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<span itemprop="name">Market Outlook 6 Jenis Baja Konstuksi 2015-2024 (Corrugated Steel, Guardrails, Steel Decks, Tower, Transmision Line, Galvanizing Steel)</span>

Market Outlook 6 Jenis Baja Konstuksi 2015-2024 (Corrugated Steel, Guardrails, Steel Decks, Tower, Transmision Line, Galvanizing Steel)

Market Outlook 6 Jenis Baja Konstuksi 2015-2024 (Corrugated Steel, Guardrails, Steel Decks, Tower, Transmision Line, Galvanizing Steel) ini dirilis minggu pertama Oktober 2019 menampilkan riset independen, riset data spesifik, data komprehensif, market analisis, market outlook, market trend, analisis pertumbuhan pasar, dan market share para pemain serta kapasitasnya, dan perhitungan harga pokok produksi (HPP). Riset data ini dikerjakan selama dua bulan dan menjadi salah satu hasil riset terlengkap dalam digital database, sehingga diharapkan dapat menjadi panduan komprehensif serta referensi bagi investor, korporasi, peneliti, dan berbagai stakeholders secara luas.

Riset ini dimulai dengan menampilkan dengan menampilkan highlights perekonomian Indonesia, mulai dari tren pertumbuhan ekonomi, inflasi, tingkat kemiskinan, rasio gini, serta persentase pengangguran pada periode 2011-2018 (halaman 2). Dilanjutkan dengan pembahasan pembangunan infrastruktur yang tetap menjadi prioritas pemerintah (halaman 3). Kemudian, ekonomi kreatif menjadi sumber ekonomi baru (halaman 4 dan 5).

Pada halaman 6 ditampilkan perbaikan kualitas daya saing Indonesia dilihat dari indeks daya saing infrastruktur dan Global Competitiveness Index (GCI). Diteruskan dengan prospek perekonomian Indonesia saat ini dan outlook 2030 saat menjadi ekonomi terbesar nomor tujuh di dunia dengan jumlah kelas konsumen diprediksi mencapai 135 juta jiwa pada halaman 7.

Masuk ke halaman 8, mulai inti kajian, dijabarkan Market Outlook 6 Jenis Baja Konstuksi 2015-2024 berupa metodologi riset ini dilakukan selama kurun waktu 2 bulan terakhir hingga minggu pertama Oktober 2019, menghasilkan 129 halaman laporan komprehensif. Dilanjutkan dengan struktur pohon industri baja serta highlight informasi tentang baja jenis corrugated steel pipe (baja pipa bergelombang) pada halaman 9 dan 10.

Beranjak ke pembahasan selanjutnya, ditampilkan data komprehensif tentang market size (equal to total permintaan pasar), kapasitas terpasang lokal, produksi riil lokal, impor, ekspor, dan utilisasi rata-rata produsen pada periode 2015 hingga 2019 estimasi pada halaman 11. Data tersebut kemudian dijabarkan dalam market analysis pada halaman 12.

Data tersebut diperkuat dengan tren ekspor-impor untuk produk corrugated steel pipe dan hasil wawancara mendalam dengan sumber yang relevan pada halaman 13 dan 14. Disusul kemudian, data top 11 market share pemain corrugated steel pipe berdasarkan kapasitas pada halaman 15 dan profil singkat top 11 pemain tersebut pada halaman 16.

Kemudian, pada halaman 19 sampai halaman 21 ditampilkan riset bahan baku produk corrugated steel pipe beserta regulasi bea masuknya. Dilanjutkan riset harga pokok produksi (HPP) produk corrugated steel pipe pada halaman 22 sampai halaman 24.

Market Outlook 6 Jenis Baja Konstuksi 2015-2024 juga dilengkapi dengan riset outlook produk corrugated steel pipe untuk kategori market size (equal to total permintaan pasar), kapasitas terpasang lokal, produksi riil lokal, dan utilisasi rata-rata produsen untuk periode 2020 hingga 2024. Riset outlook ini menggunakan pendekatan tiga skenario yakni, optimis, moderat, dan pesimis, serta didukung analisis pola siklus yang terjadi di industri corrugated steel pipe.

Riset komprehensif terkait produk corrugated steel pipe juga diterapkan untuk 5 jenis baja konstruksi lainnya yakni Guardrails, Steel Decks, Tower, Transmision Line, Galvanizing Steel). Kelima jenis baja konstruksi tersebut juga dilengkapi riset market size, kapasitas, market share, dan profil top player hingga riset bahan baku dan harga pokok produksi (HPP), seperti yang telah dilakukan untuk corrugated steel pipe. Masing-masing produk baja konstruksi diberi porsi pembahasan 20 halaman sampai 24 halaman.

Kajian Outlook 6 Jenis Baja Konstuksi 2015-2024 ini dibuat untuk mengukur kenaikan market demand dari sejumlah faktor terutama dampak percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur pemerintah terhadap sektor industri baja, terutama baja segmen konstruksi. Dari hasil kajian ini, terlihat pola peningkatan yang cukup signifikan.

Market Outlook 6 Jenis Baja Konstuksi 2015-2024 (Corrugated Steel, Guardrails, Steel Decks, Tower, Transmision Line, Galvanizing Steel) ini meliputi sebanyak 129 halaman pdf dan berukuran 7,67 MB. Riset spesifik ini dihasilkan oleh tim dengan dukungan data yang berasal dari BPS, Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin), asosiasi industri, instansi pemerintah, serta sejumlah perusahaan baik di Indonesia maupun dunia. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan.

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Market Outlook 6 Types of Construction Steel 2015-2024 (Corrugated Steel, Guardrails, Steel Decks, Tower, Transmission Line, Galvanizing Steel)

Market Outlook 6 Types of Construction Steel 2015-2024 (Corrugated Steel, Guardrails, Steel Decks, Tower, Transmission Line, Galvanizing Steel) released the first week of October 2019 featuring independent research, specific data research, comprehensive data, market analysis, market outlook, market trends, analysis of market growth, and market share of the players and their capacity, and calculation of cost of goods manufactured (HPP). This data research has been carried out for two months and is one of the most comprehensive research results in the digital database, so it is expected to be a comprehensive guide and reference for investors, corporations, researchers, and various stakeholders at large.

This research begins by presenting highlights of the Indonesian economy, starting from the trend of economic growth, inflation, poverty rates, gini ratios, and the percentage of unemployed in the 2011-2018 period (page 2). Followed by a discussion of infrastructure development that remains a priority of the government (page 3). Then, the creative economy becomes the source of a new economy (pages 4 and 5).

On page 6, the improvement of Indonesia’s competitiveness is seen from the infrastructure competitiveness index and the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI). Continued with the current outlook for the Indonesian economy and outlook for 2030 when it becomes the seventh largest economy in the world with a number of consumer classes predicted to reach 135 million on page 7.

Enter page 8, starting from the core of the study, described Market Outlook 6 Types of Construction Steel 2015-2024 in the form of research methodology conducted during the last 2 months until the first week of October 2019, producing 129 pages of comprehensive reports. Followed by the structure of the steel industry tree and highlight information about corrugated steel pipe types on pages 9 and 10.

Moving on to the next discussion, comprehensive data on market size (equal to total market demand) is displayed, local installed capacity, local real production, imports, exports, and average utilization of producers in the 2015 to 2019 estimates on page 11. The data is then described in market analysis on page 12.

The data is reinforced by the export-import trend for corrugated steel pipe products and the results of in-depth interviews with relevant sources on pages 13 and 14. Followed later, the data on top 11 market share of corrugated steel pipe players based on capacity on page 15 and brief profiles of top 11 players mentioned on page 16.

Then, on page 19 to page 21 a research on raw material corrugated steel pipe products and regulations on import duties are shown. Continuing research on the cost of goods manufactured (HPP) corrugated steel pipe products on pages 22 to page 24.

Market Outlook 6 Types of Construction Steel 2015-2024 are also equipped with outlook research on corrugated steel pipe products for the market size category (equal to total market demand), local installed capacity, local real production, and average utilization of producers for the period 2020 to 2024. This outlook research uses a three scenario approach namely, optimistic, moderate and pessimistic, and is supported by analysis of the cyclical patterns that occur in the corrugated steel pipe industry.

Comprehensive research related to corrugated steel pipe products is also applied to 5 other types of construction steel namely Guardrails, Steel Decks, Towers, Transmission Line, Galvanizing Steel). The five types of construction steel are also equipped with market size, capacity, market share, and top player profiles, as well as research on raw materials and cost of production (HPP), as has been done for corrugated steel pipes. Each construction steel product is given a discussion section of 20 pages to 24 pages.

Outlook 6 Study of Types of Construction Steel 2015-2024 was made to measure the increase in market demand from a number of factors, especially the impact of the acceleration of government infrastructure development on the steel industry sector, especially the steel construction segment. From the results of this study, we can see a significant pattern of improvement.

Market Outlook 6 Types of Construction Steel 2015-2024 (Corrugated Steel, Guardrails, Steel Decks, Tower, Transmission Line, Galvanizing Steel) covering 129 pages of pdf and measuring 7.67 MB. This specific research was produced by the team with data support from BPS, the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin), industry associations, government agencies, and a number of companies both in Indonesia and the world. Industrial data index is the latest feature in which displays dozens of selected data according to users’ needs. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easily downloaded after users process according to the procedure, namely click purchase, click checkout, and fill out the form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented.(*)

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