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<span itemprop="name">Riset Peta Persaingan Industri Semen 2015-2017</span>

Riset Peta Persaingan Industri Semen 2015-2017

Riset Peta Persaingan Industri Semen 2015-2017 (pemain existing versus pemain baru) ini menampilkan riset independen, data, analisis, kajian, dan outlook secara komprehensif terkait seluruh informasi mengenai peta persaingan di industri semen di Indonesia, mencakup highlights dan profil ringkas pemain-pemain baru di industri ini sejak 2015-2017, tren permintaan/kebutuhan (demand) di pasar lokal, perkembangan investasi atau ekspansi baru, hingga analisis prediksi persaingan pangsa pasar pemain baru dan pemain existing, serta prospek dan tantangan industi ini ke depan.

Riset Peta Persaingan Industri Semen 2015-2017 ini dimulai dengan menampilkan highlights industri semen sejak 2014-2016, mencakup kapasitas terpasang, kapasitas produksi, pertumbuhan pasar semen domestik, utilisasi pabrik semen domestik, serta konsumsi domestik, ekspor, dan impor. Kapasitas domestik pada 2015 dengan 9 pemain mencapai 80,4 juta ton. Tambahan kapasitas dari 4 pemain baru pada 2016 sebesar 8,7 juta ton menjadi 89,7 juta ton. (halaman 2)

Pada halaman 3 ditampilkan chart (infografik) terkait lokasi pabrik-pabrik pemain baru dan pemain existing di industri semen. Data itu dijabarkan kembali pada halaman 4 dengan tabel yang lengkap terkait kapasitas terpasang pemain existing semen periode 2013-2017, terkait ekspansi pemain existing, nilai investasi, kapasitas tambahan, kapasitas terpasang, dan jenis proyek. Di samping itu, juga dijabarkan pemain baru 2013-2017 lengkap dengan lokasi pabrik, kapasitas terpasang, nilai investasi, tahapan operasional, serta mitra usaha dan jenis proyek.

Di halaman 4 ditampilkan tren pertumbuhan konsumsi semen domestik dan pangsa pasar pemain-pemain existing periode 2014-2015 per daerah. Dengan hadirnya pemain baru yang membangun pabrik baru, peta persaingan akan makin ketat seperti ditampilkan pada halaman 5-6. Persaingan pangsa pasar semen di Pulau Jawa ditampilkan lebih detail pada halaman 7. Di halaman 8-13 ditampilkan profil singkat pemain-pemain baru di industri semen Indonesia, mencakup nama perusahaan, merek semen, tahun berdiri, kapasitas produksi per tahun, hingga jaringan distribusi.

Di halaman 14-18, secara eksklusif membuat kajian atau analisis independen terkait peta persaingan industri semen dan proyeksi pangsa pasar per daerah, serta strategi pasar dari pemain baru. Pulau Jawa dan Pulau Kalimantan akan menjadi fokus persaingan pangsa pasar semen antara pemain baru versus pemain existing.

Di halaman 19, Riset Peta Persaingan Industri Semen 2015-2017 ini menampilkan proyeksi pertumbuhan permintaan domestik, kapasitas produksi, kapasitas terpasang, serta pergerakan laju perekonomian Indonesia periode 2014-2019. Di halaman 20-21 dijabarkan segmentasi pasar semen nasional serta tren konsumsi semen per kapita di Indonesia.

Riset Peta Persaingan Industri Semen 2015-2017 sebanyak 23 halaman ini berasal dari riset dengan dukungan data yang berasal dari Kementerian Perindustrian, Asosiasi Semen Indonesia (ASI), BPS, WHO dan Bank Dunia, dan sejumlah perusahaan semen di Indonesia. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda kepada

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Cement Industry Research Competition 2015-2017

Cement Industry Research Competition 2015-2017 (existing versus new players) featuring independent research, data, analysis, review, and a comprehensive outlook regarding all information about the competitive landscape in the cement industry in Indonesia, including highlights and brief profiles of new players in the industry since 2015-2017, demand trends / needs (demand) in the local market, the development of new investment or expansion, up to competition predictive analytics market share of new players and existing players, as well as the prospects and challenges of this industry also in the future.

This data begins by showing highlights the cement industry since 2014-2016, including installed capacity, production capacity, growth in domestic cement market, the domestic cement factory utilization, as well as domestic consumption, exports, and imports. Domestic capacity in 2015 with nine players reached 80.4 million tons. Additional capacity of 4 new players in 2016 amounted to 8.7 million tons to 89.7 million tons. (Page 2)

On page 3 is displayed chart (infographic) related to the location of the factories of new players and existing players in the cement industry. Data was described back on page 4 with the table full of players related to the installed capacity of the existing cement 2013-2017 period, related to the expansion of existing players, the value of investments, additional capacity, installed capacity, and the type of project. In addition, it also describes the new players complete 2013-2017 with the location of the plant, installed capacity, the value of the investment, operational stages, as well as business partners and types of projects.

On page 4 is shown a growth trend in domestic cement consumption and the market share of existing players per region from 2014 to 2015 period. With the presence of new players are building a new plant, the competition will be tighter as shown on pages 5-6. Competition cement market share in Java is shown in more detail on page 7. On page 8-13 displayed a brief profile of new players in Indonesian cement industry, including the company name, brand cement, the stands, the production capacity per year, up to the distribution network.

On page 14-18, exclusively make an assessment or an independent analysis of the competitive landscape and projections related market share per region, as well as market strategies of new players. Java and Kalimantan will be the focus of competition between the market share of existing new player versus player.

On page 19 is shown projected growth in domestic demand, production capacity, installed capacity, and the rate of movement of the Indonesian economy 2014-2019 period. Described on page 20-21 of the national cement market segmentation and trends in cement consumption per capita in Indonesia.

Cement Industry Research Competition 2015-2017 as many as 23 pages of this comes from research with the support of the data coming from the Ministry of Industry, the Indonesian Cement Association (ASI), BPS, WHO and the World Bank, and a number of cement companies in Indonesia. Index of industry data is a new feature in featuring dozens of choices to fit the needs of data users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented. Thank you for your confidence to

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