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<span itemprop="name">Ebook Rahasia Sukses Marketing; Direktori 2.552 Perusahaan Industri</span>

Ebook Rahasia Sukses Marketing; Direktori 2.552 Perusahaan Industri

Ebook Rahasia Sukses Marketing; Direktori 2.552 Perusahaan Industri ini merupakan inovasi digital terbaru dari, startup khusus big data di Indonesia. Mengarungi era digital yang makin berevolusi pesat, Ebook Rahasia Sukses Marketing; Direktori 2.552 Perusahaan Industri ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu alternative terbaik untuk mengungkap rahasia sukses marketing dan sales. Dengan isi 519 halaman full direktori perusahaan industri di Indonesia, ebook berukuran 7,2 MB ini dibuat untuk menjadi acuan komprehensif serta referensi utama bagi marketing, sales, investor, korporasi, peneliti, dan berbagai stakeholders secara luas.

Ebook Rahasia Sukses Marketing; Direktori 2.552 Perusahaan Industri ini terbagi menjadi tiga bagian, yakni direktori perusahaan industri tekstil dan produk tekstil (TPT) berjumlah 1.452 perusahaan industri tekstil, garmen, pakaian, serat, benang, handuk, produk fashion. Kemudian, direktori 165 perusahaan industri baja dan produk turunannya. Terakhir, direktori 935 perusahaan industri elektronik.

Dimulai dari database 1.452 direktori perusahaan tekstil dan produk tekstil (TPT), ebook ini berisi nama perusahaan, alamat lengkap, nomor telpon dan fax, alamat pabrik, alamat email, status perusahaan (perusahaan asing atau domestik), lini usaha, jenis produk yang dihasilkan, nama label atau merek/brand, orientasi pasar (ekspor atau domestik), jumlah pegawai, susunan pengurus perusahaan (board of management), kontak perusahaan, nomor izin usaha, kapasitas produksi per tahun, jenis ekspansi periode tertentu, kreditur (bankers), alamat cabang di daerah, nama website resmi, serta nama negara target ekspor.

Sebanyak 1.452 perusahaan tersebut terdiri dari perusahaan dengan jumlah pekerja di kisaran 20 pekerja hingga di atas 10.000 pekerja di seluruh Indonesia. Database 1.452 perusahaan ini terangkum dalam 226 halaman pdf untuk memudahkan proses download, sedangkan versi microsoft word tersedia secara pembayaran offline.

Database 1.452 Direktori Perusahaan berisi kumpulan direktori perusahaan-perusahaan dengan jenis produk yang tersebar dari tekstil hulu, serat kain, benang, garmen, pakaian jadi, peralatan olahraga, aksesoris otomotif dari kain, peralatan medis dari poliester dan kain, baju (t-shirt), pakaian dalam, sarung, batik, hingga perban dan cosmetic cotton, dan lainnya. Database 1.452 Direktori Perusahaan ini mencakup (coverage) sekitar 200 jenis produk.

Secara lebih detail, database ini meliputi perusahaan-perusahaan yang menghasilkan produk-produk seperti sports wear, pants, t-shirt ladys, spring jackets & raincoats (men’s & ladies), sarung fabrics, printing polyester and knitted fabrics, rayon blouses, cotton table cloth, rayon men’s shirts, dreses, scarts, trousers, women & ladies wear, polo shirt, shorts, cargo pants, womens blouses, blazers, outerwear jackets and vesssts, mens outerwear Jackets and Vests, jogsets, swim short, golf wear, children wear, mens/boys underpants, bra, panty, lingerie jersey, bed cover, undershirts, canvas ducks, synthetic canvas, camisole, jeans, mosquito net, denim fabrics.

Dilanjutkan dengan database 165 direktori perusahaan baja di Indonesia menampilkan database terlengkap dan direktori perusahaan paling komprehensif terkait informasi spesifik perusahaan-perusahaan baja meliputi segmen long product, flat product, dan engineering & fabricator.

Produk baja jenis long product antara lain billet, round bars, profile, channels, wire rod, nails and nail wire, high carbon, wire mesh, bolt and nuts. Sementara baja jenis flat product antara lain 1) steel slab (slab steel plant); 2) Hot Rolled coils (hot strip and plate mills); 3) Cold rolled coil (cold rolling mills); 4) Coil & plate cutting manufacturers; 5) Longitudinal and Spiral welded steel pipe. Sementara produk baja jenis engineering & fabricator mencakup tower fabricators.

Database ini merupakan perwujudan layanan big data yang menawarkan nilai lebih (value added) bagi penggunanya (user). Database 165 Direktori Perusahaan Baja di Indonesia ini berisi nama perusahaan, alamat lengkap, nomor telpon dan fax, alamat pabrik, alamat email, status perusahaan (perusahaan asing atau domestik), lini usaha, jenis produk yang dihasilkan, nama label atau merek/brand, orientasi pasar (ekspor atau domestik), jumlah pegawai, susunan pengurus perusahaan (board of management), kontak perusahaan, nomor izin usaha, kapasitas produksi per tahun, jenis ekspansi periode tertentu, kreditur (bankers), alamat cabang di daerah, nama website resmi, serta nama negara target ekspor.

Bagian terakhir, database direktori 935 perusahaan elektronik di Indonesia menampilkan database terlengkap dan direktori perusahaan paling komprehensif terkait informasi spesifik perusahaan-perusahaan elektronik di Indonesia. Database direktori ini mencakup lebih dari 200 subkategori industri elektronik di Indonesia.

Subkategori dalam industri elektronik yang ditampilkan dalam database direktori perusahaan ini antara lain perusahaan komponen elektronik, LCD, komponen TV, booster, relay & flasher, printer, transformer, konektor elektronik, membrane switch, kabel, integrated circuit, tabung lampu, terminal listrik, PCB, box speaker, kipas angin, kulkas dan komponennya, resistor, lampur LED. Juga direktori perusahaan semikonduktor, remote control, electric condenser, microphones, capasitor, video, tabung elektronik, scanner, PCB assembly, monitor, komponen handphone, komputer, suku cadang mesin fotokopi, mesin EDC, LCD, komponen komputer, CD box, UPS komputer, mesin barcode, komponen printer, printed circuit board, parabola, radio.

Ebook Rahasia Sukses Marketing; Direktori 2.552 Perusahaan Industri ini berisi 519 halaman berukuran 7,2 MB. Ebook ini termasuk dalam indeks data industri, yang merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan ratusan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan.

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Terdapat dua metode untuk membeli data ini, yakni metode online (tinggal klik tombol beli di bagian bawah website) atau via bank transfer. Jika Anda kesulitan atau butuh info lebih lanjut, hubungi (Desainbagus Group):


WA: 081296668812
HP: 081296668812

Suci Widyaningsih
Corporate Secretary
Phone : 021-7447443
HP: +62 87780767262

Alamat: Ruko Griya Cinere 2 Blok 49 No 29 Jalan Cinere Raya, Jakarta Selatan (Desain Bagus Group). No Telpon: 021-22779565, 021-7447443.

Jika Anda kesulitan atau butuh info lebih lanjut, hubungi, Alamat: Ruko Griya Cinere 2 Blok 49 No 29 Jalan Cinere Raya, Jakarta Selatan (Desain Bagus Group). No Telpon: 021-22779565, 021-7447443. Atau jika Anda tidak menemukan data yang dicari, silakan klik detektif industri untuk pencarian spesifik (request data), Indeks Data Industri untuk melihat database secara keseluruhan, Datapedia Marketplace untuk jual-beli data, di bagian atas website ini.


Ebook of Marketing Success Secrets; Directory of 2,552 Industrial Companies

Ebook of Marketing Success Secrets; 2,552 Directory This industrial company is the latest digital innovation from, a big data startup in Indonesia. Wading through the rapidly evolving digital era, Ebook Marketing Secrets of Success; 2,552 Directory This industrial company is expected to be one of the best alternatives to reveal the secrets of marketing and sales success. With 519 pages full of directories of industrial companies in Indonesia, this 7.2MB ebook was made to be a comprehensive reference and a main reference for marketing, sales, investors, corporations, researchers, and various stakeholders at large.

Ebook of Marketing Success Secrets; 2,552 Directory of Industrial Companies is divided into three parts, namely directories of textile and textile products (TPT) companies totaling 1,452 textile, garment, clothing, fiber, yarn, towel, fashion products manufacturing companies. Then, a directory of 165 steel industry companies and their derivative products. Finally, the directory of 935 electronics industry companies.

Starting with a database of 1,452 textile and textile product (TPT) directory companies, this ebook contains company names, full addresses, telephone and fax numbers, factory addresses, email addresses, company status (foreign or domestic companies), business lines, types of products produced , label or brand name, market orientation (export or domestic), number of employees, company management (board of management), company contacts, business license number, annual production capacity, type of expansion for a certain period, creditors (bankers), branch address in the area, official website name, and name of the target export country.

The 1,452 companies consist of companies with a number of workers in the range of 20 workers to above 10,000 workers throughout Indonesia. This 1,452 company database is summarized in 226 pdf pages to facilitate the download process, while the Microsoft Word version is available offline payment.

Database 1,452 The Company Directory contains a collection of directory of companies with types of products spread from upstream textiles, fabric fibers, yarns, garments, apparel, sports equipment, automotive accessories made of cloth, medical equipment made of polyester and fabric, shirts (t-shirts) , underwear, sarong, batik, to bandages and cosmetic cotton, and others. Database 1,452 This company directory covers (coverage) about 200 types of products.

In more detail, this database includes companies that produce products such as sports wear, pants, ladys t-shirts, spring jackets & raincoats (men’s & ladies), sarong fabrics, printing polyester and knitted fabrics, rayon blouses, cotton tables cloth, rayon men’s shirts, dreses, scarts, trousers, women & ladies wear, polo shirts, shorts, cargo pants, womens blouses, blazers, outerwear jackets and verification, mens outerwear Jackets and Vests, jogsets, swim short, golf wear, children wear, mens / boys underpants, bras, panties, lingerie jersey, bed covers, undershirts, canvas ducks, synthetic canvas, camisole, jeans, mosquito net, denim fabrics.

Followed by a database of 165 steel company directories in Indonesia featuring the most complete database and the most comprehensive company directory related to specific steel company information covering the long product, flat product, and engineering & fabricator segments.

Long product type steel products include billets, round bars, profiles, channels, wire rods, nails and nails, high carbon, wire mesh, bolt and nuts. While flat type steel products include 1) steel slab (slab steel plant); 2) Hot Rolled coils (hot strips and plate mills); 3) Cold rolled coil (cold rolling mills); 4) Coil & plate cutting manufacturers; 5) Longitudinal and Spiral welded steel pipes. While engineering & fabricator steel products include tower fabricators.

This database is an embodiment of the world big data service which offers more value (value added) for its users (users). Database 165 Directory of Steel Companies in Indonesia contains company name, full address, telephone and fax number, factory address, email address, company status (foreign or domestic company), line of business, type of product produced, label or brand name, market orientation (export or domestic), number of employees, company management (board of management), company contacts, business license number, annual production capacity, type of expansion period, creditors (bankers), regional branch addresses, official website names , as well as the name of the target export country.

The last part, the database directory of 935 electronic companies in Indonesia displays the most complete database and the most comprehensive company directory related to specific information on electronic companies in Indonesia. This directory database includes more than 200 electronic industry subcategories in Indonesia.

Subcategories in the electronics industry displayed in this company directory database include electronic component companies, LCDs, TV components, boosters, relays & flasher, printers, transformers, electronic connectors, membrane switches, cables, integrated circuits, tube lamps, electrical terminals, PCBs , speaker box, fan, refrigerator and its components, resistor, LED lamp. Also a directory of semiconductor companies, remote controls, electric condensers, microphones, capacitors, video, electronic tubes, scanners, PCB assembly, monitors, cellphone components, computers, copier parts, EDC machines, LCDs, computer components, CD boxes, computer UPS , barcode machines, printer components, printed circuit boards, satellite dishes, radios.

Ebook of Marketing Success Secrets; The 2,552 Industrial Company Directory contains 519 pages measuring 7.2 MB. This ebook is included in the industry data index, which is the latest feature in which displays hundreds of selected data according to user needs. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users process according to the procedure, namely click purchase, click checkout, and fill out the form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented. (*)

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