Riset Peluang Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Swasta di Proyek Infrastruktur 2015-2019 ini data, kajian, analisis, laporan, dan outlook proyek-proyek strategis di sektor infrastruktur di Indonesia. Berbagai proyek infrastruktur, mulai dari proyek prioritas, proyek strategis, dan proyek infrastruktur per provinsi ditampilkan dalam riset ini, dipadu dengan analisis bisnis infrastruktur, market size transportasi dan logistik, serta analisis anggaran infrastruktur dibanding tingkat pengangguran di Indonesia.
Riset ini dimulai dari kondisi perekonomian Indonesia tahun ini diprediksi masih diliputi ketidakpastian, terutama dari sisi global. Meski demikian ekonomi Indonesia diyakini akan lebih baik dibanding tahun lalu. Sisi eksternal yang berpengaruh pada ekonomi domestik, tak bisa dilepaskan dari harga komoditas yang masih belum pulih dan merosotnya ekonomi China yang merupakan salah satu pangsa pasar utama ekspor komoditas Indonesia. (halaman 2)
Penguatan rupiah ini selain didorong oleh faktor domestik, karena meningkatnya kepercayaan investor sejalan dengan ekonomi makro yang lebih baik, juga tidak lepas dari pengaruh eksternal. Pertumbuhan ekonomi kuartal IV 2015 yang sebesar 5,04% telah meningkatkan kepercayaan investor, karena diyakini titik terendah pertumbuhan ekonomi telah terlewati. (halaman 3-4)
Pada halaman 5-7 dibahas data Kementerian Keuangan, anggaran infrastruktur sejak 2009 hingga 2015 memang terus menunjukkan kenaikan. Tetapi kenaikan signifikan memang baru terjadi pada 2015, dari Rp 206,6 triliun pada 2014 menjadi Rp 290,3 triliun. Sedangkan tahun-tahun sebelumnya kenaikannya hanya di kisaran Rp 9,7 triliun hingga Rp 31,3 triliun. Data tersebut dipadukan dengan tren pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional dan ekspektasi ke depan periode 2007-2019. (halaman 8) Di halaman 9, terdapat riset eksklusif terkait tren kenaikan anggaran infrastruktur dibanding tingkat pengangguran di Indonesia periode 2005-2016.
Masuk pada pembahasan proyek infrastruktur, riset ini menampilkan rencana pembangunan infrastruktur laut (halaman 10), infrastruktur pangan (halaman 11), dan transportasi darat (halaman 12). Di halaman 13-14 ditampilkan secara eksklusif 38 proyek kerjasama pemerintah & swasta 2015-2016, baik yang telah ditawarkan maupun yang akan ditawarkan. Di halaman 15-16, dipaparkan 30 proyek infrastruktur prioritas 2016-2019. Pada halaman 17-19 ditampilkan proyek infrastruktur jalan dan jembatan per provinsi pada 2016. Khusus terkait kerjasama pemerintah dan swasta ditampilkan secara detail pada halaman 20-24.
Riset ini diperkuat dengan data tren pertumbuhan pasar (market size) sektor transportasi dan logistik di Indonesia 2009-2019. Pada 2014, pasar sektor transportasi dan logistik diestimasi Rp 1.810 triliun dengan pertumbuhan 13,2%. Pada 2015, market size tersebut naik 15,2% menjadi Rp 2.086 triliun. Pada 2016, angka tersebut diproyeksi tumbuh 15% menjadi Rp 2.399 triliun, dan terus naik hingga mencapai Rp 3.680 triliun di 2019. Rata-rata pertumbuhan tahunan (CAGR) sektor transportasi dan logistik di Indonesia diperkirakan 15,2% periode 2014-2019.
Selain itu, data ini dilengkapi data-data infrastruktur pendukung transportasi dan logistik di Indonesia, seperti sebaran bandara hingga 2030. Jumlah bandara umum saat ini sebanyak 189 bandara, yang terdiri atas 26 bandara komersial (dikelola PT Angkasa Pura) dan 1.643 bandara nonkomersial. Pada 2030, akan bertambah 44 bandara baru, sehingga total jumlah naik menjadi 233 bandara. Juga ditampilkan ekspansi PT Angkasa Pura I dan II dalam ekspansi bandara, meliputi: kebutuhan investasi, penambahan kapasitas, dan persentase pertumbuhan.
Di samping itu, ditampilkan infrastruktur pelabuhan yang cukup vital mengingat Indonesia memiliki garis pantai terpanjang keempat di dunia (95.181 km). Jumlah pelabuhan saat ini mencapai 2.392 pelabuhan yang terdiri dari 111 pelabuhan komersial, 1.481 pelabuhan nonkomersial, dan 800 terminal khusus. Terdapat rencana penambahan 91 pelabuhan baru di Indonesia bagian timur dengan investasi Rp 3,37 triliun.
Riset sebanyak 41 halaman ini berasal dari BPS, Kementerian Keuangan, Bappenas, Komite Percepatan Penyediaan Infrastruktur Prioritas (KPPIP), Kementerian Perhubungan, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, Kementerian Perindustrian, Asosiasi Logistik Indonesia, dan diolah duniaindustri.com. Indeks database industri merupakan fitur terbaru di duniaindustri.com yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. Duniaindustri.com mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda kepada duniaindustri.com.
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Research Opportunities in the Public Private Partnership Infrastructure Projects 2015-2019
Research Opportunities in the Public Private Partnership Infrastructure Projects 2015-2019 show data, studies, analyzes, reports, and the outlook for strategic projects in the infrastructure sector in Indonesia. Various infrastructure projects, ranging from priority projects, strategic projects, and infrastructure projects by province is shown in this research, combined with business analytics infrastructure, transport and logistics market size, as well as the infrastructure budget analysis than the unemployment rate in Indonesia.
This research starts from the Indonesian economy is predicted still uncertain, especially from the global side. Yet Indonesia’s economy is believed to be better than last year. External side effect on the domestic economy, can not be separated from commodity prices is still recovering and the decline in the Chinese economy is one of the major market share Indonesia’s commodity exports. (Page 2)
The strengthening of the rupiah is in addition driven by domestic factors, because of the increasing confidence of investors in line with the macro economy better, is also not free from external influences. Economic growth in the fourth quarter of 2015 amounted to 5.04% has increased investor confidence, as economic growth is believed to be the lowest point has been passed. (Page 3-4)
On page 5-7 discussed data from the Ministry of Finance, the infrastructure budget from 2009 to 2015 has continued to show an increase. But a significant increase in new indeed occurred in 2015, from Rp 206.6 trillion in 2014 to Rp 290.3 trillion. While in previous years the increase is only in the range of Rp 9.7 trillion to Rp 31.3 trillion. The data is combined with national economic growth trends and expectations for the next period 2007-2019. (Page 8) On page 9, there are exclusive research related to the rising trend in the infrastructure budget compared to the unemployment rate in Indonesia period 2005-2016.
Sign in on the discussion of infrastructure projects, research showing marine infrastructure development plan (page 10), the infrastructure of food (page 11), and road transport (page 12). On page 13-14 shown exclusively 38 government and private partnership projects from 2015 to 2016, both of which have offered or will be offered. On page 15-16, presented 30 priority infrastructure projects from 2016 to 2019. On pages 17-19 displayed road and bridge infrastructure projects per province in 2016. Especially relating to public-private partnerships is shown in detail on pages 20-24.
This research is reinforced by the data growth trend of the market (market size) transport and logistics sector in Indonesia from 2009 to 2019. In 2014, the transport and logistics sector market estimated Rp 1,810 trillion, with growth of 13.2%. In 2015, the market size grew 15.2% to Rp 2.086 trillion. In 2016, that number is projected to grow 15% to Rp 2,399 trillion, and continued to rise until it reaches Rp 3,680 trillion in 2019. The average annual growth (CAGR) transport and logistics sector in Indonesia is estimated to 15.2% from 2014 to 2019 period.
In addition, these data include data transport and logistics infrastructure in Indonesia, such as the distribution of the airport through 2030. Total general airport now as many as 189 airports, which is comprised of 26 commercial airports (managed by PT Angkasa Pura) and 1,643 non-commercial airports. In 2030, 44 new airport will increase, bringing the total number rose to 233 airports. Also featured expansion of PT Angkasa Pura I and II in the expansion of the airport, including: the need for investment, capacity expansion, and the percentage of growth.
In addition, display port infrastructure that is vital considering that Indonesia has the fourth longest coastline in the world (95 181 km). Number of ports currently reaches 2,392 ports consisting of 111 commercial ports, 1481 port noncommercial, and 800 special terminals. There is a plan to add 91 new ports in eastern Indonesia with an investment of Rp 3.37 trillion.
Research as many as 41 pages is derived from BPS, Ministry of Finance, Bappenas, Committee for the Acceleration of Infrastructure Provision Priority (KPPIP), Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, the Ministry of Industry, Indonesian Logistics Association, and processed duniaindustri.com. Index of industrial database is a new feature in duniaindustri.com featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. Duniaindustri.com priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented. Thank you for your trust to duniaindustri.com.