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<span itemprop="name">Riset Tren Pasar Obat Generik, Etikal, dan OTC 2012-2018 (Data Industri Healthcare)</span>

Riset Tren Pasar Obat Generik, Etikal, dan OTC 2012-2018 (Data Industri Healthcare)

Riset Tren Pasar Obat Generik, Etikal, dan OTC 2012-2018 (Data Industri Healthcare) ini dirilis pertengahan September 2017 menampilkan tren pertumbuhan pasar tiga jenis obat tersebut, riset industri farmasi, data dan analisis industri farmasi serta healthcare. Disajikan dalam tabel dan infografis yang menarik, riset ini diharapkan bermanfaat bagi pelaku industri farmasi dan healthcare serta stakeholders terkait.

Riset komprehensif ini dimulai dari makro ekonomi Indonesia, data-data dan outlook ekonomi, tren perdagangan global, hingga proyeksi sektor ekonomi di Indonesia pada 2018. (halaman 2 sampai 5) Tidak ketinggalan, ditampilkan tren ekonomi per daerah (pulau) di Indonesia beserta tren pendapatan dan pengeluaran daerah (pulau) 2016 serta target 2017. (halaman 7 sampai 10) Sedangkan tren pergerakan rupiah yang mempengaruhi kinerja industri farmasi dan healthcare dipaparkan pada halaman 11.

Halaman 12 sampai 17, masuk ke pembahasan detail, ditampilkan data tren pasar farmasi secara total (overall market), per jenis obat beserta pertumbuhannya, dikaitkan dengan tren jumlah peserta Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN), pertumbuhan makro ekonomi, tingkat inflasi, serta pergerakan kurs periode 2012-2018. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis untuk menunjukkan tren yang terjadi pada periode tersebut.

Berlanjut ke pembahasan berikutnya, ditampilkan rekam jejak (track record) tren obat generik sejak 2010 hingga 2014, target awal roadmap JNK/SJSN, serta analisis pertumbuhan pesat obat generik terhadap obat beban (OTC) pada halaman 18 hingga 22.

Pada halaman 23 hingga 46 ditampilkan kajian komprehensif terkait tren pasar obat bebas (OTC), dari mulai tren pangsa pasar 9 perusahaan terbesar, pergerakan atau perubahan pangsa pasar 9 perusahaan dari periode 2011-2015, pangsa pasar per merek obat bebas dari market leader periode 2012, 2013, dan 2014, dan daftar merek obat bebas di pasaran. Juga, dipaparkan pangsa pasar obat bebas per segmen dan per merek hingga 2015. Tidak ketinggalan, ditampilkan top 7 obat bebas paling laku di pasaran Indonesia serta analisis persaingan.

Pada halaman 47 hingga 63, ditampilkan data dan outlook industri healthcare di Indonesia. Pembahasan ini merupakan hal baru yang dinilai penting terkait dengan perkembangan industri farmasi mengingat pesatnya pertumbuhan program JKN yang mendorong konsumsi obat generik. Pada halaman 47 ditampilkan tabel perkembangan anggaran kesehatan di Indonesia periode 2012 hingga 2017, di mana anggaran naik dari Rp 41,5 triliun (2,7% dari belanjaa negara) menjadi Rp 104 triliun (5% dari anggaran belanja negara). Pada halaman 48, dijabarkan beberapa indikator kesehatan di Indonesia periode 2012 dan 2015, antara lain angka harapan hidup, angka kematian ibu, rasio dokter per 100.000 penduduk, rasio puskesmas per 30.000 penduduk.

Perbandingan belanja kesehatan (healthcare spending) Indonesia terhadap negara ASEAN dan rata-rata global ditampailkan pada halaman 49, disusul profil industri kesehatan di Indonesia (halaman 50), regulasi produksi dan distribusi farmasi (halaman 51), regulasi alat kesehatan (halaman 52), sebaran sarana produksi alat kesehatan di 17 provinsi (halaman 53), pengembangan jenis produk alat kesehatan di Indonesia (halaman 54), sebaran jumlah apotek dan pedagang besar farmasi (PBF) per provinsi di Indonesia (halaman 55 hingga 57), profil ketersediaan obat dan vaksin di Puskesmas tahun 2016 (halaman 58-59), profil instalasi farmasi per provinsi (halaman 60), rasio tempat tidur rumah sakit per 1.000 penduduk per provinsi (halaman 61), serta tren pertumbuhan jumlah rumah sakit berdasarkan kepemilikan periode 2013-2015 (halaman 62-63).

Riset Tren Pasar Obat Generik, Etikal, dan OTC 2012-2018 (Data Industri Healthcare) sebanyak 64 halaman ini berasal dari kompilasi data dan outlook didukung data dari Binfar Kementerian Kesehatan, Kementerian Keuangan, BPS, WHO dan Bank Dunia, GP Farmasi, dan sejumlah perusahaan farmasi di Indonesia. Indeks database industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda kepada

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Research on Generic, Etical, and OTC Market Trends 2012-2018 (Healthcare Industry Data)

Research on Generic, Etical, and OTC Market Trends 2012-2018 (Healthcare Industry Data) is released mid-September 2017 showing the market growth trends of three types of drugs, pharmaceutical industry research, data and analysis of the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare. Presented in tables and interesting infographics, this research is expected to be useful for pharmaceutical and healthcare industry actors and related stakeholders.

This comprehensive research begins with Indonesia’s macro economy, economic data and outlook, global trade trends, up to projected economic sectors in Indonesia in 2018. (page 2 to 5) Not to be missed, economic trends per region (island) in Indonesia and trends revenues and expenditures (islands) 2016 and 2017 targets. (pages 7 to 10) While the trend of rupiah movements affecting the performance of the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare is presented on page 11.

Pages 12 through 17, go into detailed discussion, show the overall market trends data (overall market), per type of drug and its growth, attributed to the trend of the number of participants National Health Insurance (JKN), macroeconomic growth, inflation rate, and movement of exchange rate the period 2012-2018. The data are then analyzed to show the trends occurring during that period.

Continuing to the next discussion, generic drug trends are tracked from 2010 to 2014, initial target of JNK / SJSN roadmap, as well as analysis of rapid growth of generic drugs against load drugs (OTC) on pages 18 to 22.

On pages 23 to 46 show a comprehensive review of OTC trends, starting from the 9th largest market share trend, 9th company market share movement or change from 2011-2015 period, market share per brand of free medicines from market leader in 2012 , 2013, and 2014, and a list of drug-free brands on the market. Also, the market share of over-the-counter medicines and brands per 2015. Not to be missed, featured the top-7 best-selling drugs in the Indonesian market as well as competitive analysis.

On pages 47 to 63, data and industry healthcare outlooks are presented in Indonesia. This discussion is a new thing that is considered important related to the development of the pharmaceutical industry given the rapid growth of the JKN program that encourages the consumption of generic drugs. On page 47 the table shows the development of health budget in Indonesia from 2012 to 2017, where the budget increased from Rp 41.5 trillion (2.7% of state expenditure) to Rp 104 trillion (5% of the state budget). On page 48, some health indicators are described in Indonesia for 2012 and 2015 periods, including life expectancy, maternal mortality, doctor ratio per 100,000 population, ratio of puskesmas per 30,000 population.

Indonesia’s healthcare spending versus the ASEAN and the global average is shown on page 49, followed by the health industry profile in Indonesia (page 50), pharmaceutical production and distribution regulations (page 51), healthcare regulation (page 52) (page 54), distribution of pharmacies and pharmaceutical wholesalers (PBF) per province in Indonesia (pages 55 to 57), drug availability profiles and (page 60), hospital bed ratios per 1,000 populations per province (page 61), as well as growing trends in number of hospitals by ownership period 2013-2015 (page 58-59), pharmacy installation profile per province pages 62-63).

This 64-page Research of Generic, Etical, and OTC Market Trends 2012-2018 (Healthcare Data Industry) came from data and outlook compilation supported by Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance, BPS, WHO and World Bank, GP Pharmaceutical, and a number of pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia. Industrial database index is the latest feature in which displays dozens of data options as per the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users perform process according to procedure, that is click purchase (purchase), click checkout, and fill form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented.

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