaan (mapping) provinsi dengan populasi sepeda motor terbesar dan provinsi paling potensial karena memiliki jumlah populasi sepeda motor terbesar di luar Pulau Jawa. Data ini dapat menjadi acuan (benchmark) bagi pelaku industri sepeda motor, suku cadang, aksesoris, perusahaan leasing, perbankan (kredit consumer) yang berencana melakukan ekspansi ke derah di luar Jawa.
Kajian populasi sepeda motor per provinsi ikut didukung data pertumbuhan ekonomi per provinsi periode 2014 hingga 2018 pada halaman 22 hingga 26. Faktor tren pertumbuhan ekonomi per provinsi dinilai cukup dominan dalam mendorong jumlah populasi sepeda motor per provinsi.
Riset Populasi Jumlah Sepeda Motor 1950-2025 (Market Analysis Provinsi Paling Potensial) ini juga dilengkapi dengan definisi sepeda motor, sejarah singkat, penjabaran tipe/jenis sepeda motor pada halaman 27 hingga 29. Pada halaman 30 hingga 33, diulas 27 merek/brand sepeda motor berproduksi, pernah berproduksi, dan merek sepeda motor tersebut masih beredar di pasar Indonesia.
Peta persaingan industri sepeda motor sepanjang 42 tahun terakhir diulas dengan komprehensif pada halaman 34. Dilanjutkan dengan pembahasan sejarah penetrasi pasar dua market leader sepeda motor di Indonesia pada halamana 35 dan 36. Strategi persaingan market leader itu untuk menguasai pasar dijabarkan pada halaman 37 hingga 39.
Pada halaman 40, ditampilkan tren penjualan 5 merek utama sepeda motor di Indonesia periode 2005 hingga estimasi 2025, beserta tren pertumbuhan per tahun. Untuk memberikan gambaran lebih detail, riset data ini juga menjabarkan tren penjualan per bulan per merek sepeda motor sepanjang 2017, pangsa pasar, dan komposisi segmen (scooter matic, sport, dan underbone) pada halaman 41 hingga 46. Demikian juga tren penjualan per bulan per merek sepeda motor sepanjang 2016, pangsa pasar, dan komposisi segmen (scooter matic, sport, dan underbone) pada halaman 47 hingga 52.
Riset Populasi Jumlah Sepeda Motor 1950-2025 (Market Analysis Provinsi Paling Potensial) ini berisi 53 halaman dengan ukuran file 6,11 MB. Kajian yang dilakukan tim Duniaindustri.com dalam riset ini didukung data dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Korps Lalu Lintas (Korlantas) Polri, Asosiasi Industri Sepeda Motor Indonesia (AISI), serta data-data pendukung dari sejumlah produsen sepeda motor di Indonesia. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di duniaindustri.com yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. Duniaindustri.com mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih.
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Motorcycle Population Research 1950-2025 (Market Analysis of the Most Potential Provinces)
Motorcycle Population Research 1950-2025 (Market Analysis of the Most Potential Provinces) was released in the second week of April 2018, featuring comprehensive data, market research, market trends, market analysis per potential province, and competitive motorcycle brand strategy map in Indonesia. This market research is made as a benchmark of marketing strategies for motorcyclists related to motorcycles and components, especially to measure trends in market potential based on long track records.
Motorcycle Population Research 1950-2025 (Market Analysis of the Most Potential Provinces) is started by displaying the highlights and the outlook of the Indonesian economy. In 2016 and 2017, the Indonesian economy is able to grow positively amid the challenges of a global economic slowdown (pages 2 and 3).
The global economic and trade projection in 2018 is summarized in an interesting infographic on page 4. On pages 5 to 7, the growth projections for each economic sector in Indonesia cover the manufacturing, construction, trade, informatics and telecommunications industries, financial services, agriculture, transportation , mining, electricity, oil and gas. Also equipped with a catalyst of each sector. The growth projection of each sector and its catalyst will boost Indonesia’s gross domestic product (GDP), as presented on page 8.
Going into the focus of the study, on pages 9 to 14, the population trends data show the number of motorcycles in Indonesia period 1950 to 2025 estimate. The focus of the study conducted by Worldindustri.com team is described in detail from the start of the source of the study, method, to the basis of projection on the project page 9. On pages 10 to 14, we present the motorcycle population data for the period 1950-2025 along with the growth trends per year. The data is reinforced by market analysis on page 15, including compound growth per year, highest growth, and others.
Not only that, the motorcycle population data is also reinforced with the support of motorcycle sales data for the period of 2005-2019 as well as the number of two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles that are still operating in Indonesia on page 16 and 17. Also presented projection comparing middle-class consumer segment in Indonesia period 2012 and 2020 estimates as one of the drivers of motor vehicle sales growth.
More details, the Duniaindustri.com team also makes a study of motorcycle populations per province for the period 2017, 2020, and 2025. These three periods were taken to illustrate the trend of increasing motorcycle population per province in Indonesia. The data are presented on pages 18 to 19. From the motorcycle population data per province in Indonesia, the Worldindustri.com team makes market analysis on pages 20 and 21 containing the provincial mapping of the largest and most potential provincial motorcycle population as it has a population the largest motorcycle outside Java Island. This data can be a benchmark for motorcycle industry players, spare parts, accessories, leasing companies, banking (consumer credit) that plans to expand to derah outside Java.
The study of motorcycle populations per province is supported by economic growth data per province from 2014 to 2018 on pages 22 to 26. Economic growth trends per province are considered quite dominant in boosting the number of motorcycle populations per province.
Motorcycle Population Research 1950-2025 (Market Analysis of the Most Potential Provinces) also equipped with a definition of a motorcycle, a brief history, a description of the type / type of motorcycle on pages 27 to 29. On pages 30 to 33, reviewed 27 brands / motor production, production, and motorcycle brands are still circulating in the Indonesian market.
Motorcycle industry competition map over the last 42 years is reviewed comprehensively on page 34. Followed by a discussion of the market penetration history of two market leaders of motorcycles in Indonesia on pages 35 and 36. The market leader’s competitive strategy to master the market is spelled out on pages 37 to 39.
On page 40, sales trends of 5 major motorcycle brands in Indonesia from 2005 to 2025 are estimated, along with annual growth trends. To provide a more detailed picture, this data research also describes the monthly sales trends per motorcycle brand throughout 2017, market share, and the composition of segments (scooter matic, sport and underbone) on pages 41 to 46. Similarly, sales trends per month motorcycle brands throughout 2016, market share, and segment composition (scooter matic, sport, and underbone) on pages 47 to 52.
Motorcycle Population Research 1950-2025 (Market Analysis of the Most Potential Provinces) contains 53 pages with 6.11 MB file size. The study conducted by Duniaindustri.com team in this research is supported by data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), Traffic Corps (Korlantas) Polri, Indonesian Motorcycle Industry Association (AISI), and supporting data from several motorcycle manufacturers in Indonesia. Industry data index is the latest feature in duniaindustri.com which displays dozens of data options according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users perform process according to procedure, that is click purchase (purchase), click checkout, and fill form. Duniaindustri.com prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented.(*)