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<span itemprop="name">Riset Data Spesifik Kawat Baja Pratekan 2015-2019 (Tren Pertumbuhan Pasar dan Perhitungan HPP)</span>

Riset Data Spesifik Kawat Baja Pratekan 2015-2019 (Tren Pertumbuhan Pasar dan Perhitungan HPP)

Riset Data Spesifik Kawat Baja Pratekan 2015-2019 (Tren Pertumbuhan Pasar dan Perhitungan HPP) ini dirilis awal Juli 2019 menampilkan riset independen, riset data spesifik, data komprehensif, market analisis, market trend, analisis pertumbuhan pasar, dan outlook pasar kawat baja pratekan (PC strand dan PC wire), perhitungan harga pokok penjualan (HPP), serta estimasi nilai investasi pabrik. Riset data ini diharapkan dapat menjadi panduan serta referensi bagi investor, korporasi, peneliti, dan berbagai stakeholders secara luas.

Riset ini dimulai dengan menampilkan penjabaran fokus kajian pasar industri kawat baja pratekan (PC strand dan PC wire) beserta metodologi yang digunakan (halaman 2). Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pemaparan pohon industri baja, letak PC strand dan PC wire sebagai produk baja antara (penghubung antara produk hulu dan hilir) pada halaman 3.

Langsung masuk ke inti kajian, pada halaman 4 sampai halaman 6, dijabarkan riset pasar kawat baja pratekan (PC strand) berupa market size equal dengan total permintaan pasar, kapasitas produksi lokal, produksi riil lokal, volume impor dan ekspor serta utilisasi rata-rata produsen. Riset data ditampilkan dalam tabel dengan periode 2015 sampai 2019, dilengkapi sumber data serta market analysis.

Pada halaman 7 sampai halaman 9, dijabarkan riset pasar PC wire berupa market size equal dengan total permintaan pasar, kapasitas produksi lokal, produksi riil lokal, volume impor dan ekspor serta utilisasi rata-rata produsen. Riset data ditampilkan dalam tabel dengan periode 2015 sampai 2019, dilengkapi sumber data serta market analysis.

Selanjutnya, pada halaman 10 sampai halaman 19, ditampilkan data ekspor-impor PC strand dan PC wire secara volume, nilai, kode HS, dan negara asal impor. Periode data yang ditampilkan 2015 sampai 2018. Dilanjutkan kemudian, hasil metodologi khusus yang dipakai tim untuk menghitung pertumbuhan pasar maupun rekam jejak pertumbuhan industri PC strand dan PC wire secara lebih riil pada halaman 20 dan halaman 21.

Beranjak pada topik selanjutnya, riset data ini menampilkan perhitungan harga pokok produksi (HPP) PC strand dan PC wire di pasar lokal pada halaman 22 sampai halaman 29. Dalam bagian HPP, ditampilkan juga pembahasan mengenai persentase bea masuk baik PC strand dan PC wire beserta bahan bakunya, serta trend harga di pasar lokal. HPP dihitung berdasarkan 8 komponen utama antara lain bahan baku, biaya pabrikasi, utilitas, serta tenaga kerja langsung. Tidak lupa, ikut ditampilkan perhitungan gross operating profit serta tren harga jual.

Pada halaman 30 dan halaman 31, ditampilkan pembahasan khusus mengenai bahan baku dari PC strand dan PC wire. Diharapkan pembahasan khusus mengenai bahan baku ini dapat memberikan pemahaman lebih rinci dan mendetail yang dibutuhkan untuk memahami karakteristik industri ini. Disusul kemudian pemaparan tentang struktur biaya industri baja secara umum sehingga melengkapi pemahaman terkait industri PC strand dan PC wire pada halaman 32 dan halaman 33.

Dalam bagian terakhir, ditampilkan pembahasan mengenai perhitungan nilai investasi manufaktur di industri PC strand dan PC wire pada halaman 35 sampai halaman 41. Pembahasan nilai investasi manufaktur (pabrik) dibedakan berdasarkan kapasitas produksi, serta mengacu pada nilai kawasan industri tertentu dan mesin produksi tertentu.

Riset Data Spesifik Kawat Baja Pratekan 2015-2019 (Tren Pertumbuhan Pasar dan Perhitungan HPP) sebanyak 41 halaman dan berukuran 2,65 MB ini berasal dari riset spesifik tim dengan dukungan data yang berasal dari BPS, Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin), asosiasi industri, instansi pemerintah, serta sejumlah perusahaan baik di Indonesia maupun dunia. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan.

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Precast Steel Wire Market Research 2015-2019 (Market Growth Trends)

The Steel Wire Market Research in Indonesia (Market Growth Trend) released early July 2019 featuring independent research, specific data research, comprehensive data, market analysis, market trends, market growth analysis, and market outlook for prestressed steel wire (PC strand and PC wire), calculation of cost of goods sold (COGS), and estimated value of factory investment. This data research is expected to be a guide and reference for investors, corporations, researchers, and various stakeholders widely.

This research began by presenting a description of the focus of market studies on the industry of prestressed steel wire (PC strand and PC wire) along with the methodology used (page 2). Then proceed with the exposure of steel industry trees, the location of PC strand and PC wire as intermediate steel products (connecting between upstream and downstream products) on page 3.

Go straight to the core of the study, on pages 4 to page 6, described the market research for pre-stressed steel wire (PC strand) in the form of market size equal to total market demand, local production capacity, local real production, import and export volumes and producer average utilization . Data research is displayed in a table with the period 2015 to 2019, supplemented by data sources and market analysis.

On pages 7 to page 9, PC market market research in the form of market size equals the total market demand, local production capacity, local real production, volume of imports and exports and average producer utilization. Data research is displayed in a table with the period 2015 to 2019, supplemented by data sources and market analysis.

Furthermore, on page 10 to page 19, the export and import data of PC strand and PC wire are displayed in volume, value, HS code, and import origin country. The data period displayed 2015 is 2018. Continued later, the results of a special methodology used by team to calculate market growth as well as track record of PC strand industry growth and PC wire in more real terms on page 20 and page 21.

Moving on to the next topic, this data research shows the calculation of the cost of production (COGS) of PC strand and PC wire in the local market on pages 22 to page 29. In the COGS section, there is also a discussion of the percentage of import duties on PC strand and PC wire and materials standard, and price trends in the local market. COGS is calculated based on 8 main components including raw materials, manufacturing costs, utilities, and direct labor. Do not forget, also displayed the calculation of gross operating profit and selling price trends.

On page 30 and page 31, a special discussion on raw materials from PC strand and PC wire is displayed. It is hoped that special discussions on these raw materials can provide more detailed and detailed understanding needed to understand the characteristics of this industry. Followed by a presentation on the cost structure of the steel industry in general so as to complement understanding of the PC strand industry and PC wire on page 32 and page 33.

In the last section, a discussion on the calculation of the value of manufacturing investment in the PC strand and PC wire industry is shown on pages 35 to page 41. Discussion of the value of manufacturing investment is distinguished by production capacity, and refers to the value of certain industrial areas and certain production machines.

The 2015-2019 Steel Wire Market Research (Market Growth Trends) contains 41 pages of softcopy. This data research measures 2.65 MB, originating from a specific research team from with support from data from BPS, the Ministry of Industry (Ministry of Industry), industry associations, government agencies, and a number of companies both in Indonesia and the world. Industry data index is the newest feature in which displays dozens of selected data according to users’ needs. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users carry out the process according to the procedure, namely click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill in the form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented.(*)

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