Data Listrik dan Sistem Kelistrikan Nasional 2009-2019 ini dirilis Oktober 2016 menampilkan data listrik, tren pertumbuhan kebutuhan listrik, proyeksi kebutuhan tambahan kapasitas, rasio elektrifikasi, tren konsumsi listrik, komparasi elektrifikasi di ASEAN, dan lainnya. Periode yang jadi fokus 2019-2019, bahkan untuk beberapa pembahasan terdapat proyeksi hingga 2025.
Data Listrik dan Sistem Kelistrikan Nasional 2009-2019 ini dimulai dengan menampilkan highlight makro ekonomi Indonesia, meliputi pertumbuhan PDB 2014-2019, tren inflasi, populasi penduduk, tren konsumen kelas menengah, laju urbanisasi, median usia penduduk, potensi pasar lokal, serta tren PDB per kapita. (halaman 2-4) Data makro ekonomi Indonesia ini dilengkapi dengan sebaran pertumbuhan ekonomi per daerah dengan perhitungan rata-rata PDB 2010-2030 untuk melihat daerah-daerah mana saja yang memiliki potensi pertumbuhan ekonomi tertinggi. (halaman 5)
Kemudian, data ini menampilkan highlights perkembangan sistem kelistrikan nasional 2015-2016 dengan menampilkan kapasitas terpasang pembangkit (per segmen), panjang jaringan transmisi listrik, konsumsi tenaga listrik, panjang jaringan distribusi, serta konsumsi listrik per kapita dan konsumsi listrik per golongan. (halaman 6) Perkembangan subsidi listrik dan bauran BBM serta komposisi penjualan listrik 2016 ditampilkan pada halaman 7.
Pada halaman 8, ditampilkan perkembangan biaya (cost), tarif, dan subsidi listrik periode 2003-2016. Wilayah usaha penyediaan tenaga listrik dari 24 badan usaha ditampilkan dengan infografis yang menarik pada halaman 9. Data tersebut diperkuat dengan rasio elektrifikasi negara-negara ASEAN (halaman 10). Sedangkan komparasi rasio elektrifikasi Indonesia per daerah ditampilkan pada halaman 11, lengkap dengan tren nasional periode 2010-2019. Terdapat empat daerah di Indonesia yang rasio elektrifikasi-nya di bawah 70%.
Pada halaman 12, ditampilkan infografis sistem kelistrikan nasional dengan data kapasitas terpasang tiap daerah, status pasokan listrik per daerah, serta cadangan pasokan listrik per daerah dan secara nasional. Data tersebut dilengkapi dengan proyeksi kebutuhan listrik, konsumsi listrik, elastisitas, kebutuhan tambahan kapasitas periode 2015-2034. (halaman 13)
Selanjutnya, pada halaman 14 ditampilkan kebutuhan pengembangan pasokan listrik periode 2015-2034 dibagi sistem non-PLN, independent power producer (IPP), PLN dan PLN system, serta total kebutuhan tambahan. Pada halaman 15 ditampilkan bauran energi primer dan bauran energi pembangkit listrik dengan patokan realisasi 2013-2014 dan target 2025.
Pada halaman 16-18, diulas landasan hukum pengembangan sistem ketenagalistrikan nasional. Pada halaman 19, dipaparkan proyeksi kebutuhan tenaga listrik 2016-2025 per pulau di Indonesia. Pada halaman 20-22, ditampilkan porsi tambahan kapasitas pembangkit per jenis pembangkit 2015-2025. Data tersebut dilengkapi dengan proyeksi kebutuhan bahan bakar per jenis pembangkit periode 2016-2025, dibagi dalam empat bahan bakar yakni gas, batubara, biomass, dan panas bumi. (halaman 23-24)
Sementara kebutuhan tambahan jaringan transmisi listrik periode 2016-2025 ditampilkan per golongan pada halaman 25. Kebutuhan tambahan gardu induk per golongan periode 2016-2025 ditampilkan pada halaman 26. Tren kebutuhan tambahan jaringan dan trafo distribusi periode 2016-2025 dipaparkan dalam infografis yang menarik pada halaman 27. Sedangkan kebutuhan investasi dari mulai distribusi, penyaluran, dan pembangkit periode 2016-2025 dipaparkan pada halaman 28. Proyeksi biaya pokok penyediaan listrik untuk periode 2016-2025 ditampilkan pada halaman 29.
Terkait kebijakan pemerintah, payung hukum, dan arah serta strategi pengembangan listrik ke depan ditampilkan pada halaman 30-33. Sementara tantangan dan solusi pengembangan listrik ke depan ditampilkan pada halaman 34-37.
Data Listrik dan Sistem Kelistrikan Nasional 2009-2019 sebanyak 38 halaman ini berasal dari Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), BPS, WHO dan Bank Dunia, dan perusahaan listrik terbesar di Indonesia, diolah Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda kepada
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Electrical Data and the National Electrical System 2009-2019
Electrical Data and the National Electrical System 2009-2019 was released in October 2016 display data, the trend of growth in electricity demand, the projected need for additional capacity, the electrification ratio, electricity consumption trends, the comparison electrification in ASEAN, and others. 2019-2019 period in focus, even for some of the discussions are forecast until 2025.
Electrical Data and 2009-2019 National Electricity System starts by showing highlights macroeconomic Indonesia, covering 2014-2019 GDP growth, inflation trends, population, middle-class consumer trends, urbanization, the median age of the population, the potential of the local market, as well as trends in GDP per capita. (Page 2-4) Indonesia’s macro-economic data comes with the distribution of economic growth per region with the calculation of the average GDP from 2010 to 2030 to see any areas that have the highest potential for economic growth. (Page 5)
Then, the data showing highlights the development of the national electricity system 2015-2016 by displaying the installed generating capacity (per segment), the length of power transmission lines, electric power consumption, the length of the distribution network, as well as electricity consumption per capita and electricity consumption per class. (Page 6) Development of electricity subsidies and fuel mix as well as the composition of sales of electricity in 2016 is shown on page 7.
On page 8, show the development of costs (cost), tariff, and electricity subsidy period 2003-2016. Electricity supply business region of 24 enterprises displayed with an interesting infographic on page 9. The data reinforced the electrification ratio ASEAN countries (page 10). While comparative Indonesia’s electrification ratio per area is shown on page 11, complete with the national trend of the period 2010-2019. There are four regions in Indonesia that electrification ratio is below 70%.
On page 12, displayed infographic national electricity system with a data capacity of each region, the status of electricity supply per area, as well as backup power supplies per region and nationally. The data is fitted with the projected demand for electricity, electricity consumption, elasticity, the need for additional capacity of 2015 to 2034 period. (Page 13)
Furthermore, on page 14 show the development needs of power supply 2015-2034 period divided by non-State system, independent power producer (IPP), PLN and PLN system, as well as the total additional requirement. On page 15 is displayed primary energy mix and energy mix of power plants with a benchmark realization from 2013 to 2014 and 2025 targets.
On pages 16-18, reviews the legal basis for the development of the national electricity system. On page 19, presented projections of electricity demand from 2016 to 2025 per island in Indonesia. On pages 20-22, the portion shown additional generating capacity per plant type from 2015 to 2025. The data is fitted with the projected fuel requirements per type of plants the period 2016-2025, divided into four namely fuel gas, coal, biomass, and geothermal. (Pages 23-24)
While the need for additional power transmission lines per class period 2016 to 2025 is shown on page 25. Additional requirements substations per class period 2016 to 2025 is shown on page 26. Trends additional needs of the network and distribution transformers 2016-2025 period presented in an interesting infographic on the page 27. While the need for investments ranging from distribution, transmission and generation 2016-2025 period outlined on page 28. Projected cost of providing electricity for the period 2016 to 2025 is shown on page 29.
Relevant government policies, legal framework, and the direction and strategy of future development of electric displayed on pages 30-33. While the challenges and solutions to the future development of electric displayed on pages 34-37.
Electrical Data and the National Electrical System 2009-2019 as many as 38 pages of this comes from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), BPS, WHO and the World Bank, and the largest electricity company in Indonesia, processed Index of industry data is a new feature in featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented. Thank you.