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<span itemprop="name">Data Spesifik Pangsa Pasar Industri Frozen Food Kategori Bakso (Trend Pertumbuhan Pasar 2013-2024)</span>

Data Spesifik Pangsa Pasar Industri Frozen Food Kategori Bakso (Trend Pertumbuhan Pasar 2013-2024)

Data Spesifik Pangsa Pasar Industri Frozen Food Kategori Bakso (Trend Pertumbuhan Pasar 2013-2024) ini dirilis minggu pertama September 2023 menampilkan data spesifik pangsa pasar, tren pasar, data pertumbuhan pasar (market size/size business), market outlook, database spesifik, dan riset independen. Disajikan dalam tabel, grafis, dan tabulasi data yang menarik, market outlook berjumlah 55 halaman dan berukuran 3,97 MB ini diharapkan menjadi acuan pertumbuhan bisnis pemain industri frozen food serta stakeholders terkait lainnya.

Data Spesifik Pangsa Pasar Industri Frozen Food Kategori Bakso (Trend Pertumbuhan Pasar 2013-2024) ini menjadi salah satu dari 277 kumpulan database spesifik terlengkap yang diproduksi tim, dengan coverage yang cukup luas dari gambaran umum hingga spesifik sehingga dapat menggambarkan dinamika industri yang komprehensif. Riset data ini dimulai dengan menampilkan dengan menampilkan highlights perekonomian Indonesia, yang menjadi perhatian khusus para pelaku industri, termasuk sektor frozen food. (halaman 2 sampai halaman 4)

Kemudian disusul megatrend dunia menuju 2045 dan demografi dunia di halaman 5, highlights demografi Indonesia periode 2010 hingga 2045 di halaman 6. Dilanjutkan dengan rasio jumlah penduduk di Indonesia berdasarkan wilayah periode 2010 dan 2045 pada halaman 7. Serta, skenario pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia dengan dua skenario (skenario dasar atau baseline dan skenario tinggi) periode 2016-2045 pada halaman 8 hingga halaman 10.

Beralih ke fokus pembahasan, pada halaman 11 ditampilkan fokus riset data spesifik frozen food dengan 6 aspek utama dilengkapi metodologinya. Kemudian, pada halaman 12 sampai 13 ditampilkan executive summary dari riset data ini, dengan menyuguhkan tren pertumbuhan industri makanan minuman olahan di Indonesia periode 2013-2024, dikomparasi dengan tren pertumbuhan konsumen kelas menengah atas di negeri ini. Pertumbuhan industri makanan minuman olahan menjadi kerangka utama yang diteruskan dengan fokus pertumbuhan frozen food pada periode yang sama. Salah satu summary yang menaik untuk dicermati adalah terjadinya siklus pertumbuhan (kurva turun naik) dari market size industri makanan minuman olahan secara umum serta frozen food secara spesifik.

Pada halaman 14 sampai halaman 16, tim membuat komparasi pertumbuhan size business industri makanan minuman olahan periode 2013-2024, dikomparasi dengan tren pertumbuhan konsumen kelas menengah atas dan total populasi di negeri ini. Komparasi nilai market size itu bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan trend persentase pertumbuhan ketiga elemen di atas pada periode 2013-2024.

Berlanjut pada pembahasan berikutnya, pada halaman 17 sampai halaman 20 ditampilkan segmentasi 6 kategori utama (top 6 category) di industri makanan minuman olahan di Indonesia, periode 2013-2024. Dalam data tersebut, tergambar jelas pertumbuhan segmen frozen food yang menduduki peringkat keenam dalam top 6 segmentasi industri makanan minuman olahan di Indonesia. Hal ini menjadi dasar riset data selanjutnya yakni komparasi size business frozen food dengan jumlah konsumen kelas menengah atas di Indonesia.

Selain menampilkan komparasi data size business frozen food dengan jumlah konsumen kelas menengah atas, pada halaman 20 sampai halaman 23 juga ditampilkan rata-rata belanja (spending) konsumen kelas menengah atas terhadap frozen food di Indonesia. Prospek positif terjadi pada periode 2013 sampai 2022, namun pelaku industri wajib mencermati trend di 2023 dan 2024.

Pada halaman 24 ditampilkan grafis tabel garis yang memperlihatkan trend persentase pertumbuhan size business frozen food di Indonesia periode 2013-2024. Dengan tabel ini, tren pertumbuhan size business dapat terlihat jelas periode pertumbuhan tertinggi dan siklus perlambatan pasar. Hal itu diperkuat dengan market analysis pada halaman 25 dan halaman 26, yang menyoroti tren pertumbuhan frozen food dikaitkan dengan sejumlah faktor pendorong dan faktor pemberat yang perlu dicermati.

Beralih ke pembahasan selanjutnya, pada halaman 25 ditampilkan segmentasi top 6 kategori frozen food (mencakup nugget dan variasinya, sosis, bakso, chicken wings, frozen donnut dan bakpao, serta segmen lainnya) periode 2017 hingga 2024 forecast.

Di pembahasan penutup, pada halaman 31 sampai 33 dijabarkan pangsa pasar (market share) top 11 produsen (brand) frozen food kategori bakso di Indonesia untuk tahun 2019 dan 2022 berdasarkan nilai penjualan. Data tersebut didukung dengan data pendukung yang disajikan pada halaman 34 sampai halaman 54.

Data Spesifik Pangsa Pasar Industri Frozen Food Kategori Bakso (Trend Pertumbuhan Pasar 2013-2024) sebanyak 55 halaman pdf dan berukuran 3,97 MB ini berasal dari riset eksklusif, didukung data penunjang dari BPS, IMF dan Bank Dunia, dan perusahaan market leader frozen food di Indonesia. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan ratusan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Per September 2023, terdapat 277 riset data spesifik dari 25 sektor industri. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda kepada*)

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Jika Anda kesulitan atau butuh info lebih lanjut, hubungi, Alamat: Ruko Griya Cinere 2 Blok 49 No 29 Jalan Cinere Raya, Jakarta Selatan (Desain Bagus Group). No Telpon: 021-22779565, 021-7447443. Atau jika Anda tidak menemukan data yang dicari, silakan klik detektif industri untuk pencarian spesifik (request data), Indeks Data Industri untuk melihat database secara keseluruhan, Datapedia Marketplace untuk jual-beli data, di bagian atas website ini.


Specific Data on Frozen Food Industry Market Share in the Meatball Category (Market Growth Trend 2013-2024)

Specific Data on Market Share of the Frozen Food Industry in the Meatball Category (Market Growth Trend 2013-2024) was released in the first week of September 2023 showing specific data on market share, market trends, market growth data (market size/business size), market outlook, specific database, and independent research. Presented in tables, graphics and attractive data tabulations, the market outlook totaling 55 pages and measuring 3.97 MB is expected to become a reference for business growth for frozen food industry players and other related stakeholders.

This Specific Data on the Market Share of the Frozen Food Industry in the Meatball Category (Market Growth Trend 2013-2024) is one of the 277 most complete specific database collections produced by the team, with fairly broad coverage from general to specific descriptions so that it can describe the current industry dynamics. comprehensive. This data research began by presenting highlights of the Indonesian economy, which is of particular concern to industry players, including the frozen food sector. (page 2 to page 4)

Then followed by world megatrends towards 2045 and world demographics on page 5, highlights of Indonesia’s demographics for the period 2010 to 2045 on page 6. Followed by the ratio of population in Indonesia based on region for the period 2010 and 2045 on page 7. Also, the scenario of Indonesia’s economic growth with two scenarios (baseline scenario and high scenario) for the 2016-2045 period on page 8 to page 10.

Turning to the focus of the discussion, page 11 shows the research focus on frozen food specific data with 6 main aspects along with the methodology. Then, on pages 12 to 13, an executive summary of this data research is displayed, presenting the growth trend of the processed food and beverage industry in Indonesia for the 2013-2024 period, compared with the growth trend of upper middle class consumers in this country. The growth of the processed food and beverage industry is the main framework that will continue with a focus on frozen food growth in the same period. One summary that is worth paying attention to is the growth cycle (up and down curve) of the market size of the processed food and beverage industry in general and frozen food specifically.

On pages 14 to 16, the team makes a comparison of the growth in business size of the processed food and beverage industry for the period 2013-2024, compared with the growth trend of upper middle class consumers and the total population in this country. The comparison of market size values aims to show the percentage growth trend for the three elements above in the 2013-2024 period.

Continuing with the next discussion, on pages 17 to page 20 the segmentation of the 6 main categories (top 6 categories) in the processed food and beverage industry in Indonesia, for the 2013-2024 period, is shown. In this data, the growth of the frozen food segment is clearly illustrated, which is ranked sixth in the top 6 segments of the processed food and beverage industry in Indonesia. This is the basis for further data research, namely a comparison of frozen food business sizes with the number of upper middle class consumers in Indonesia.

Apart from showing a comparison of frozen food business size data with the number of upper middle class consumers, on pages 20 to 23 the average spending of upper middle class consumers on frozen food in Indonesia is also displayed. The positive outlook occurs in the period 2013 to 2022, but industry players must pay close attention to trends in 2023 and 2024.

On page 24, a line table graphic is displayed showing the percentage trend of growth in frozen food business size in Indonesia for the 2013-2024 period. With this table, the growth trend of size business can be clearly seen, periods of highest growth and market slowdown cycles. This is reinforced by the market analysis on page 25 and page 26, which highlights the growth trend in frozen food which is associated with a number of driving and weighing factors that need to be paid attention to.

Moving on to the next discussion, on page 25 the segmentation of the top 6 frozen food categories (including nuggets and variations, sausages, meatballs, chicken wings, frozen donuts and bakpao, as well as other segments) for the 2017 to 2024 forecast period is displayed.

In the concluding discussion, on pages 31 to 33, the market share of the top 11 frozen food manufacturers (brands) for the meatball category in Indonesia is described for 2019 and 2022 based on sales value. The data is supported by supporting data presented on pages 34 to 54.

Specific Data on the Market Share of the Frozen Food Industry for the Meatball Category (Market Growth Trends 2013-2024) totaling 55 pdf pages and measuring 3.97 MB comes from exclusive research on, supported by supporting data from BPS, IMF and World Bank, and market companies leader of frozen food in Indonesia. The industrial data index is the newest feature on which displays hundreds of selected data according to users’ needs. As of September 2023, there are 277 specific research data from 25 industrial sectors. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users carry out the process according to the procedure, namely clicking buy (purchase), clicking checkout, and filling out the form. prioritizes the authenticity and validity of the data sources presented. Thank you for your trust in*)

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