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<span itemprop="name">Riset Pasar Consumer Goods dan Tren Online Shoping (2009-2017)</span>

Riset Pasar Consumer Goods dan Tren Online Shoping (2009-2017)

Riset Pasar Consumer Goods dan Tren Online Shoping (2009-2017) ini dirilis Agustus 2016 menampilkan riset independen, data, analisis, kajian, dan outlook secara komprehensif terkait seluruh informasi mengenai pasar consumer goods serta pesatnya tren belanja online (online shopping) di Indonesia. Dua subjek kajian riset pasar ini dipilih mengingat relatif stabilnya kedua sektor tersebut di tengah perlambatan ekonomi Indonesia pada 2015 hingga semester I 2016.

Riset Pasar Consumer Goods dan Tren Online Shoping (2009-2017) ini dimulai dengan menampilkan highlight makro ekonomi Indonesia, meliputi pertumbuhan PDB 2014-2019, tren inflasi, populasi penduduk, tren konsumen kelas menengah, potensi pasar lokal, serta tren PDB per kapita. (halaman 2-4)

Selanjutnya, Riset Pasar Consumer Goods ini memaparkan pertumbuhan aktual industri barang konsumsi (consumer goods) di Indonesia hingga semester I 2016. Tren pasar serta indikator pertumbuhan dilihat secara nilai dan volume, memberikan gambaran tersendiri terkait daya beli konsumen di Indonesia. (halaman 5) Secara jangka panjang, industri consumer goods masih prospektif dengan potensi US$ 810 miliar pada 2030. (halaman 6)

Pada halaman 7-8, membuat riset eksklusif terkait nilai pasar (market size) industri consumer goods di kategori makanan dan minuman (food and beverages). Hasil riset itu didukung riset eksternal yang mengukur pertumbuhan consumer goods di lima kategori yakni food, dairy, beverages, personal care, dan home care hingga semester I 2016. (halaman 9)

Selain itu, ditampilkan juga tren frekuensi pembelian produk consumer goods, perubahan harga produk, serta rata-rata pertumbuhan belanja konsumen. (halaman 10) Pada halaman 11, dipaparkan tren penjualan 7 kategori consumer goods yakni food, dairy, beverages, personal care, home care, packaged foods, serta chilled foods di pasar modern (minimarket, supermarket, hypermarket, dan jenis lainnya).

Riset pasar ini juga menjabarkan pertumbuhan dan market size industri makanan serta minuman secara detail pada halaman 12-14. Secara keseluruhan, packaged food selama periode 2013-2017 diprediksi tumbuh rata-rata 12,6% per tahun. Beberapa jenis makanan yang identik dengan lifestyle masyarakat middle class income diperkirakan tumbuh lebih tinggi, di antaranya canned/preserved food (16,7%), frozen processed food (16,6%), ice cream (18%), dan noodles (13,5%).

Sementara itu, minuman ringan diperkirakan tumbuh rata-rata 12% per tahun. Pertumbuhan yang tinggi diperkirakan terjadi untuk produk ready to drink (RTD) coffee (18,8%), fruit/vegetable juice (15,6%), sports and energy drink (14,8%), dan RTD tea (13,7%).

Riset Pasar Consumer Goods dan Tren Online Shoping (2009-2017) ini berlanjut pada pembahasan tren belanja online (online shopping) yang dimulai dari jumlah pengguna internet di Indonesia, penetrasi internet sejak 2005, dan aktivitas online konsumen. (halaman 15-17)

Di samping itu, riset ini dilengkapi dengan tren e-commerce berdasarkan jenis kelamin, produk-produk yang sering dibeli secara online, produk-produk yang dijual secara online, akses internet per daerah di Indonesia, serta faktor resistensi konsumen untuk berbelanja online, dan tren sistem pembayaran online.

Riset Pasar Consumer Goods dan Tren Online Shoping (2009-2017) sebanyak 34 halaman pdf ini berasal dari berbagai sumber antara lain asosiasi industri, BPS, riset eksternal, dan diolah Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih.

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Consumer Goods Market Research and Online Shoping Trends (2009-2017)

Consumer Goods Market Research and Online Shoping Trends (2009-2017) was released in August 2016 featuring independent research, data, analysis, review, and a comprehensive outlook regarding all information on the consumer goods market and the rapid trend of online shopping (online shopping) in Indonesia. Market research study two subjects have been given the relative stability of the two sectors in Indonesia amid the economic slowdown in 2015 until the first half of 2016.

Consumer Goods Market Research and Online Shoping Trends (2009-2017) begins by showing highlights macroeconomic Indonesia, covering 2014-2019 GDP growth, inflation trends, population, middle-class consumer trends, the potential of the local market, as well as trends in GDP per capita. (Page 2-4)

Furthermore, Consumer Goods Market Research It outlines the actual growth of the consumer goods industry (consumer goods) in Indonesia until the first half of 2016. The market trends as well as indicators of the growth seen in the value and volume, gives an overview of its own related to the purchasing power of consumers in Indonesia. (Page 5) In the long term, the consumer goods industry still prospective with potential US $ 810 billion by 2030 (page 6)

On page 7-8, make exclusive research related to the market value (market size) the consumer goods industry in the category of food and beverages (food and beverages). The results of the research supported by external research that measures the growth of consumer goods in the five categories of food, dairy, beverages, personal care, and home care until the first half of 2016 (page 9)

In addition, the display also purchase frequency trend of consumer goods, changes in product prices, and the average growth of consumer spending. (Page 10) On page 11, described the trend of consumer goods sales 7 categories namely food, dairy, beverages, personal care, home care, packaged foods, and chilled foods in the modern market (minimarket, supermarket, hypermarket, and other types).

The market research also outlines the growth and market size food and drink industry in detail on pages 12-14. Overall, packaged food over the period 2013-2017 is expected to grow an average 12.6% per year. Some foods are synonymous with the lifestyle of the community middle class income is expected to grow higher, including canned / preserved food (16.7%), frozen processed food (16.6%), ice cream (18%), and noodles (13 , 5%).

Meanwhile, soft drinks is expected to grow an average of 12% per year. Strong growth is expected to occur on the product ready to drink (RTD) coffee (18.8%), fruit / vegetable juice (15.6%), sports and energy drinks (14.8%), and RTD tea (13.7 %).

Consumer Goods Market Research and Online Shoping Trends (2009-2017) continued the discussion of the trend of online shopping (online shopping) that starts from the number of Internet users in Indonesia, the Internet penetration since 2005, and consumers’ online activities. (Pages 15-17)

In addition, research is fitted with a trend of e-commerce based on gender, products are often purchased online, the products are sold online, internet access per regions in Indonesia, as well as the resistance factor consumers to shop online, and trends online payment system.

Consumer Goods Market Research and Online Shoping Trends (2009-2017) as many as 34 pages of this pdf come from various sources such as industry associations, BPS, external research, and processed Index of industry data is a new feature in featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented. thanks.

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