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<span itemprop="name">Riset Tren Ekspansi Industri Semen 2015-2017 (Kajian Peta Kompetisi dan Strategi Penetrasi Pasar)</span>

Riset Tren Ekspansi Industri Semen 2015-2017 (Kajian Peta Kompetisi dan Strategi Penetrasi Pasar)

Riset Tren Ekspansi Industri Semen 2015-2017 (Kajian Peta Kompetisi dan Strategi Penetrasi Pasar) ini dirilis pada minggu ketiga Agustus 2017 menampilkan data dan kajian terbaru, analisis komprehensif, outlook dan prognosa, serta riset pasar dan isu menarik seputar industri semen di Indonesia. Kali ini, selain memaparkan data dan riset pasar industri semen secara umum, juga menampilkan kajian dan hasil analisis mendalam terkait dua fokus utama, yakni 1) agresivitas dua new comers dan 2) kajian peta persaingan serta strategi market leader di daerah Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta.

Mari kita simak detail konten per halaman. Riset dan kajian ini dimulai dengan menampilkan tren perkembangan kapasitas hasil ekspansi dari masing-masing pemain semen per Agustus 2017 dalam bentuk peta Indonesia. Dengan data ini terlihat jelas lokasi pabrik dan fasilitas produksi masing-masing pemain semen beserta jumlah kapasitas teraktual untuk Agustus 2017 (halaman 2) dibandingkan posisi 2015-2016 (halaman 3).

Perbandingan data tersebut kemudian dianalisis dengan metode komprehensif dari tim pada halaman 4 dan halaman 5. Masuk ke fokus kajian, pada halaman 6 hingga halaman 9 dijabarkan tren ekspansi dua pemain baru (new comers) di industri semen yang sangat pesat pertumbuhan kapasitas produksinya. Dijelaskan pula strategi pemilihan lokasi ekspansi, strategi pemasaran, dan strategi penetrasi pasar kedua pemain tersebut.

Pada halaman 10 hingga halaman 11, ditampilkan tabel perkembangan pangsa pasar 11 pemain semen hingga posisi terakhir Juli 2017, akumulasi 7 bulan 2017. Data tersebut kemudian dibandingkan pangsa pasar pada kuartal IV 2014 hingga kuartal IV 2016 per kuartal, sehingga menggambarkan secara jelas perkembangan pangsa pasar masing-masing pemain. Kemudian data pangsa pasar tersebut dianalisis dengan meneliti lebih jauh kiprah dari new comers di industri semen.

Selanjutnya pada halaman 13 ditampilkan tabel pangsa pasar semen per daerah untuk tiga market leader, terutama untuk periode enam bulan 2017, disertai poin utama analisis (key point analysis) pergerakan demand per daerah. Dari data tersebut dianalisis lebih dalam menjadi fokus kajian kedua yakni peta persaingan di daerah Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta, pada halaman 14 dan halaman 15 (bentuk tabel pergerakan pangsa pasar periode Januari 2016 hingga Juni 2017 per bulan). Dua daerah tersebut diperebutkan oleh 4 market leader yang terus bertempur untuk memenangi persaingan.

Khusus untuk persaingan pasar di Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta, tim melakukan quick survey untuk meng-capture lebih dalam persaingan 4 market leader di dua daerah tersebut. Hasilnya ditampilkan pada halaman 16 hingga halaman 19, yang menjabarkan perubahan dominasi market leader di Yogyakarta, faktor pendorong perubahan dominasi market leader, strategi penetrasi pasar dari market leader kedua sehingga mampu menumbangkan market leader pertama.

Berlanjut ke pembahasan berikutnya, ditampilkan perkembangan volume penjualan semen pada Juli 2017 per daerah. Kejutan terjadi saat pasar semen di Jawa Tengah menjadi yang terbesar di Pulau Jawa, melampaui Jawa Timur dan Jawa Barat secara bulanan pada Juni dan Juli 2017. Hal itu digambarkan jelas pada tabel halaman 20 disertai analisis pada halaman 21. Tren perkembangan Pangsa pasar empat market leader semen juga ditampilkan dari periode 2014, 2015, 2016, hingga 7 bulan 2017 pada halaman 22.

Selanjutnya, pada halaman 23 hingga halaman 29 ditampilkan berbagai informasi dan data spesifik tentang market leader semen terbesar di Indonesia. Sementara pada halaman 30 hingga halaman 40 ditampilkan berbagai data spesifik tentang second market leader di industri semen. Dan pada halaman 41 sampai halaman 45 ditampilkan data spesifik tentang third market leader di industri semen. Data spesifik itu meliputi perkembangan tren ekspansi, peta lokasi pabrik dan fasilitas penunjang, strategi pasar dan rencana aksi ke depan.

Beralih ke data semen yang lebih umum, pada halaman 46 hingga halaman 49 ditampilkan outlook pertumbuhan pasar semen hingga 2018 dengan tiga skenario, yakni skenario pesimistis, skenario realistis, dan skenario linear. Pada halaman 50 ditampilkan tabel pengaruh pergerakan BI rate terhadap laju pertumbuhan pasar semen periode 2002 hingga 2017. Disambung kemudian pada halaman 51 dan halaman 52, tren utilisasi pabrik pemain-pemain semen per perusahaan. Dan pada halaman 53 ditampilkan tren perubahan harga jual semen secara rata-rata.

Riset Tren Ekspansi Industri Semen 2015-2017 (Kajian Peta Kompetisi dan Strategi Penetrasi Pasar) ini juga dilengkapi data-data proyeksi makro ekonomi Indonesia 2017-2018, pada halaman 54 hingga halaman 62, antara lain tren pertumbuhan ekonomi per kuartal, proyeksi pergerakan harga komoditas 2018, risiko dan tantangan global di 2018, prognosa pertumbuhan sektor usaha pada 2018 beserta katalis dari masing-masing sektor usaha, prognosa pertumbuhan ekonomi per wilayah, tingkat kemiskinan per wilayah, dan tingkat pengangguran per wilayah.

Riset Tren Ekspansi Industri Semen 2015-2017 (Kajian Peta Kompetisi dan Strategi Penetrasi Pasar) yang berisi 63 halaman ini berasal dari riset eksklusif dengan dukungan data yang berasal dari Kementerian Perindustrian, Asosiasi Semen Indonesia (ASI), BPS, Bank Dunia, dan sejumlah perusahaan semen di Indonesia. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih.

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Research on Cement Industry Expansion Trends 2015-2017 (Market Competition Map and Market Strategy Review)

The Research on Cement Industry Expansion Trends 2015-2017 (Market Competition Map and Market Strategy Review) was released in the third week of August 2017 featuring the latest data and studies, comprehensive analysis, outlook and prognoses, as well as market research and interesting issues surrounding the cement industry in Indonesia. This time, besides exposing the data and research of the cement industry market in general, also featured in-depth analysis and analysis related to two main focuses, namely 1) aggressiveness of two new comers and 2) study of competition map and market leader strategy in Central Java And Yogyakarta.

Let’s look at the details of the content per page. This research and study begins by showing the expansion capacity expansion trends of each cement player per August 2017 in the form of a map of Indonesia. With this data it is clear that the location of the plant and production facilities of each cement player and the actual capacity for August 2017 (page 2) is compared to the position of 2015-2016 (page 3).

Comparison of the data is then analyzed by the comprehensive method of the team on page 4 and page 5. Admission to the focus of the study, on page 6 to page 9 spelled out the expansion trend of two new comers in the cement industry’s rapid growth in production capacity . It also explained the strategy of choosing the location of expansion, marketing strategy, and market penetration strategy of both players.

On page 10 to page 11, a table of developments of 11 cement players market share to the last position of July 2017, accumulated 7 months 2017. The data is then compared to market share in the fourth quarter of 2014 to quarter IV 2016 per quarter, thus illustrating the development of market share Each player. Then the market share data is analyzed by further examining the gait of new comers in the cement industry.

Next on page 13 the cement market per area for the three market leaders, especially for the six-month period 2017, along with the key point analysis of the per-regional demand movement. The data are analyzed more deeply into the focus of the second study, namely the competition map in Central Java and Yogyakarta, on page 14 and page 15 (table form market share movement from January 2016 to June 2017 per month). Two areas are contested by 4 market leaders who continue to fight to win the competition.

Especially for market competition in Central Java and Yogyakarta, the team conducted a quick survey to capture more in the competition of 4 market leaders in the two regions. The results are shown on pages 16 to page 19, which describes the change of market leader dominance in Yogyakarta, the driving factor of market leader domination, market penetration strategy of the second market leader so as to subvert the market leader first.

Continuing to the next discussion, the growth of cement sales volume in July 2017 per region shows. The shock occurred when the cement market in Central Java became the largest in Java, surpassing East Java and West Java on a monthly basis in June and July 2017. This is illustrated clearly in the 20 page table along with the analysis on page 21. Development trend Market share of four market leaders Cement is also displayed from the period 2014, 2015, 2016, to 7 months 2017 on page 22.

Furthermore, on pages 23 to 29 pages are displayed various information and specific data about the largest cement market leader in Indonesia. While on page 30 to page 40 are displayed various specific data about second market leader in cement industry. And on pages 41 to 45 pages are shown specific data about the third market leader in the cement industry. Specific data includes the development of expansion trends, plant site maps and supporting facilities, market strategies and future action plans.

Switching to more general cement data, on page 46 to page 49 shows the growth outlook of the cement market until 2018 with three scenarios, pessimistic scenarios, realistic scenarios, and linear scenarios. On page 50 the table shows the effect of the BI rate movement on the growth rate of the cement market from 2002 to 2017. Continued on page 51 and page 52, the trend of factory utilization of cement players per company. And on page 53 shows the average cement price change trend.

Research on the Cement Industry Expansion Trend 2015-2017 (Market Competition Map and Market Strategy Review) is also completed with Indonesian macroeconomic data projection 2017-2018, on page 54 to page 62, including quarterly economic growth trends, projection of commodity price movement 2018, global risks and challenges in 2018, the prognosis of business growth in 2018 and the catalysts of each business sector, the prognosis of economic growth by region, the poverty rate per region, and the unemployment rate by region.

The 2015-2017 Cement Industry Expansion Research (Market Competition and Markets Strategy Review) study, which contains 63 pages, comes from Exclusive Research with data support from the Ministry of Industry, Indonesian Cement Association (ASI), BPS, World Bank, And a number of cement companies in Indonesia. Industry data index is the latest feature in which displays dozens of data options according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users perform process according to procedure, ie click purchase (purchase), click checkout, and fill form.

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