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<span itemprop="name">Data dan Outlook Industri Beton Pracetak (Riset Tren Pasar 2008-2022)</span>

Data dan Outlook Industri Beton Pracetak (Riset Tren Pasar 2008-2022)

Data dan Outlook Industri Beton Pracetak (Riset Tren Pasar 2008-2022) ini dirilis pada minggu ketiga Januari 2018 menampilkan riset independen, data komprehensif, analisis dan ulasan, serta tren pertumbuhan volume pasar dan pangsa pasar perusahaan beton pracetak di Indonesia. Pembahasan dilakukan secara detail mulai dari tren pertumbuhan pasar industri beton pracetak secara nilai (market value) dan secara volume (market size), profil top 5 produsen, pangsa pasar, tren peningkatan kapasitas, hingga ke analisis katalis utama pendorong pertumbuhan dalam rentang waktu yang panjang.

Data dan Outlook Industri Beton Pracetak (Riset Tren Pasar 2008-2022) ini dimulai dengan paparan data makro ekonomi Indonesia, inflasi, dan nilai tukar rupiah (halaman 2-4). Dilanjutkan dengan analisis percepatan proyek infrastruktur yang menjadi salah satu katalis utama pendorong kebutuhan beton pracetak (halaman 5-11), meliputi grafis dan tabel rencana pembangunan jalan tol 2015-2019.

Pada halaman 12-14, tim membuat kajian independen terkait tren pertumbuhan dan proyeksi pasar beton pracetak periode 2008-2022. Metode yang digunakan antara lain analisis sensitivitas percepatan anggaran infrastruktur terhadap kebutuhan beton pracetak, proyeksi eksponensial, dan proyeksi linear.

Dengan metode yang cukup komprehensif itu, ditampilkan pertumbuhan pasar secara nilai (market value) dan volume (market size) industri beton pracetak dengan rentang waktu 2008 hingga 2020 pada halaman 15 hingga halaman 17. Dari data yang disajikan dalam tabel yang menarik dapat dilihat persentase pertumbuhan pada periode tersebut. Data tersebut juga diperkuat oleh tren pertumbuhan dua market leader yang menjadi benchmarking (halaman 18-19), sehingga memberikan gambaran lebih riil.

Pembahasan dilanjutkan dengan profil industri beton pracetak secara nasional pada halaman 20. Dan profil lima market leader industri beton pracetak disajikan secara khusus pada halaman 21-25, meliputi tren ekspansi kapasitas, persentase pertumbuhan, lokasi pabrik, kinerja keuangan, hingga produk unggulan perusahaan.

Berlanjut ke pembahasan selanjutnya, pada halaman 26 hingga halaman 31 ditampilkan dalam grafis dan tabel perkembangan pangsa pasar market leader industri beton pracetak berdasarkan kapasitas dan berdasarkan penjualan. Pada halaman 26-30, ditampilkan pangsa pasar market leader beton pracetak berdasarkan kapasitas produksi pada periode 2014-2017. Sementara pada halaman 31, ditampilkan pangsa pasar market leader beton pracetak berdasarkan nilai penjualan tahun 2016.

Definisi umum beton pracetak dan komposisi bahan baku produksi dipaparkan pada halaman 32-35. Tujuannya untuk memberikan insight lebih mendalam terkait produksi beton pracetak hingga jenis bahan aditif yang biasa digunakan.

Pada halaman 36 hingga halaman 79 disajikan bahan market intelligence dari kinerja seluruh aspek dari dua market leader di industri beton pracetak. Pembahasan dalam bagian ini dilakukan secara spesifik dan mendalam meliputi lokasi pabrik beserta kapasitasnya, komposisi penjualan, tren produksi per pabrik periode 2013-2016, pergerakan kontrak yang diperoleh dari sisi nilai dan periode, produk unggulan, profil pelanggan (top 10 buyers), hingga rasio keuangan teraktual.

Data dan Outlook Industri Beton Pracetak (Riset Tren Pasar 2008-2022) sebanyak 79 halaman dan berukuran 11 MB ini berasal dari riset eksklusif, didukung data penunjang dari BPS, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR), dan sejumlah perusahaan beton pracetak di Indonesia. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda kepada

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Precast Concrete Data and Outlook (Research Market Trends 2008-2022)

Precast Concrete Data and Outlook (Market Research 2008-2022) was released in the third week of January 2018 featuring independent research, comprehensive data, analysis and reviews, as well as market growth trends and market share of precast concrete companies in Indonesia. The discussion is done in detail from the growth trend of the market market of precast concrete market (market value) and volume (market size), top 5 producer profile, market share, upgrading trend, up to the main catalyst analysis of growth drivers in long span of time .

Precast Concrete Data and Outlook (Research on Market Trends 2008-2022) begins with exposure to Indonesia’s macroeconomic data, inflation, and rupiah exchange rate (page 2-4). Followed by an analysis of the acceleration of infrastructure projects that became one of the main catalysts driving the needs of precast concrete (pages 5-11), including graphics and tables of toll road development plans 2015-2019.

On pages 12-14, the team made an independent review of the growth trend and projected precast concrete market for the 2008-2022 period. The methods used include the analysis of the sensitivity of infrastructure budget acceleration to the needs of precast concrete, exponential projections, and linear projection.

With a fairly comprehensive method, the market value and market size of precast concrete industry in 2008 to 2020 on page 15 to page 17. From the data presented in the table of interest can be seen the percentage of growth in that period. The data is also reinforced by the growth trend of two market leaders who become benchmarking (pages 18-19), thus providing a more real picture.

The discussion continued with the national precast concrete industry profile on page 20. And the profile of the five market leaders of the precast concrete industry are presented specifically on pages 21-25, including capacity expansion trends, growth percentages, plant location, financial performance, and company’s flagship products.

Continuing to the next discussion, on page 26 to page 31 is displayed in the graphics and growth charts of the market share market leader of precast concrete industry based on capacity and on the basis of sales. On page 26-30, the market share of precast concrete market leader based on production capacity in the period 2014-2017. While on page 31, the market share of precast concrete market leader is based on the sales value of 2016.

The general definition of precast concrete and the composition of the raw material of production is shown on pages 32-35. The goal is to provide a deeper insight into the production of precast concrete to the type of additives commonly used.

On pages 36 to 79 pages are presented market intelligence materials from the performance of all aspects of the two market leaders in the precast concrete industry. The discussions in this section are conducted in a specific and in-depth manner covering the location of the plant and its capacity, sales composition, production trends per plant for the period 2013-2016, contract movement obtained in terms of value and period, superior products, top 10 buyers, real money.

Data and Outlook of Precast Concrete Industry (Market Research 2008-2022) of 79 pages and 11 MB size is derived from exclusive research, supported by supporting data from BPS, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), and a number of concrete companies precast in Indonesia. Industry data index is the latest feature in which displays dozens of data options according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users perform process according to procedure, ie click purchase (purchase), click checkout, and fill form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented.(*)

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