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<span itemprop="name">Riset Eksklusif Industri Tinta Cetak (Printing Ink) 2008-2020 (Market Size and Demand Forecast)</span>

Riset Eksklusif Industri Tinta Cetak (Printing Ink) 2008-2020 (Market Size and Demand Forecast)

Riset Eksklusif Industri Tinta Cetak (Printing Ink) 2008-2020 (Market Size and Demand Forecast) dirilis awal Agustus 2017 menampilkan data riset, tren pasar, pertumbuhan volume pasar (market size), nilai pasar (market value), dan potensi pasar industri tinta cetak (printing ink) di Indonesia periode 2008-2020. Disajikan dalam tabel, grafis, dan tabulasi data yang menarik, riset spesifik ini diharapkan menjadi acuan pertumbuhan bisnis pemain industri tinta cetak (printing ink) serta stakeholders terkait lainnya.

Riset Eksklusif Industri Tinta Cetak (Printing Ink) 2008-2020 (Market Size and Demand Forecast) ini dimulai dengan menampilkan fokus dari riset eksklusif industri tinta cetak (printing ink) dan metode yang digunakan (halaman 2). Tren perkembangan pasar tinta cetak untuk pasar secara umum (overall market) periode 2008-2020 disajikan dalam bagan tabel yang menarik, berisi volume pasar overall market, produksi lokal, dan impor, serta pertumbuhannya pada halaman 3-6.

Selanjutnya, data dan riset eksklusif ini menampilkan tren perkembangan pasar tinta cetak per tipe produk (2 type) periode 2008-2020 disajikan dalam bagan tabel yang menarik, berisi volume pasar overall market, produksi lokal, dan impor, serta pertumbuhannya pada halaman 7-10. Berlanjut ke halaman 11-18, ditampilkan tren perkembangan pasar tinta cetak per tipe produk (2 type) per segmen (8 segment) periode 2008-2020 disajikan dalam bagan tabel yang menarik, berisi volume pasar overall market, produksi lokal, dan impor, serta pertumbuhannya.

Kemudian ditampilkan tren perkembangan pasar tinta cetak per warna (2 warna) periode 2008-2020 disajikan dalam bagan tabel yang menarik, berisi volume pasar overall market, produksi lokal, dan impor, serta pertumbuhannya pada halaman 19-22. Dari data-data yang disajikan pada halaman pendahulu, pada halaman 23-24 dipaparkan pointers analisis tren pertumbuhan dan forecast market tinta cetak (printing ink) di Indonesia, difaktorkan (disesuaikan) dengan pertumbuhan industri hilir seperti industri kemasan fast moving consumer goods, industri percetakan (publishing) dan sentimen ekonomi makro.

Masuk ke pembahasan selanjutnya, tim membuat riset independen terkait komparasi nilai pasar (market value) industri tinta cetak di Indonesia dengan pasar global (global market). Pada halaman 25-31, ditampilkan tren perkembangan nilai pasar (market value) tinta cetak local market vs global market periode 2008-2020 disajikan dalam tabel yang menarik, berisi market value local overall market (dalam US$), market value local overall market (dalam Rp), pertumbuhan, dan kurs nilai mata uang tahun tersebut. Data tersebut kemudian dikomparasi dengan tren pertumbuhan industri tinta cetak di Indonesia dengan pasar global (global market) periode 2008-2020.

Tidak hanya itu, tim membuat riset independen terkait tren permintaan (demand) industri tinta cetak (printing ink) di Indonesia periode 2008-2020, berisi tabel perkembangan volume demand beserta pertumbuhannya disertai analisis, grafis, dan chart pada halaman 32-37.

Data dan riset eksklusif di atas didukung dengan data primer dan data sekunder yang memadai sebagaimana terlihat pada halaman 38-51. Pada halaman 39-49 ditampilkan data impor untuk produk tinta cetak (printing ink) per negara per periode 2010-Februari 2017. Dan pada halaman 50-51, disajikan tabel dan chart data pendukung primer yakni volume penjualan dan nilai penjualan salah satu market leader di industri tinta cetak (printing ink) periode 2012-2016.

Riset eksklusif ini juga diperkuat dengan tren pertumbuhan ekonomi global, negara maju, dan negara berkembang periode 2008-2022F (halaman 52), tabel proyeksi pertumbuhan ekonomi global, negara maju, dan negara berkembang 2015-2018F (halaman 53), tren perkembangan perdagangan global periode 2013-2018F (halaman 54).

Highlight makro ekonomi Indonesia, meliputi pertumbuhan ekonomi (PDB) 2015-2017F per kuartal, tren inflasi, nilai tukar rupiah, ICP, lifting minyak, dan lifting gas (halaman 55). Disusul grafis menarik tren perkembangan nilai mata uang rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat periode 2011-2017 (halaman 56), proyeksi pertumbuhan ekonomi Asia dan ASEAN 2014-2019F (halaman 57), tren pergerakan ekonomi dan perdagangan di negara maju dan negara berkembang (halaman 58), grafis peta dunia berisi risiko dan tantangan perekonomian global 2018 (halaman 59).

Untuk data pendukung ekonomi Indonesia, Data dan riset eksklusif ini menampilkan target ekonomi makro 2018 beserta proyeksi pertumbuhan per sektor (halaman 60), katalis pertumbuhan per sektor pada 2018 (untuk sektor pertanian, pertambangan, industri, listrik, konstruksi, perdagangan, informasi dan komunikasi, serta jasa keuangan) pada halaman 61-62. Ditambah lagi target pertumbuhan ekonomi per wilayah, tingkat kemiskinan per wilayah, dan tingkat pengangguran terbuka per wilayah (halaman 63), penopang ekonomi makro Indonesia 2015-2017 (halaman 64), serta komparasi pergerakan mata uang rupiah terhadap kompetitor (halaman 65), dan tren inflasi per kuartal periode 2015-2017 (halaman 66).

Riset Eksklusif Industri Tinta Cetak (Printing Ink) 2008-2020 (Market Size and Demand Forecast) sebanyak 67 halaman ini berasal dari riset eksklusif, didukung data penunjang dari Kementerian Perindustrian, BPS, IMF dan Bank Dunia, dan perusahaan market leader industri tinta cetak (printing ink) di Indonesia. Data dalam riset ini juga sudah disinkronkan dengan data asosiasi industri tinta di Jepang. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda kepada Khusus untuk pembelian data ini, user tidak hanya memperoleh file softcopy, tapi juga print eksklusif (1 eksemplar – kertas hardcopy art carton 150 miligram) seharga Rp 250.000,- free ongkir pengiriman.

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Exclusive Research of Printing Ink Industry 2008-2020 (Market Size and Demand Forecast)

Exclusive Research on Printed Ink 2008-2020 (Market Size and Demand Forecast) released early August 2017 presents research data, market trends, market size, market value, and market potential Printing ink industry in Indonesia 2008-2020 period. Presented in tables, graphics, and tabulation of interesting data, this specific research is expected to become a benchmark for the growing business of printing ink industry players and other relevant stakeholders.

The 2008-2020 (Market Size and Demand Forecast) Printing Ink and Print Data Ink (R) begins with a focus on the exclusive research of the printing ink industry and the method used (page 2). The trend in the printing market for general market (overall market) for the period 2008-2020 is presented in an interesting table chart, containing market volume of overall markets, local production and imports, and growth on pages 3-6.

Furthermore, this exclusive data and research show the development trend of printed ink market by product type (2 type) for 2008-2020 period presented in an interesting table chart, containing market volume of overall market, local production and import, and growth on page 7-10 . Continuing on pages 11-18, the development trends of the printing ink market per product type (2 type) per segment (8 segment) for the 2008-2020 period are presented in a compelling table chart, containing overall market volume, local production and imports, and Its growth.

It then shows the development trend of the printing ink market per color (2 colors) for the period of 2008-2020 presented in an interesting table chart, containing market volume of overall markets, local production, and imports, and growth on pages 19-22. From the data presented on the predecessor page, on page 23-24 presented pointers of growth trend analysis and forecast market of printing ink in Indonesia, factored into the growth of downstream industries such as fast moving consumer goods packaging industry, printing industry (Publishing) and macroeconomic sentiment.

Going into the next discussion, team to make independent research related to market value of printed ink market in Indonesia with global market (global market). On page 25-31, the market value of local print market vs. global market in 2008-2020 is presented in an interesting table, containing the market value of local overall market (in US$), market value of local overall market (In Rp), growth, and exchange rate of the currency of the year. The data is then comparable with the growth trend of printing ink industry in Indonesia with global market (global market) for 2008-2020 period.

Not only that, the team made independent research related to the demand trend of printing ink industry in Indonesia for 2008-2020 period, contains tables of growth of demand volume along with its growth along with analysis, graphic, and chart on page 32-37 .

The above exclusive data and research are supported with sufficient primary and secondary data as shown on pages 38-51. On page 39-49 it shows import data for printing ink per country per period of 2010-February 2017. And on page 50-51, table and chart of primary supporting data are the sales volume and sales value of one market leader in Printing ink industry for 2012-2016 period.

This exclusive data and research is also reinforced by global economic growth trends, developed countries and developing countries for the period 2008-2022F (page 52), projected global economic growth table, developed countries and developing countries 2015-2018F (page 53), development trend Global trade period 2013-2018F (page 54).

Indonesia’s macroeconomic highlights include economic growth (GDP) of 2015-2017F per quarter, inflation trend, rupiah exchange rate, ICP, oil lifting, and lifting gas (page 55). Followed by graphic drawing trend of rupiah currency value against US dollar period 2011-2017 (page 56), projection of economic growth of Asia and ASEAN 2014-2019F (page 57), trend of economic and trade movement in developed and developing country (page 58 ), A world map graphic containing the risks and challenges of the global economy 2018 (page 59).

For data supporting Indonesia’s economy, this exclusive data and research show the macroeconomic target 2018 along with the growth projection per sector (page 60), growth catalyst by sector in 2018 (for agriculture, mining, industry, electricity, construction, trade, information and communication , As well as financial services) on pages 61-62. In addition, the economic growth targets per region, the poverty rate per region, and the open unemployment rate per region (page 63), the Indonesian macroeconomic support 2015-2017 (page 64), and the comparative movements of the rupiah against competitors (page 65); Inflation trend per quarter period 2015-2017 (page 66).

The 67-page Printing Ink 2008-2020 (Market Size and Demand Forecast) data is from exclusive research of, supported by supporting data from the Ministry of Industry, BPS, IMF and World Bank, and market companies Leader of printing ink industry in Indonesia. Industry data index is the latest feature in which displays dozens of data options according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users perform process according to procedure, ie click purchase (purchase), click checkout, and fill form. prioritizes the validity of the data sources presented.

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