Data Produksi, Konsumsi, dan Ekspor Kelapa Sawit 2010-2025 (Overview Kebijakan Eropa dan Peran Petani) ini dirilis pada awal Mei 2018 menampilkan data, analisis, dan outlook industri perkebunan kelapa sawit Indonesia, dari mulai tren produksi, tren ekspor, perkembangan luas lahan, tren produktivitas, mata rantai industri kelapa sawit, dan lainnya. Dalam data kali ini ditampilkan juga overview kebijakan ataupun pandangan Eropa yang menjadi salah satu pasar utama.
Data Produksi, Konsumsi, dan Ekspor Kelapa Sawit 2010-2025 (Overview Kebijakan Eropa dan Peran Petani) ini dimulai dengan menampilkan executive summary. Dalam executive summary dipaparkan terkait isu Eropa yang menjadi hangat di kalangan pelaku usaha kelapa sawit karena masifnya kampanye negatif dan rencana pembatasan penggunaan minyak sawit, yang diduga sebagai ekses dari persaingan minyak nabati global. Dalam bagian pertama (halaman 2 sampai 16), ditampilkan perkembangan pandangan Eropa terhadap bisnis kelapa sawit di Indonesia.
Pada halaman 3, ditampilkan kerangka pemikiran yang berkembang di Eropa, dari mulai isu lingkungan dan deforestasi, tren perdagangan kelapa sawit di Eropa, standar bagi petani kelapa sawit, serta suistanable development goals (SDG). Pada halaman 4, ditampilkan data tabel terkait produksi kelapa sawit di Indonesia, demand (konsumsi), ekspor, dan keseimbangannya pada periode 2010 sampai 2015, 2020, dan 2025. Angka produksi dan ekspor diestimasikan tumbuh dua kali lipat dalam 15 tahun tersebut, ditopang kenaikan tajam ekspor.
Pada halaman 5, ditampilkan data tabel terkait pergerakan nilai perdagangan kelapa sawit ke Eropa, khususnya untuk kelapa sawit untuk pangan dan industri, periode 2008 sampai 2017. Tarif impor di Eropa cenderung sangat rendah dan tidak terdapat hambatan nontarif.
Selanjutnya, Pada halaman 6, disajikan data proyeksi konsumsi minyak nabati (vegetable oil) dunia untuk periode 2015-2050, yang pertumbuhannya diekspektasi berkisar 2%-3% per tahun. Dari data tersebut, di-breakdown berdasarkan pasar utamanya yakni India, Eropa, China, dan Pakistan. Data tersebut didukung dengan data perbandingan luasan lahan, produksi, serta produktivitas 4 minyak nabati utama, yakni soybean, sunflower, rapeseed, dan kelapa sawit (palm oil).
Pada halaman 7, ditampilkan grafis tentang luas lahan kelapa sawit di Indonesia sejak 1978-2017, lengkap dengan komposisi milik petani, BUMN, dan swasta. Data ini juga didukung dengan tren pergerakan CPO yield sejak 2005-2015 untuk perusahaan swasta dan petani sawit.
Berikutnya, pada halaman 8 sampai 12, dipaparkan perkembangan terbaru di pasar Eropa, antara lain inisiatif Parlemen Eropa untuk mengecualikan biofuels berbasis sawit dalam program energi terbarukan, penghentian bea masuk anti dumping, serta pelacakan kelapa sawit dengan standar keberlanjutan. Pada halaman 13 ditampilkan infografis terkait pemetaan hutan dan lahan lainnya di Indonesia dalam konteks bebas deforestasi. Pada halaman 14 sampai 17, disajikan data-data konversi lahan di Indonesia periode 2000-2015, konflik yang terjadi, dan hal lainnya.
Masuk ke pembahasan selanjutnya, pada halaman 18 hingga 30, dipaparkan tentang sejumlah kajian yang dilakukan Komisi Eropa terkait isu lingkungan, deforestasi, dan peran petani sawit di Indonesia. Juga diulas secara mendalam terkait perbandingan 4 sertifikat utama di kelapa sawit yakni ISCC (International Sustainability Carbon Certification), RSPO, ISPO, dan MSPO. Pada halaman 30, disajikan data tabel terkait peningkatan jumlah tenaga kerja di sektor kelapa sawit di Indonesia periode 2000-2015 untuk segmen pemilik lahan dari petani, BUMN, dan swasta. Pada halaman 31, ditampilkan data perbandingan pendapatan sebelum dan sesudah perkembangan perkebunan kelapa sawit, menyesuaikan dengan studi high carbon stock.
Selanjutnya, pada halaman 31 ditampilkan data perubahan pendapatan dari perkebunan kelapa sawit di 3 kawasan, yakni Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Afrika Barat. Pada halaman 34, ditampilkan tren perkebunan kelapa sawit di Indonesia tidak terpengaruh harga di pasar internasional periode 1988-2014. Sementara di halaman 35-37, ditampilkan data perbandingan kebutuhan lahan dari 4 jenis minyak nabati utama.
Pada halaman 38 hingga 48, diulas tentang profil industri kelapa sawit di Indonesia, nilai ekspor, jumlah tenaga kerja, komposisi petani skala besar dan skala kecil serta program energi terbarukan. Juga ditampilkan infografis pemetaan lahan petani kecil sawit di sejumlah wilayah di Indonesia, komposisi lahan, peran petani kecil dalam ekspansi lahan, profil petani kecil sawit, program peremajaan lahan, serta target program replanting per daerah periode 2017-2022.
Data Produksi, Konsumsi, dan Ekspor Kelapa Sawit 2010-2025 (Overview Kebijakan Eropa dan Peran Petani) ini berisi sebanyak 48 halaman berukuran 10,3 MB, berasal dari berbagai sumber antara lain regulator di Indonesia, BPS, BKPM, kementerian terkait (Kementerian Pertanian, Kementerian Perdagangan, Kementerian Perindustrian), serta asosiasi industri, seperti Gabungan Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (GAPKI), Komisi Uni Eropa, FAO, diolah Data ini disajikan 95% dalam bahasa Inggris dan hanya 5% dalam bahasa Indonesia.
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Palm Oil Production, Consumption and Export Data 2010-2025 (European Policy Overview and Farmer’s Role)
Palm Oil Production, Consumption and Export Data 2010-2025 (European Policy Overview and Farmer’s Role) was released in early May 2018 showing data, analysis and outlook of Indonesia’s oil palm plantation industry, from production trends, export trends, , productivity trends, the palm oil industry chain, and others. In this data is also displayed overview of policy or the European view that became one of the main markets.
Palm Oil Production, Consumption and Export Data 2010-2025 (European Policy Overview and Farmer’s Role) begins with an executive summary. In the executive summary was presented on the issue of European warmth among palm oil business actors due to the massive negative campaign and the plan to limit the use of palm oil, which is thought to be an excess of global vegetable oil competition. In the first part (pages 2 to 16), there is a growing view of Europe’s palm oil business in Indonesia.
On page 3, there is a framework developed in Europe, ranging from environmental issues and deforestation, trends in palm oil trade in Europe, standards for oil palm farmers, and suistanable development goals (SDG). On page 4, table data relating to palm oil production in Indonesia, demand, export and balance in the period 2010 to 2015, 2020, and 2025. Production and export figures are estimated to double in 15 years, sharp exports.
On page 5, a table of figures relating to the movement of palm oil trade values to Europe, especially for oil palm for food and industry, the period 2008 to 2017. Import tariffs in Europe tend to be very low and there are no non-tariff barriers.
Furthermore, On page 6, presented data projection of vegetable oil consumption (vegetable oil) of the world for the period 2015-2050, whose growth is expected to range from 2% -3% per year. From the data, the breakdown is based on the main markets of India, Europe, China and Pakistan. The data is supported by data of comparison of land area, production, and productivity of 4 main vegetable oils, ie soybean, sunflower, rapeseed, and palm oil.
On page 7, graphic displays of the extent of oil palm land in Indonesia from 1978-2017, complete with the composition of farmers, state-owned enterprises, and the private sector. This data is also supported by the trend of CPO yield movement since 2005-2015 for private companies and oil palm growers.
Next, on pages 8 to 12, the most recent developments in the European market include the European Parliament’s initiative to exclude palm-based biofuels in renewable energy programs, halt anti-dumping duties, and sustainability palm oil tracking. On page 13 shows infographics related to mapping forests and other lands in Indonesia in the context of deforestation free. On pages 14 to 17, land conversion data for Indonesia in the period 2000-2015, conflicts, and other issues are presented.
Going into the next discussion, on pages 18 to 30, a number of studies by the European Commission on environmental issues, deforestation and the role of oil palm farmers in Indonesia are presented. Also reviewed in detail the comparison of 4 major certificates in oil palm ie ISCC (International Sustainability Carbon Certification), RSPO, ISPO, and MSPO. On page 30, table data relating to an increase in the number of laborers in the Indonesian oil palm sector in the 2000-2015 period for landowners’ segments from farmers, state-owned enterprises and the private sector. On page 31, there is a comparison of income data before and after the development of oil palm plantations, adjusting to the study of high carbon stock.
Furthermore, on page 31 it shows data on income change from oil palm plantations in 3 regions, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, and West Africa. On page 34, the trend of oil palm plantations in Indonesia is not affected by the international market price of 1988-2014 period. While on page 35-37, a data comparison of the land needs of the four major vegetable oils is shown.
On pages 38 to 48, a review of the profile of the Indonesian palm oil industry, export value, number of labor, large-scale and small-scale farmers’ composition and renewable energy program. There is also an infographic map of smallholder oil palm landings in a number of regions in Indonesia, land composition, smallholder role in land expansion, smallholder palm oil profile, land rejuvenation program, and target of replanting program per area for 2017-2022 period.
The 2010-2025 Palm Oil Production, Consumption, and Export Data (Overview of European Policy and Farmers’ Role) contains 48 pages, derived from various sources including regulators in Indonesia, BPS, BKPM, related ministries (Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Commerce, Industry), and industry associations, such as Indonesian Palm Oil Entrepreneurs Association (GAPKI), European Union Commission, FAO, processed by This data is presented 95% in English and only 5% in Indonesian language. Industrial database index is the latest feature in which displays dozens of data options as per the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users perform process according to procedure, ie click purchase (purchase), click checkout, and fill form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented. Thank you.