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<span itemprop="name">Riset Brand Competition Market Leader Rokok 2005-2022 (Trend Produksi dan Konsumsi Rokok)</span>

Riset Brand Competition Market Leader Rokok 2005-2022 (Trend Produksi dan Konsumsi Rokok)

Riset Brand Competition Market Leader Rokok 2005-2022 (Trend Produksi dan Konsumsi Rokok) ini dirilis awal September 2020 menampilkan hasil riset independen, riset data spesifik, data komprehensif, market trend, serta brand competition analysis . Riset data ini berisi 68 halaman berukuran 6,55 MB yang dibuat untuk menjadi acuan komprehensif serta referensi bagi investor, korporasi, peneliti, dan berbagai stakeholders secara luas.

Riset data ini dimulai dengan menampilkan dengan menampilkan ulasan singkat (highlights)  perekonomian nasional yang terpengaruh dua kejadian besar pada 2019 yakni perang dagang negara maju serta pada 2020 yakni pandemic Covid-19. Ulasan singkat dinamika ekonomi Indonesia dipaparkan secara detail pada halaman 2 sampai halaman 4.

Meski diliputi tantangan, masih terdapat peluang terutama dengan mencermati megatrend yang berkembang secara global terutama terkait digitalisasi, hingga 2045. Kemudian beralih ke pemetaan demografi penduduk Indonesia, mulai dari proyeksi jumlah populasi penduduk di Indonesia pada 2045, usia harapan hidup, komposisi jumlah penduduk di perkotaan dan perdesaan. Jumlah penduduk usia produktif di Indonesia menjadi yang terbesar di Asean. (halaman 5 sampai 8) Di sisi lain juga ditampilkan jumlah dan kepadatan penduduk di Indonesia per wilayah.

Disusul kemudian proyeksi pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia 2016 sampai 2045 dengan dua skenario (skenario dasar dan skenario tinggi). (halaman 9) Serta, indikator pertumbuhan ekonomi di 2045 serta tahapan menuju ekonomi modern. (halaman 10)

Masuk pada pembahasan utama, pada halaman 11 disajikan penjabaran fokus Riset Brand Competition Market Leader Rokok 2005-2022 (Trend Produksi dan Konsumsi Rokok) beserta metodologinya. Pada halaman 12 disajikan executive summary dari “Riset Brand Competition Market Leader Rokok 2005-2022 (Trend Produksi dan Konsumsi Rokok)”.  Kemudian ditampilkan data tabel tren produksi rokok di Indonesia periode 2005-2022 pada halaman 12 sampai halaman 14, beserta pertumbuhannya. Rentang waktu yang cukup panjang yakni 18 tahun diharapkan menjadi acuan komprehensif untuk menggambarkan tren yang terjadi maupun outlook ke depan.

Data tersebut diperkuat dengan tabel batang dan tabel garis pada halaman 15 dan 16, agar dapat menggambarkan siklus produksi pada periode tersebut. Disusul market analysis dari penjabaran data tren produksi rokok rentang waktu 2005-2022. Selanjutnya, pada halaman 17 sampai halaman 20 ditampilkan data produksi dari 7 market leader industri rokok di Indonesia pada rentang waktu yang sama yakni 2005-2022. Komparasi konsumsi dan produksi rokok di Indonesia disajikan terpisah pada halaman 21 untuk menggambarkan kondisi riil di industri ini.

Beralih ke halaman 22 dan 23 ditampilkan data market size value (nilai pasar) industri rokok di Indonesia periode 2014-2022 estimasi, yang disesuaikan dengan data produksi. Sedangkan tren jumlah perokok di negeri ini ditampilkan di halaman 24 dan 25, sekaligus proporsi segmen pasar rokok mencakup sigaret kretek tangan (SKT), sigaret kretek mesin (SKM), dan sigaret putih mesin (SPM) pada halaman 26.

Dilanjutkan pada pembahasan selanjutnya yang tidak kalah penting, brand competition analysis dari top 10 brand rokok terbesar di Indonesia disajikan pada halaman 28 sampai halaman 32. Disusul kemudian analisis tentang pangsa pasar market leader serta rekam jejak pergeseran posisi puncak market leader rokok di Indonesia, dengan titik fokus peralihan top market leader pada 2015 dan 2019 dilengkapi market analysis. (Halaman 33 sampai 39)

Pada pembahasan terakhir, halaman 40 sampai 67, ditampilkan secara mendetail mengenai bahan competitor intelligence (riset pesaing) untuk empat market leader industri rokok di Indonesia. Bahan competitor intelligence itu berisi antara lain tren produksi, strategi pemasaran, skema penjualan, jaringan distribusi, hingga kinerja keuangan dari 4 pemimpin pasar industri rokok di Indonesia.

Riset Brand Competition Market Leader Rokok 2005-2022 (Trend Produksi dan Konsumsi Rokok) ini disajikan sebanyak 68 halaman pdf dan berukuran 6,55 MB. Riset spesifik ini dihasilkan oleh tim dengan dukungan data yang berasal dari big data, digital database, data primer asosiasi industri, BPS, kementerian terkait, dan data dari perusahaan terkait. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users (per September 2020 mencapai 199 database spesifik). Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan.(*)

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Cigarette Brand Competition Market Leader Research 2005-2022 (Cigarette Production and Consumption Trends)

The 2005-2022 Cigarette Market Leader Brand Competition Research (Cigarette Production and Consumption Trends) was released in early September 2020 featuring the results of independent research, specific data research, comprehensive data, market trends, and brand competition analysis. This research data contains 68 pages measuring 6.55 MB which are made to be a comprehensive reference as well as a reference for investors, corporations, researchers, and various stakeholders at large.

This data research begins by presenting a brief overview (highlights) of the national economy which was affected by two major events in 2019, namely the trade war in developed countries and in 2020, namely the Covid-19 pandemic. A brief overview of the dynamics of the Indonesian economy is presented in detail on page 2 to page 4.

Despite the challenges, there are still opportunities, especially by looking at the global growing megatrend, especially in relation to digitization, until 2045. Then turn to the demographic mapping of Indonesia’s population, starting from the projection of the population in Indonesia in 2045, life expectancy, and the composition of the population in urban areas. and rural areas. The number of productive age population in Indonesia is the largest in Asean. (pages 5 to 8) On the other hand, the number and density of population in Indonesia by region is also shown.

Followed by the projection of Indonesia’s economic growth from 2016 to 2045 with two scenarios (basic scenario and high scenario). (page 9) Also, indicators of economic growth in 2045 and the stages towards a modern economy. (page 10)

Entering the main discussion, on page 11 is presented an explanation of the focus of the 2005-2022 Cigarette Market Leader Brand Competition Research (Trend of Cigarette Production and Consumption) and its methodology. On page 12 is presented an executive summary of “Research Market Leader Cigarette Brand Competition 2005-2022 (Trend of Cigarette Production and Consumption)”. Then the table data of cigarette production trends in Indonesia for the period 2005-2022 is displayed on page 12 to page 14, along with its growth. A fairly long time span of 18 years is expected to become a comprehensive reference for describing current trends and future outlook.

This data is reinforced by the bar and line tables on pages 15 and 16, in order to illustrate the production cycle in that period. This is followed by a market analysis of data on cigarette production trends for the period 2005-2022. Furthermore, on pages 17 to page 20, the production data of 7 market leaders of the cigarette industry in Indonesia are displayed in the same time span, namely 2005-2022. The comparison of cigarette consumption and production in Indonesia is presented separately on page 21 to illustrate the real conditions in this industry.

Turning to pages 22 and 23, the estimated market size value (market value) of the cigarette industry in Indonesia for the 2014-2022 period is displayed, adjusted for production data. Meanwhile, the trend in the number of smokers in the country is shown on pages 24 and 25, as well as the proportion of the cigarette market segment including hand-rolled kretek (SKT), machine-made kretek (SKM) and machine-made white cigarettes (SPM) on page 26.

Continued in the next discussion which is no less important, the brand competition analysis of the top 10 largest cigarette brands in Indonesia is presented on page 28 to page 32. Followed by an analysis of the market share of the market leader and the track record of shifting the top position of the cigarette market leader in Indonesia, with the point The focus of the transition to top market leader in 2015 and 2019 is equipped with market analysis. (Pages 33 to 39)

In the last discussion, pages 40 to 67, are presented in detail regarding the ingredients of competitor intelligence (competitor research) for the four market leaders of the cigarette industry in Indonesia. Competitor intelligence ingredients include production trends, marketing strategies, sales schemes, distribution networks, and financial performance of 4 market leaders in the cigarette industry in Indonesia.

Research Market Leader Cigarette Brand Competition 2005-2022 (Trend of Cigarette Production and Consumption) is presented in 68 pdf pages and measuring 6.55 MB. This specific research was produced by the team with the support of data originating from big data, digital databases, primary data from industry associations, BPS, related ministries, and data from related companies. The industrial data index is the latest feature on which displays dozens of selected data according to the needs of users (as of September 2020 it reached 199 specific databases). All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users proceed according to the procedure, namely click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented. (*)

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