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<span itemprop="name">Riset Pasar dan Tren Harga Baja (Hulu-Hilir) 2010-2016</span>

Riset Pasar dan Tren Harga Baja (Hulu-Hilir) 2010-2016

Riset Pasar dan Tren Harga Baja (Hulu-Hilir) 2010-2016 yang dirilis September 2016 ini menampilkan riset independen, data, analisis, kajian, dan outlook terkait tren harga baja dari hulu (bahan baku) hingga hilir. Selain itu, dilengkapi dengan tren pasar baja di Indonesia, tren konsumsi baja dan produksi baja serta ketergantungan impor, nilai pasar (market size) industri baja nasional, pangsa pasar produsen baja per segmen, tren harga baja global dan harga baja lokal, profil singkat market leader di industri baja Indonesia, serta prospek dan tantangan industi ini ke depan.

Riset Pasar dan Tren Harga Baja (Hulu-Hilir) 2010-2016 ini dimulai dari dimulai dengan menampilkan highlight makro ekonomi Indonesia, meliputi pertumbuhan PDB 2014-2019, tren inflasi, populasi penduduk, tren konsumen kelas menengah, potensi pasar lokal, serta tren PDB per kapita. (halaman 2-4)

Kemudian, pada halaman 4-6 ditampilkan highlights industri baja nasional berisi sejarah dan rekam jejak industri ini sejak 50 tahun ke belakang. Sebagai gambaran, industri baja merupakan industri strategis. Sektor ini memainkan peran utama dalam memasok bahan-bahan baku vital untuk pembangunan di berbagai bidang mulai dari penyediaan infrastruktur (gedung, jalan, jembatan, jaringan listrik & telekomunikasi), produksi barang modal (mesin pabrik dan material pendukung serta suku cadangnya), alat transportasi (kapal laut, kereta api & relnya, otomotif), manufaktur (elektronik, permesinan, turbin dan pembangkit), hingga persenjataan. Atas perannya yang sangat penting tersebut, keberadaan industri baja layak disebut mother industry (ibu dari industri).(profil ringkas halaman 3-6)

Pada halaman 7 ditampilkan chart (infografik) terkait struktur industri baja nasional mulai dari pertambangan bijih besi, pengolahan pellet, iron making, steel making, hingga produk jadi.

Selanjutnya, masuk ke pembahasan detail mengenai riset dan analisis tren harga baja 2010-2016, terutama harga baja hulu (scrap), baja midstream (hot rolled coils/HRC), dan baja hilir (pelat timah/tin plate dan pipa baja) pada halaman 8-13. Tren harga baja yang berfluktuasi secara cepat sepanjang 2016 disajikan pada halaman 8-9, kemudian periode 2015 pada halaman 10-11, dan rekapitulasi serta analisis pada halaman 12-13. Faktor-faktor seperti tren perkembangan industri baja global, dari mulai tren penurunan harga jual hingga level terendah di akhir 2015 hingga permintaan (demand) di China yang anjlok sehingga mengakibatkan oversupply serta tren harga baja ekspor China dan harga impor baja ASEAN menjadi referensi riset tren harga baja oleh

Di halaman 14, ditampilkan tren konsumsi produk baja akhir di Indonesia yang pada 2014 mencapai 12,9 juta ton, sementara produksi baja lokal hanya 5,5 juta ton, sehingga terjadi defisit pasokan sekitar 7,4 juta ton yang masih bergantung impor. Juga dijelaskan sejumlah katalis atau faktor pendorong konsumsi produk baja di Indonesia.

Sementara menurut kompilasi data yang diperoleh, konsumsi produk baja di Indonesia pada 2015 diestimasi 15,3 juta ton, naik dari tahun sebelumnya 14,2 juta ton. (halaman 15) Secara khusus, membuat riset terkait pasar baja lokal untuk proyeksi 2016-2017 disertai dengan tren produksi periode 2007-2017 pada halaman 16.

Di halaman 17, menampilkan hasil riset terkait nilai pasar (market size) industri baja di Indonesia yang dihitung berdasarkan tingkat konsumsi nasional serta rata-rata harga baja global. Pada 2017, menurut perhitungan, total market size industri baja nasional diperkirakan mencapai US$ 7,7 miliar. Di halaman 18, ditampilkan infografik terkait utilisasi pabrik baja di Indonesia mulai dari iron makin, steel making, rolling mill, pipe making, galvanizing mill, nails, wires, bolds & nuts, coil centers, lengkap dengan kapasitas produksi nasional.

Pada halaman 19, ditampilkan infografik terkait konsumsi baja per segmen dari bahan baku, bahan setengah jadi, hingga produk hilir. Data itu dilengkapi dengan tren pangsa pasar market leader di segmen HRC, CRC, dan wire rod serta tota permintaan pasar lokal pada halaman 20. Pada halaman 21, dijelaskan potensi bahan baku iron ore, sponge iron, slab/billet serta potensi cadangan pasokan di Indonesia.

Selanjutnya, membuat riset market intelligence terkait market leader baja (HRC dan pipa baja), dari mulai profil perusahaan, kinerja keuangan, strategi pemasaran, segmentasi penjualan, fokus pasar, strategi ekspansi, tren produksi dan penjualan, cakupan distribusi, serta denah lokasi pabrik pada halaman 22-35.

Di samping itu, dijabarkan juga tantangan utama serta kendala terbesar pengembangan industri baja nasional pada halaman 36-37. Juga, ditampilkan arah dan strategi regulasi pemerintah ke depan pada halaman 38.

Riset Pasar dan Tren Harga Baja (Hulu-Hilir) 2010-2016 sebanyak 39 halaman ini berasal dari riset dengan dukungan data yang berasal dari Kementerian Perindustrian, Indonesia Iron and Steel Industry Association (IISIA), middle east steel, BPS, WHO dan Bank Dunia, dan sejumlah perusahaan baja di Indonesia. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda kepada

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Steel Price Trends and Market Research (Upstream-Downstream) 2010-2016

Steel Price Trends and Market Research (Upstream-Downstream) 2010-2016, released September 2016 showing independent research, data, analysis, assessment and outlook related to steel pricing trends of the upstream (raw materials) to downstream. In addition, it is equipped with the trend of the steel market in Indonesia, the trend in steel consumption and steel production as well as the dependency on imports, the market value (market size) national steel industry, the market share of steel producers per segment, price trends global steel and steel prices locally, a brief profile market Indonesian leader in the steel industry, as well as the prospects and challenges of this industry also in the future.

Steel Price Trends and Market Research (Upstream-Downstream) 2010-2016 starts from the 2010-2016 begins by showing highlights macroeconomic Indonesia, covering GDP growth from 2014 to 2019, the trend of inflation, population, middle-class consumer trends, the potential of the local market, as well as trends in GDP per capita. (Page 2-4)

Then, on page 4-6 show highlights the national steel industry shows the history and track record of the industry since 50 years back. As an illustration, the steel industry is a strategic industry. This sector plays a major role in supplying the raw materials vital to development in various fields ranging from the provision of infrastructure (buildings, roads, bridges, the electric grids and telecommunications), the production of capital goods (machinery plant and supporting materials and spare parts), transportation (ships, trains and rail, automotive), manufacturing (electronics, machinery, turbines and generators), up weapons. A very important role on the steel industry where industry worth mentioning mother (mother of the industry). (Quick profile page 3-6)

On page 7 is displayed chart (infographic) related to the structure of the national steel industries ranging from mining iron ore, pellet processing, iron making, steel making, to finished products.

Next, go into detailed discussion on the research and analysis of 2010-2016 trends in steel prices, especially the price of upstream steel (scrap), midstream steel (hot rolled coils / HRC) and downstream steel (tin plate / tin plate and steel pipe) on page 8-13. The trend of steel prices fluctuate rapidly throughout 2016 are presented on pages 8-9, then the period of 2015 on pages 10-11, and a summary analysis on pages 12-13. Factors such as the development trend of the global steel industry, ranging from the downward trend in selling prices to the lowest level at the end of 2015 to request (demand) in China plummeted, resulting in oversupply and trends in steel prices of Chinese exports and the price of steel imports ASEAN become a reference research pricing trends steel by

On page 14, show the trend of consumption of final steel products in Indonesia, which in 2014 reached 12.9 million tons, while the local steel production is only 5.5 million tons, resulting in a supply deficit of about 7.4 million tonnes of which still depends imports. Also described a number of catalysts or drivers of consumption of steel products in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, according to a compilation of data obtained, the consumption of steel products in Indonesia in 2015 estimated 15.3 million tonnes, up from 14.2 million tonnes the previous year. (Page 15) In particular, make local steel market research related to projected trends from 2016 to 2017 accompanied by the production of the period 2007 to 2017 on page 16.

On page 17, display the results of research related to the market value (market size) steel industry in Indonesia which is calculated based on the level of domestic consumption and average steel prices globally. In 2017, according to calculations, total national steel industry market size is estimated at US $ 7.7 billion. On page 18, displayed infographics related to the utilization of steel plants in Indonesia ranging from more iron, steel making, rolling mill, pipe making, galvanizing mill, nails, wires, bolds and nuts, coil centers, complete with national production capacity.

On page 19, displayed infographics related to steel consumption per segment from raw materials, semi-finished, until the downstream products. Data was fitted with the trend of market share market leader in the segment of HRC, CRC, and the wire rod and tota local market demand on page 20. On page 21, described the potential of the raw material iron ore, sponge iron, slab / billet as well as potential supply reserves in Indonesia ,

Furthermore, make research relevant market intelligence market leader steel (HRC and steel pipes), from a company profile, financial performance, marketing strategy, sales segmentation, market focus, expansion strategy, production and sales trends, distribution coverage, as well as floor plans the plant site on pages 22-35.

In addition, also described the main challenges as well as the biggest obstacle of the national steel industry development on page 36-37. Also, show the direction and strategy of the future government regulation on page 38.

Steel Price Trends and Market Research (Upstream-Downstream) 2010-2016 showed a total of 39 pages comes from research with data support from the Ministries of Industry, Indonesia Iron and Steel Industry Association (IISIA), middle east steel, CPM, WHO and the World Bank, and a number of steel companies in Indonesia. Index of industry data is a new feature in featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented. Thank you.

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