Kajian Potensi High Demand Produk Farmasi dan Alkes dari Belanja Kesehatan APBN 2025 (Segmentasi Pembelanjaan Per Kementerian 2025) ini dirilis minggu ketiga Desember 2024 menampilkan kajian independen, riset data spesifik, kajian dan analisis, data komprehensif tentang potensi pasar industri farmasi dan alat kesehatan (alkes) dari belanja APBN 2025. Riset data ini berisi 63 halaman pdf berukuran 2,9 MB yang dibuat untuk menjadi panduan komprehensif serta referensi bagi investor, korporasi, peneliti, dan berbagai stakeholders secara luas.
Riset ini dimulai dengan menampilkan pembahasan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2025 yang memiliki fokus sesuai dengan program Presiden terpilih. Fokus APBN 2025 ini ditampilkan pada halaman 2 sampai halaman 10.
Masuk ke pembahasan berikutnya, ditampilkan potensi pembelanjaan per kementerian pada 2025 terkait dengan sektor kesehatan. Tim Duniaindustri.com telah memonitor sedikitnya 10 kementerian terkait dengan potensi pembelanjaan di sektor kesehatan. Data ini ditampilkan pada halaman 11 sampai halaman 26.
Berlanjut ke pembahasan berikutnya, Tim Duniaindustri.com menampilkan market outlook industri farmasi dan alkes global serta lokal 2025 berdasarkan rekam jejak lima tahun ke belakang. Outlook pertumbuhan produk farmasi dan healthcare ini dibagi menjadi 5 segmen, yakni obat resep, obat bebas, obat generik, alat kesehatan dan lab medis, serta vitamin dan suplemen periode 2020-2025. Proyeksi outlook 2025 dibuat dengan mengadopsi dorongan belanja APBN 2025 yang terkait dengan sector kesehatan.
Pada halaman 26 sampai halaman 37 ditampilkan data outlook industri farmasi dan alkes lokal 2020-2025. Sementara halaman 38 sampai halaman 45 ditampilkan pembahasan khusus terkait potensi high demand produk farmasi, alkes, dan bahan medis habis pakai (BMHP) dari dorongan belanja APBN 2025. Dilanjutkan dengan market outlook industry farmasi dan alkes global 2025 ditampilkan pada halaman 46 sampai halaman 49.
Guna mempertajam kajian ini, ditampilkan pula kebijakan-kebijakan terbaru dari setiap kementerian di Kabinet Merah Putih 2025 terkait upaya peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat. Hal ini penting karena baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dapat mendorong demand produk farmasi dan alkes. Data ini ditampilkan pada halaman 50 sampai halaman 60. Disambung kemudian dengan data implementasi kebijakan terbaru di sector kesehatan yang telah direalisasikan dari pemerintahan sebelumnya pada halaman 61 sampai 62.
Kajian Potensi High Demand Produk Farmasi dan Alkes dari Belanja Kesehatan APBN 2025 (Segmentasi Pembelanjaan Per Kementerian 2025) ini berisi 63 halaman pdf berukuran 2,9 MB yang dibuat oleh tim Duniaindustri.com dengan data penunjang yang valid dan komprehensif. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di duniaindustri.com yang menampilkan ratusan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users (per Desember 2024 mencapai 304 data research di 30 sektor industry). Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. Duniaindustri.com mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan.(*)
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Study of Potential High Demand for Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices from Health Expenditure in the 2025 State Budget (Spending Segmentation by Ministry 2025)
This Study of Potential High Demand for Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices from Health Expenditure in the 2025 State Budget (Spending Segmentation by Ministry 2025) was released in the third week of December 2024, presenting independent studies, specific data research, studies and analysis, comprehensive data on the market potential of the pharmaceutical and medical device (alkes) industry from the 2025 State Budget spending. This data research contains 63 pdf pages measuring 2.9 MB which are made to be a comprehensive guide and reference for investors, corporations, researchers, and various stakeholders at large.
This research begins by presenting a discussion of the 2025 State Budget (APBN) which has a focus in accordance with the President-elect’s program. The focus of the 2025 State Budget is displayed on pages 2 to 10.
Moving on to the next discussion, the potential spending per ministry in 2025 related to the health sector is displayed. The Duniaindustri.com team has monitored at least 10 ministries related to potential spending in the health sector. This data is displayed on pages 11 to 26.
Continuing to the next discussion, the Duniaindustri.com team displays the global and local pharmaceutical and medical device industry market outlook for 2025 based on the track record of the past five years. The outlook for the growth of pharmaceutical and healthcare products is divided into 5 segments, namely prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, generic drugs, medical devices and medical labs, and vitamins and supplements for the 2020-2025 period. The 2025 outlook projection was made by adopting the 2025 APBN spending thrust related to the health sector.
On pages 26 to 37, the outlook data for the local pharmaceutical and medical device industry for 2020-2025 is displayed. Meanwhile, pages 38 to 45 display a special discussion related to the potential for high demand for pharmaceutical products, medical devices, and disposable medical materials (BMHP) from the 2025 APBN spending drive. Continued with the global pharmaceutical and medical device industry market outlook for 2025 displayed on pages 46 to 49.
In order to sharpen this study, the latest policies from each ministry in the 2025 Red and White Cabinet are also displayed regarding efforts to improve the quality of life of the community. This is important because both directly and indirectly it can drive demand for pharmaceutical products and medical devices. This data is displayed on pages 50 to 60. Continued later with data on the implementation of the latest policies in the health sector that have been realized from the previous government on pages 61 to 62.
This Study on the Potential for High Demand for Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices from the 2025 APBN Health Spending (Spending Segmentation Per Ministry 2025) contains 63 pdf pages measuring 2.9 MB created by the Duniaindustri.com team with valid and comprehensive supporting data. The industrial data index is the latest feature on duniaindustri.com that displays hundreds of selected data according to user needs (as of December 2024, it has reached 304 research data in 30 industry sectors). All data is presented in PDF format so that it is easy to download after users have completed the process according to the procedure, namely clicking buy, clicking checkout, and filling out the form. Duniaindustri.com prioritizes the validity of the data sources presented. (*)