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<span itemprop="name">Riset Eksklusif Industri Kemasan Plastik (Tren Pertumbuhan dan Analisis Cukai)</span>

Riset Eksklusif Industri Kemasan Plastik (Tren Pertumbuhan dan Analisis Cukai)

Riset Eksklusif Industri Kemasan Plastik ini menampilkan riset eksklusif, analisis, dan data industri kemasan plastik (packaging) di Indonesia mulai dari definisi kemasan plastik, pertumbuhan pasar kemasan plastik, nilai pasar (market size) industri kemasan plastik, keseimbangan produksi (supply) dan permintaan (demand), serta analisis rencana penerapan cukai kemasan plastik dan dampaknya terhadap produsen.

Riset ini dimulai dengan highlights ekonomi nasional, konsep dan defisini industri kemasan plastik, serta segmentasi industri petrokimia hulu-hilir (halaman 2-5). Kemudian di halaman 6 ditampilkan chart (tabel) pertumbuhan nilai pasar (market size) industri plastik, volume penjualan dan pertumbuhan periode 2013-2015. Dari tren penjualan tersebut, 65% di antaranya khusus kemasan plastik dan 35% alat rumah tangga, pipa, furnitur, elektronik, bagian kendaraan dari plastik. (halaman 6)

Pada halaman 7 diulas secara khusus tentang volume penjualan, market size, dan pertumbuhan industri kemasan plastik periode 2013-2015. Tren pertumbuhan cenderung melambat dalam tiga tahun terakhir terpengaruh perlambatan ekonomi global serta sentimen pelemahan harga komoditas terutama minyak mentah.

Pada halaman 8-10, ditampilkan perbandingan produksi dan kebutuhan pasar produk-produk petrokimia hulu-hilir periode 2009-2015. Pada halaman 11-16, membuat riset eksklusif terkait rencana pemerintah menerapkan cukai kemasan plastik, mulai dari konsep cukai, peta permasalahan di industri ini. Riset tersebut dilanjutkan pada halaman 17 dengan metode sampling produsen-produsen kemasan plastik terbesar di Indonesia.

Pada halaman 18-30, mencoba menganalisis dampak rencana penerapan cukai kemasan plastik terhadap struktur biaya produksi industri kemasan plastik nasional. Caranya, membuat sampling struktur biaya produksi perusahaan kemasan plastik yang disesuaikan dengan estimasi dan asumsi cukai kemasan plastik. Metode itu dibandingkan dengan penerapan cukai di industri rokok yang telah lebih dahulu berjalan.

Riset eksklusif sebanyak 33 halaman ini berasal dari BPS, Kementerian Perindustrian, Asosiasi Industri Olefin dan Aromatik Indonesia (INAPLAS), sejumlah perusahaan kemasan plastik nasional, dan diolah

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Exclusive Research in Plastic Packaging Industry (Growth Trends and Analysis Implementation Plan Excise)

Exclusive Research in Plastic Packaging Industry showing exclusive research, analysis, and data plastic packaging industry (packaging) in Indonesia starting from the definition of plastic packaging, the growth of plastic packaging market, the market value (market size) plastic packaging industry, the balance of production (supply) and demand (demand), as well as the analysis of the implementation plan for the excise plastic packaging and its impact on manufacturers.

This research began with highlights of the national economy, the concept and defisini plastic packaging industry, as well as the segmentation of the upstream-downstream petrochemical industry (pages 2-5). Then on page 6 is displayed chart (table) growth of the market value (market size) plastic industry, the sales volume and growth in the period 2013-2015. Of the sales trends, 65% of whom specialized plastic packaging and 35% in household appliances, plumbing, furniture, electronics, vehicle parts from plastic. (Page 6)

On page 7 for reviews specifically about the volume of sales, market size, and growth in the period 2013-2015 the plastic packaging industry. Trends tend to slow down growth in the last three years affected the global economic slowdown and weakening sentiment in commodity prices, especially crude oil.

On page 8-10, show a comparison of production and the market needs products upstream-downstream petrochemical 2009-2015 period. On pages 11-16, make exclusive research related to the government’s plan to apply excise plastic packaging, from the concept clearance, map the problems in this industry. The research continued on page 17 with the sampling method plastic packaging manufacturers in Indonesia.

On pages 18-30, tried to analyze the impact of the implementation plan for the excise plastic packaging to the cost structure of production of plastic packaging industry nationwide. How, make sampling the company’s production cost structure of plastic packaging adapted to make estimates and assumptions excise plastic packaging. The method is compared with the application of excise duty on the tobacco industry that had previously run.

Exclusive research as many as 33 pages is derived from BPS, Ministry of Industry, Olefin and Aromatic Industry Association of Indonesia (INAplas), a number of national plastic packaging company, and processed

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