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<span itemprop="name">Data Industri Semen di Asia Tenggara, Pangsa Pemain, dan Pertumbuhan Pasar</span>

Data Industri Semen di Asia Tenggara, Pangsa Pemain, dan Pertumbuhan Pasar

Data Industri Semen di Asia Tenggara, Pangsa Pemain, dan Pertumbuhan Pasar ini menampilkan perbandingan kapasitas produsen semen di Asia Tenggara (7 negara) dan pangsa pasarnya. Di 7 negara Asia Tenggara, terdapat 7 pemain besar yang menguasai 99% pasar. Holcim sebelum merger dengan Lafarge memiliki kapasitas 41,9 juta ton di Asia Tenggara dan memiliki basis produksi di Indonesia (9,9 juta ton), Malaysia (1,2 juta ton), Filipina (9,1 juta ton), Thailand (16,5 juta ton), serta Vietnam (5,2 juta ton). Disusul PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SMGR) yang memiliki kapasitas 31,8 juta ton terdiri atas di Indonesia (29,5 juta ton) dan Vietnam (2,3 juta ton).

Siam Cement menguasai 23,5 juta ton kapasitas dari Thailand (23 juta ton) dan Kamboja (0,5 juta ton). Lafarge memiliki kapasitas 21,1 juta ton di Asia Tenggara, yakni Indonesia (1,6 juta ton), Malaysia (12,5 juta ton), Filipina (6,5 juta ton), dan Vietnam (0,5 juta ton). Sedangkan Heidelberg menguasai 21,05 juta ton kapasitas di Asia Tenggara terdiri dari Indonesia (20,5 juta ton) dan Brunei (0,55 juta ton). Selain itu, ditampilkan data pertumbuhan pasar semen Indonesia serta pangsa pasar pemain lokal, yakni Semen Indonesia, Indocement, Holcim, Semen Bosowa, Semen Andalas, Semen Baturaja, dan Semen Kupang. Data sebanyak 25 halaman ini berasal dari salah satu penguasa pasar semen di Asia Tenggara diolah

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Data Cement Industry in Southeast Asia, the share of players, and Growth Markets

Data showing comparisons capacity cement producer in Southeast Asia (7 countries) and its market share. In 7 countries of Southeast Asia, there are seven big players who control 99% of the market. Holcim before the merger with Lafarge has a capacity of 41.9 million tons in Southeast Asia and has a production base in Indonesia (9.9 million tonnes), Malaysia (1.2 million tonnes), the Philippines (9.1 million tons), Thailand (16 , 5 million tons), and Vietnam (5.2 million tons). Followed by PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SMGR) which has a capacity of 31.8 million tonnes made up in Indonesia (29.5 million tonnes) and Vietnam (2.3 million tons).

Siam Cement mastered the 23.5 million tons of capacity from Thailand (23 million tonnes) and Cambodia (0.5 million tons). Lafarge has a capacity of 21.1 million tons in Southeast Asia, namely Indonesia (1.6 million tonnes), Malaysia (12.5 million tonnes), the Philippines (6.5 million tons), and Vietnam (0.5 million tons). While Heidelberg mastered the 21.05 million tons of capacity in Southeast Asia consists of Indonesia (20.5 million tonnes) and Brunei (0.55 million tons). In addition, the data show Indonesian cement market growth and market share of local players, namely Cement Indonesia, Indocement, Holcim of cement, Semen Andalas, Semen Balfour, and Semen Kupang. As many as 25 pages of data is derived from one of the rulers of the cement market in Southeast Asia processed.

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If you have trouble or need more info, contact, Jln Mandar Block XII DD2 No 69, Sector 3A Bintaro, Tangerang, Phone: 021-7358329. Or if you do not find the data sought, please click detective industry at the top of this website.

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