Laporan Riset Data Industri Minuman Kesehatan (Tren Pertumbuhan dan Profil Market Leader) ini dirilis pada Februari 2019 menampilkan riset data komprehensif, tren pertumbuhan pasar, dan profil market leader, terkait industri minuman secara umum, dan industri minuman kesehatan secara khusus. Diperkuat dengan tren pasar (meliputi market size dan market value 7 segmen industri), peta pangsa pasar industri minuman kesehatan, serta profil 6 market leader ini diharapkan dapat memperkaya database persaingan pasar guna menentukan arah strategi bisnis ke depan.
Laporan Riset Data Industri Minuman Kesehatan (Tren Pertumbuhan dan Profil Market Leader) ini profil singkat industri minuman di Indonesia, dilengkapi dengan proses produksi, serta potensi ketersediaan bahan baku (halaman 1 sampai 8). Dengan dukungan jumlah penduduk yang besar, pasar industri minuman cukup prospektif dan atraktif terutama untuk konsumsi dalam negeri.
Masuk ke pembahasan berikutnya, ditampirkan profil 6 pemain utama di industri minuman kesehatan (halaman 10 sampai 20). Dalam profil tersebut juga ditampilkan informasi spesifik terkait produsen minuman kesehatan, mulai dari kapasitas pabrik, pemilik, pengurus, hingga omzet penjualan dan orientasi pasar.
Trend produksi dari industri minuman kesehatan dipaparkan pada halaman 21, disusul dengan trend ekspor. Kemudian, bahasan selanjutnya mencakup pertumbuhan pasar industri minuman kesehatan, termasuk market size dan market value industri minuman kesehatan. Tim membuat kajian tren pertumbuhan market value (nilai pasar) dan market size (volume pasar) dari industri minuman secara keseluruhan beserta 7 segmen yakni industri minuman soda dan karbonasi (soft drink), air minum dalam kemasan (AMDK), minuman teh/kopi siap minum, minuman berbasis susu, minuman berenergi, minuman kesehatan, dan jus buah/sayur siap minum.
Pembahasan dilakukan untuk periode 2015-2018F, dilengkapi dengan tren pertumbuhan per tahun dan market analysis-nya. Dengan tren tersebut dapat terlihat segmen minuman mana yang tumbuh paling tinggi. Data tersebut diperkuat dengan background information tren pasar pada periode 2008-2015 sebagai acuan.
Komposisi persentase 7 segmen industri minuman ditampilkan pada halaman 25 dan 26. Tujuannya untuk menampilkan persentase segmen terhadap total pasar industri minuman secara keseluruhan.
Selanjutnya, pembahasan diarahkan pada regulasi pemerintah terkait industri minuman kesehatan serta sistem distribusi dari masing-masing produsen, pada halaman 27-33.
Laporan Riset Data Industri Minuman Kesehatan (Tren Pertumbuhan dan Profil Market Leader) ini berisi sebanyak 33 halaman dan berukuran 1,26 MB ini berasal dari riset spesifik dan independen didukung data-data dari asosiasi industri dan regulator terkait. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda kepada*)
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Health Beverage Industry Data Research Report (Market Leader Growth and Profile Trends)
The Health Drink Industry Data Research Report (Growth and Profile Trend Market Leader) released in February 2019 features comprehensive data research, market growth trends, and market leader profiles, in relation to the beverage industry in general, and the health drink industry in particular. Strengthened by market trends (including market size and market value of 7 industry segments), a map of the market share of the health drink industry, and a profile of 6 market leaders are expected to enrich the market competition database to determine the direction of future business strategies.
Health Drink Industry Research Report (Growth Leader and Profile Leader Trend) This is a brief profile of the beverage industry in Indonesia, complemented by the production process, as well as the potential availability of raw materials (pages 1 to 8). With the support of a large population, the beverage industry market is quite prospective and attractive, especially for domestic consumption.
Enter the next discussion, enclosed profiles of 6 major players in the health drink industry (pages 10 to 20). In the profile also displayed specific information related to manufacturers of health drinks, ranging from factory capacity, owners, administrators, to sales turnover and market orientation.
Production trends from the health drink industry are presented on page 21, followed by export trends. Then, the next discussion covers the growth of the health drink industry market, including the market size and market value of the health drink industry. team reviews the growth trend of market value and market size of the beverage industry as a whole along with 7 segments namely soda and carbonation (soft drinks), bottled water (bottled water), tea drinks / coffee ready to drink, milk-based drinks, energy drinks, health drinks, and fruit / vegetable juices ready to drink.
The discussion was conducted for the 2015-2018F period, complemented by annual growth trends and market analysis. With this trend, it can be seen which beverage segment grows the highest. The data is strengthened with background information on market trends in the 2008-2015 period as a reference.
The percentage composition of 7 beverage industry segments is displayed on pages 25 and 26. The goal is to display the percentage of the total market for the beverage industry.
Furthermore, the discussion was directed at government regulations related to the health drink industry and the distribution system of each producer, on pages 27-33.
The Health Drink Industry Data Research Report (Growth Trend and Profile Market Leader) contains 33 pages and measures 1.26 MB from specific and independent research supported by data from related industry associations and regulators. Industry data index is the newest feature in which displays dozens of selected data according to users’ needs. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easily downloaded after users carry out the process according to the procedure, namely click buy (click), click checkout, and fill in the form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented.(*)