Riset Pasar dan Data Industri Biskuit 2010-2016 (Peta Persaingan dan Tren Market Leader) ini dirilis Juni 2016 menampilkan riset independen, data, analisis, kajian, dan outlook secara komprehensif terkait seluruh informasi mengenai peta persaingan di industri biskuit di Indonesia, mencakup highlights dan profil ringkas pemain-pemain di industri ini, tren permintaan/kebutuhan (demand) di pasar lokal, hingga analisis pangsa pasar berdasarkan penjualan dan kapasitas produksi.
Riset pasar ini dimulai dengan highlights pasar Indonesia yang terus tumbuh ditopang besarnya konsumen kelas menengah. Pasar industri makanan termasuk biskuit di Indonesia dengan penduduk sebesar 252 juta jiwa, 50% di antaranya merupakan usia produktif, sunggulah besar. PDB per kapita Indonesia US$ 3.500 melampaui negara pesaing di Asean seperti Filipina dan Vietnam. Jumlah rumah tangga di Indonesia dengan anggaran belanja tahunan berkisar US$ 5.000-US$ 15.000 diperkirakan meluas dari 36% pada saat ini menjadi 58% pada 2020. Lebih dari 60 juta penduduk berpenghasilan rendah diproyeksikan bergabung dengan kelas menengah di dekade mendatang, dan mendorong permintaan konsumen semakin kuat. Total pasar industri consumer goods di Indonesia pada 2030 diperkirakan US$ 810 miliar.(halaman 2-3)
Riset pasar ini juga menjabarkan pertumbuhan rata-rata per tahun pasar makanan dalam kemasan dan minuman ringan selama 2013-2017 akan berada di atas angka 10%. Secara keseluruhan, packaged food selama periode tersebut akan tumbuh rata-rata 12,6% per tahun. Beberapa jenis makanan yang identik dengan lifestyle masyarakat middle class income diperkirakan tumbuh lebih tinggi, di antaranya canned/preserved food (16,7%), frozen processed food (16,6%), ice cream (18%), dan noodles (13,5%).(halaman 4)
Sementara itu, minuman ringan diperkirakan tumbuh rata-rata 12% per tahun. Pertumbuhan yang tinggi diperkirakan terjadi untuk produk ready to drink (RTD) coffee (18,8%), fruit/vegetable juice (15,6%), sports and energy drink (14,8%), dan RTD tea (13,7%).
Secara special, Duniaindustri.com membuat riset pertumbuhan pasar consumer goods dari 2009 ke 2015, khusus untuk sejumlah produk antara lain: biskuit dan wafer, mi instan, snack, jeli, permen, roti, minuman berenergi, minuman isotonik, sirup, teh siap saji, kopi siap saji, jus, susu siap saji, minuman berkarbonasi, minuman sari buah, air minum dalam kemasan. (halaman 5-8)
Di halaman 9-10, Duniaindustri.com membuat riset pasar eksklusif terkait pangsa pasar biskuit dilihat dari dua hal; penjualan per merek (halaman 9) dan kapasitas produksi per perusahaan (halaman 10). Data tersebut didukung top 15 produsen biskuit terbesar (biggest biscuit producer) di Indonesia yang dipaparkan pada halaman 11-12, lengkap dengan kapasitas produksi serta komposisi terhadap kapasitas nasional.
Di halaman 13, ditampilkan tren produksi biskuit secara nasional periode 2007-2015, lengkap dengan pertumbuhan per tahun. Data tersebut juga diperkuat dengan neraca ekspor-impor biskuit dalam volume dan nilai periode 2007-2015 (halaman 14-15).
Kemudian di halaman 16 ditampilkan tren konsumsi, produksi, dan ekspor-impor biskuit di Indonesia periode 2007-2015. Dengan data yang cukup lengkap ini dapat terlihat tren pertumbuhan konsumsi (market size) industri biskuit per tahun. Khusus di halaman 17, duniaindustri.com membuat proyeksi dan estimasi konsumsi biskuit pada 2016-2017 lengkap dengan tren produksi dan pertumbuhannya.
Pada halaman 18-35, duniaindustri.com membuat market research dan market intelligence terhadap tiga produsen biskuit yang menjadi market leader. Analisis dan intelijensi pasar itu mencakup kinerja keuangan produsen dengan pangsa pasar terbesar, strategi pemasaran, kendala yang dihadapi, target kinerja keuangan 2016, hingga ke struktur perusahaan, jumlah pekerja, serta rasio profitabilitas dan rasio solvabilitas.
Riset Pasar dan Data Industri Biskuit 2010-2016 sebanyak 35 halaman pdf ini berasal dari berbagai sumber antara lain asosiasi industri, BPS, riset internal produsen biskuit, dan diolah duniaindustri.com. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di duniaindustri.com yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. Duniaindustri.com mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih.
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Market Research and Biscuit Industry Data 2010-2016 (Map Competition and Trends Market Leader)
Market Research and Biscuit Industry Data 2010-2016 (Map Competition and Trends Market Leader) was released in June 2016 featuring independent research, data, analysis, review, and a comprehensive outlook regarding all information about the competitive landscape in the biscuit industry in Indonesia, including highlights and quick profile players in the industry, demand trends / needs (demand) in the local market, to the analysis of market share based on sales and production capacity.
This market research begins with highlights Indonesian market which continues to grow supported by the magnitude of middle-class consumers. Market food industry including biscuits in Indonesia with a population of 252 million inhabitants, 50% of whom are of childbearing age, sunggulah great. Indonesia’s per capita GDP exceeded US $ 3,500 competitors in Asean countries such as the Philippines and Vietnam. The number of households in Indonesia with an annual budget of around US $ 5,000 to US $ 15,000 is estimated to expand from 36% currently to 58% in 2020. More than 60 million low-income population is projected to join the middle class in the coming decade, and boosting demand the consumer is getting stronger. Total market consumer goods in Indonesia in 2030 was estimated at US $ 810 billion. (Pages 2-3)
The market research also outlines the average growth per year market packaged foods and soft drinks during 2013-2017 will be above the 10% level. Overall, packaged food during that period will grow an average 12.6% per year. Some foods are synonymous with the lifestyle of the community middle class income is expected to grow higher, including canned / preserved food (16.7%), frozen processed food (16.6%), ice cream (18%), and noodles (13 , 5%). (page 4)
Meanwhile, soft drinks is expected to grow an average of 12% per year. Strong growth is expected to occur on the product ready to drink (RTD) coffee (18.8%), fruit / vegetable juice (15.6%), sports and energy drinks (14.8%), and RTD tea (13.7 %).
In special, Duniaindustri.com researches consumer goods market growth from 2009 to 2015, on a number of products such as: biscuits and wafers, instant noodles, snacks, jelly, candy, breads, sports drinks, isotonic drinks, syrup, instant tea , instant coffee, juice, instant milk, carbonated drinks, fruit drinks, bottled water. (Page 5-8)
On page 9-10, Duniaindustri.com create an exclusive market research related visits biscuit market share of two things; Sales per brand (page 9) and production capacity per company (page 10). The data supported the top 15 largest biscuit manufacturer (biggest biscuit producer) in Indonesia are presented on pages 11-12, complete with production capacity as well as the composition of the national capacity.
On page 13, displayed national trends biscuit production period from 2007 to 2015, complete with growth per year. Data is also reinforced by the balance of exports and imports biscuits in volume and value for the period 2007-2015 (pages 14-15).
Then on page 16 show trends in consumption, production, and export-import of biscuits in Indonesia period 2007-2015. Complete with sufficient data can be seen the trend of consumption growth (market size) biscuit industry per year. Special on page 17, duniaindustri.com make projections and estimates of consumption of biscuits in 2016-2017 complete with production trends and growth.
On pages 18-35, duniaindustri.com make market research and market intelligence to the three manufacturers of biscuits become the market leader. Analysis and market intelligence that includes financial performance manufacturer with the largest market share, marketing strategies, obstacles encountered, financial performance targets in 2016, to the structure of the company, number of employees, as well as profitability ratios and solvency ratios.
Market Research and Confectionery Industry Data 2010-2016 a total of 35 page pdf is derived from various sources such as industry associations, BPS, internal research biscuit manufacturer, and processed duniaindustri.com. Index of industry data is a new feature in duniaindustri.com featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. Duniaindustri.com priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented. thanks.