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<span itemprop="name">Riset Persaingan Brand Rokok di Indonesia 2014-2016</span>

Riset Persaingan Brand Rokok di Indonesia 2014-2016

Riset Persaingan Brand Rokok di Indonesia 2014-2016 ini menampilkan riset independen, data dan outlook secara komprehensif terkait seluruh informasi mengenai peta persaingan brand (merek) rokok di Indonesia, mulai dari volume produksi, pangsa pasar merek-merek (brand) rokok di Indonesia, nilai pasar (market size) industri, konsumsi rokok, jumlah perokok, segmentasi perokok, pemimpin pasar, para pemain terbesar, pangsa pasar segmen rokok, dan kinerja produksi serta keuangan para pemain rokok di negeri ini, dan tidak ketinggalan strategi top 3 market leader di industri rokok.

Volume produksi rokok pada 2015 diperkirakan tumbuh tipis dibanding 2014, dari 314 miliar batang menjadi 315 miliar batang, dengan nilai pasar industri (market size) diestimasi Rp 222,7 triliun – Rp 224,2 triliun pada 2015. Data ini juga menampilkan proyeksi dan outlook 2016.

Selain itu, Riset Persaingan Brand Rokok di Indonesia 2014-2016 ini menampilkan tren pemimpin pasar industri rokok di Indonesia dari 1979-2015. Sejak 1989-2007, PT Gudang Garam Tbk (GGRM) mendominasi pasar dengan pangsa sekitar 28%-47%. Namun sejak kuartal I 2007, PT HM Sampoerna Tbk (HMSP) dengan dukungan Philip Morris menggeser Gudang Garam dan merajai industri rokok nasional. Pada 2010, market share HM Sampoerna sebesar 30,9% dan pada 2015 sekitar 35,2%. Juga ditampilkan pangsa pasar pemain lainnya.

Ikut ditampilkan tren pertumbuhan pangsa pasar segmen rokok, dengan pertumbuhan tertinggi dicapai sigaret kretek mesin (SKM) LTN dan SKM FF, sementara sigaret kretek tangan (SKT) dan sigaret putih mesin (SPM) cenderung menurun.

Secara khusus, riset persaingan brand rokok ini top 10 market leader brand (merek) rokok di Indonesia berdasarkan penjualan, perubahan pangsa pasar 2014 dan 2015, tren perkembangan pangsa sejak 1979 hingga 2015. juga membuat riset terkait brand equity market leader brand rokok di Indonesia, dari mulai tren penjualan dikaitkan dengan biaya iklan dan promosi yang dihabiskan.

HM Sampoerna pemimpin pasar rokok di Indonesia memiliki merek produk yang kuat dan cenderung mendominasi pasar. HM Sampoerna merajai di segmen SKM 31%, SKT 39%, dan SPM 81%. Ikut dibedah, pangsa pasar produk HM Sampoerna yakni A Mild, Dji Sam Soe, Malboro, U mild, dan Sampoerna Kretek.

Selain HM Sampoerna, ikut ditampilkan data-data terkait PT Gudang Garam Tbk (GGRM), PT Bentoel International investama Tbk (RMBA), dan PT Wismilak Inti Makmur Tbk (WIIM). Di samping pangsa pasar merek produk, juga diulas, fasilitas produksi, jalur pemasaran dan distribusi, tren penjualan dan pendapatan serta laba (EBITDA), serta kenaikan cukai 2015.

Riset Persaingan Brand Rokok di Indonesia 2014-2016 sebanyak 28 halaman ini berasal dari BPS, Kementerian Perindustrian, Gabungan Pabrik Rokok Indonesia (Gappri), sejumlah perusahaan rokok di Indonesia, dan diolah

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Research Competition Brand Cigarettes in Indonesia 2014-2016

Research Competition 2014-2016 Brand Cigarettes in Indonesia showing independent research, data and a comprehensive outlook regarding all information regarding the competitive landscape of the brand (brand) of cigarettes in Indonesia, ranging from production volume, the market share of brands (brand) cigarettes in Indonesia, market value (market size) industry, cigarette consumption, the number of smokers, segmentation smokers, the market leader, the largest players, the market share of cigarette segment, and the production performance and financial players of cigarettes in this country, and do not miss strategy of top 3 market leader in tobacco industry.

The volume of cigarette production in 2015 is estimated to grow slightly compared to 2014, from 314 billion pieces to 315 billion cigarettes, with the industrial market value (market size) were estimated Rp 222.7 trillion – Rp 224.2 trillion in 2015. This data also shows projections and outlook 2016.

In addition, the trend of the market leaders displayed the cigarette industry in Indonesia from 1979 to 2015. Since 1989-2007, PT Gudang Garam Tbk (GGRM) dominate the market with a share of about 28% -47%. But since the first quarter of 2007, PT HM Sampoerna Tbk (HMSP) with the support of Philip Morris shift Gudang Garam and dominate the national cigarette industry. In 2010, HM Sampoerna’s market share of 30.9% and in 2015 approximately 35.2%. Also shown the market share of other players.

Participate displayed growth trends cigarette segment market share, with the highest growth engine rolled cigarettes (SKM) SKM LTN and FF, while the hand rolled cigarettes (SKT) and white cigarettes (SPM) tends to decrease.

In particular, the research cigarettes brand competition’s top 10 market leader brand (brand) of cigarettes in Indonesia based on sales, changes in market share in 2014 and 2015, the development trend of the share from 1979 to 2015. also create brand equity research related market leader brand cigarettes in Indonesia, ranging from sales trends associated with advertising and promotional costs spent.

HM Sampoerna cigarette market leader in Indonesia has a strong product brands and tend to dominate the market. HM Sampoerna SKM dominate in this segment of 31%, SKT 39%, 81% and SPM. Participate dissected, the market share of products HM Sampoerna A Mild, Dji Sam Soe, Malboro, U Mild, and Sampoerna Kretek.

Besides HM Sampoerna, were viewed data related to PT Gudang Garam Tbk (GGRM), PT Bentoel International Investama Tbk (RMBA), and PT Wismilak Inti Makmur Tbk (WIIM). In addition to the market share of brand products, also reviewed, production facilities, marketing and distribution lines, the trend in sales and earnings as well as earnings (EBITDA), as well as a tax increase in 2015.

As many as 28 pages of data is derived from the BPS, Ministry of Industry, Association of Indonesian Cigarette Manufacturers (GAPPRI), a number of tobacco companies in Indonesia, and processed

Index of industry data is a new feature in featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented. Thank you for your confidence to

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