Data Sebaran Luas Kebun Kelapa Sawit Per Provinsi (Top 20 Provinsi dengan Lahan Sawit Terluas) ini dirilis minggu ketiga Juni 2018, menampilkan data komprehensif, tren pasar, laporan terbaru, data pemetaan per provinsi, dan informasi teraktual terkait lahan kelapa sawit beserta produksi dan ekspor komoditas tersebut di Indonesia. Data komprehensif ini dibuat sebagai acuan (benchmark) bagi industriawan yang terkait dengan industri perkebunan kelapa sawit dan turunannya beserta stakeholders lainnya.
Data Sebaran Luas Kebun Kelapa Sawit Per Provinsi (Top 20 Provinsi dengan Lahan Sawit Terluas) ini dimulai dengan menampilkan highlight dan outlook perekonomian Indonesia. Pada 2016 dan 2017, perekonomian Indonesia mampu bertumbuh positif di tengah tantangan perlambatan ekonomi global (halaman 2 dan 3).
Proyeksi ekonomi dan perdagangan global pada 2018 diringkas dalam infografis yang menarik pada halaman 4. Pada halaman 5 sampai 7, diulas proyeksi pertumbuhan masing-masing sektor ekonomi di Indonesia meliputi industri pengolahan, konstruksi, perdagangan, informatika dan telekomunikasi, jasa keuangan, pertanian, transportasi, pertambangan, listrik, minyak dan gas. Juga dilengkapi dengan katalis masing-masing sektor.
Masuk ke fokus pembahasan, pada halaman 8 ditampilkan data pemetaan luas lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit per provinsi di Indonesia periode 2017, dalam bentuk grafis yang menarik. Pada halaman 9 ditampilkan detail luas lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit per provinsi di Indonesia dalam bentuk tabel. Pada halaman 10, ditampilkan data top 20 provinsi dengan luas lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit terbesar di Indonesia. Diharapkan dengan data ini, pelaku industri sawit dan stakeholders terkait dapat mencermati tren terbaru.
Sebagai komparasi, pada halaman 11 ditampilkan data pemetaan luas lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit per provinsi di Indonesia periode 2014. Kemudian, distribusi kepemilikan lahan sawit serta tren luas lahan sawit di Indonesia periode 2009-2015 dipaparkan dalam data grafis pada halaman 12. Disusul pembahasan tentang produktivitas CPO Indonesia yang dijelaskan dalam tren produksi berdasarkan kepemilikan lahan serta tren pertumbuhannya periode 2009-2015 pada halaman 13.
Selanjutnya, perbandingan lahan yang ditanami dengan output CPO berdasarkan kepemilikan lahan ditampilkan dalam data pada halaman 14. Beralih ke data produksi, konsumsi, dan ekspor, pada halaman 15 ditampilkan data outlook dan proyeksi produksi, konsumsi, dan ekspor CPO Indonesia periode 2010-2025. Selanjutnya, pada halaman 16, ditampilkan data tabel pie chart berisi top 11 negara tujuan utama ekspor CPO Indonesia periode 2017.
Tak ketinggalan, profil industri perkebunan kelapa sawit di Indonesia dijabarkan pada halaman 17, antara lain berisi pendapatan devisa ekspor, jumlah tenaga kerja, serta jumlah petani kecil sawit. Mata rantai (supply chain) industri kelapa sawit ditampilkan pada halaman 18 sampai 20, memaparkan jumlah industri hulu, jumlah UKM pemasok barang dan jasa, jumlah industri pendukung (pupuk, pestisida, alat dan mesin), serta jumlah industri hilir (minyak goreng, shortening, detergen, sabun, oleokimia, biodiesel).
Khusus terkait pasar ekspor, pada halaman 21 sampai 25, ditampilkan data tren impor CPO oleh Uni Eropa dan komposisi negara eksportir CPO ke Uni Eropa. Disusul kemudian dengan target pengembangan industri kelapa sawit di Indonesia pada 2030 (halaman 26), bagan pengembangan dari upstream, onfarm, downstream, serta penyedia jasa.
Pada data komprehensif kali ini, ingin menampilkan data spesifik yang lebih mendalam. Pada halaman 28 sampai 34, ditampikan data grafis gurita bisnis perusahaan-perusahaan sawit Malaysia di Indonesia, sayap bisnis dua korporasi terbesar asal Malaysia yang berlokasi di kebun sawit di Indonesia, luas lahan sawit dari 9 perusahaan Malaysia di Indonesia, serta porsi ekspor minyak sawit Indonesia berdasarkan grup usaha dan korporasi negara asal.
Data Sebaran Luas Kebun Kelapa Sawit Per Provinsi (Top 20 Provinsi dengan Lahan Sawit Terluas) ini berisi 35 halaman dengan ukuran file 7 MB. Data komprehensif ini dioleh oleh tim didukung data dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Kementerian Pertanian, lembaga negara yang kompeten, asosiasi industri, serta data-data pendukung dari sejumlah perusahaan kelapa sawit di Indonesia. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih.
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Data Distribution Area of Oil Palm Plantation by Province (Top 20 Provinces with Widest Palm Land)
Data Distribution Area of Oil Palm Plantation by Province (Top 20 Provinces with Widest Palm Land) being released in the third week of June 2018, displaying comprehensive data, market trends, recent reports, mapping data by province and actual information related to oil palm and production and exports such commodities in Indonesia. This comprehensive data is prepared as a benchmark for industrialists associated with the oil palm plantation industry and its derivatives and other stakeholders.
The Data of Widespread Distribution of Oil Palm Plantation by Province (Top 20 Provinces with the Widest Palm Land) begins by displaying the highlights and outlook of the Indonesian economy. In 2016 and 2017, the Indonesian economy is able to grow positively amid the challenges of a global economic slowdown (pages 2 and 3).
The global economic and trade projection in 2018 is summarized in an interesting infographic on page 4. On pages 5 to 7, the growth projections for each economic sector in Indonesia cover the manufacturing, construction, trade, informatics and telecommunications industries, financial services, agriculture, transportation , mining, electricity, oil and gas. Also equipped with a catalyst of each sector.
Going into the focus of the discussion, on page 8 the mapping data on the area of oil palm plantations per province in Indonesia in 2017 period, in the form of interesting graphics. On page 9 the details of the area of oil palm plantations per province in Indonesia are shown in table form. On page 10, the top 20 provinces show the widest range of oil palm plantations in Indonesia. It is hoped that with this data, palm oil industry actors and related stakeholders can observe the latest trends.
As a comparison, on page 11 there is a mapping of palm oil plantations per province in Indonesia in 2014. Then, the distribution of oil palm plantations and the trends of palm oil area in Indonesia for 2009-2015 period are presented in graphic data on page 12. Following discussion on productivity Indonesia’s CPO described in the production trend based on land ownership and its growth trend for 2009-2015 period on page 13.
Furthermore, the comparison of land cultivated with CPO output based on land ownership is shown in the data on page 14. Turning to production, consumption and export data, on page 15 shows the outlook data and projected Indonesian CPO production for 2010-2025 period. Furthermore, on page 16, pie chart table data shows the top 11 countries the main destination of Indonesian CPO exports for the period of 2017.
Not to be missed, the profile of the oil palm plantation industry in Indonesia is described on page 17, which contains exports, labor, and smallholder palm oil. The supply chain of the palm oil industry is shown on pages 18 to 20, describing the number of upstream industries, the number of SME suppliers of goods and services, the number of supporting industries (fertilizers, pesticides, tools and machinery), as well as the number of downstream industries (cooking oil, shortening , detergent, soap, oleochemistry, biodiesel).
Specifically to the export market, on pages 21 to 25, the European Union’s CPO import trend data and the country’s CPO exporters’ composition to the European Union show. Followed by the target of developing the palm oil industry in Indonesia in 2030 (page 26), development chart of upstream, onfarm, downstream, and service providers.
In the comprehensive data this time, would like to show more specific in-depth data. On pages 28 to 34, graphic business octopus graphs of Malaysian companies in Indonesia showcase the wings of Malaysia’s two largest corporations business located in oil palm plantations in Indonesia, the palm plantation area of 9 Malaysian companies in Indonesia, as well as the export share of Indonesian palm oil based on business group and corporation of country of origin.
Data on Widespread Distribution of Oil Palm Plantation by Province (Top 20 Provinces with Widest Palm Land) contains 35 pages with 7 MB file size. This comprehensive data was obtained by the team supported by data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), Ministry of Agriculture, competent state institutions, industry associations, and supporting data from a number of palm oil companies in Indonesia. Industry data index is the latest feature in which displays dozens of data options according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users perform process according to procedure, ie click purchase (purchase), click checkout, and fill form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented.