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<span itemprop="name">Riset Pasar dan Database 500 Perusahaan Tekstil (Data Industri Tekstil Hulu-Hilir)</span>

Riset Pasar dan Database 500 Perusahaan Tekstil (Data Industri Tekstil Hulu-Hilir)

Riset Pasar dan Database 500 Perusahaan Tekstil (Data Industri Tekstil Hulu-Hilir) ini dirilis November 2016 menampilkan riset dan
data komprehensif, analisis, serta tren ekspor-impor dan bahan baku industri tekstil hulu-hilir di Indonesia. Selain itu, data dan riset pasar ini dilengkapi 500 database perusahaan tekstil lengkap dengan alamat, jajaran top manajemen, lini bisnis, kapasitas produksi, nama brand, jumlah pekerja, orientasi pasar, hingga nama bank pendukung.

Riset Pasar dan Database 500 Perusahaan Tekstil (Data Industri Tekstil Hulu-Hilir) ini dimulai dengan dengan menampilkan highlights ekonomi serta pasar Indonesia, dilengkapi tren konsumen dan tingkat daya beli. (halaman 2-4)

Selanjutnya, ditampilkan overview pasar tekstil dan fashion dunia yang pada 2015 diproyeksi mencapai 854 miliar pada halaman 4. Pasar tekstil dan fashion global itu didominasi tiga pasar besar yakni Amerika Serikat, Eropa, dan Jepang dengan proyeksi pertumbuhan hingga 2020 relatif kecil seiring perlambatan ekonomi dunia. (halaman 5)

Pada halaman 6 dipaparkan segmentasi dan komposisi pasar tekstil dan fashion global. Pakaian luar (outerwear) berkontribusi terbesar. (halaman 6) Juga ditampilkan overview brand fashion dan tekstil dunia, sekitar 200 brand diproduksi di Indonesia. (halaman 7)

Masuk ke pembahasan yang lebih teknis, pada halaman 8 ditampilkan struktur industri tekstil dari hulu sampai hilir, lengkap dengan bahan bakunya, dalam bagan yang menarik. Pada halaman 9, ditampilkan rantai pertambahan nilai (value added) dari industri tekstil hulu sampai hilir, dari mulai minyak bumi hingga pakaian jadi atau garmen.

Pada halaman 10, membuat riset independen terkait tren nilai pasar tekstil dan fashion di Indonesia pada periode 2011-2016 beserta persentase pertumbuhannya. Pada halaman 11, dijabarkan tren kinerja industri tekstil Indonesia periode 2011-2015, serta proyeksi pertumbuhan 2016, terutama untuk neraca perdagangan ekspor-impor, serta peringkat eksportir dunia.

Pada halaman 12 dipaparkan pangsa pasar ekspor tekstil global 2014, pangsa pasar tekstil ASEAN, tren upah di negara-negara produsen tekstil. Kemudian tren kontribusi ekspor tekstil terhadap perekonomian nasional ditampilkan pada halaman 13-14. Struktur biaya (cost structure) industri tekstil di sektor fiber making dan garmen ditampilkan pada halaman 15.

Pada halaman 16 dijabarkan overview industri seragam tekstil, tingkat persaingan antar produsen di Indonesia, serta kompetisi dengan perusahaan asal India, China, Taiwan, dan Bangladesh.

Selanjutnya, masuk ke pembahasan bahan baku tekstil, pada halaman 17 ditampilkan komparasi tren harga bahan baku tekstil yakni kapas, acrylic, viscose, nilon, dan poliester periode 2009-2014. Juga ditampilkan neraca perdagangan terutama impor bahan baku tekstil seperti polyester staple fiber (PSF), polyester filament yarn (PFY), knitted fabrics, dan woven fabrics pada halaman 18. Selain itu, ditampilkan tren produksi PSF dan PFY periode 2010-2015 beserta neraca perdagangan hingga semester I 2016 serta utilisasi pabrik pada halaman 19.

Neraca pasokan dan kebutuhan industri hulu tekstil global dipaparkan pada halaman 20, dilengkapi dengan database perusahaan-perusahaan hulu tekstil di Indonesia pada halaman 21, lengkap dengan nilai investasi, jumlah tenaga kerja, omzet turn over, dan kapasitas terpasang PTA, MEG, PSF, PFY, NYF, resin, dan VSF.

Data ini juga dilengkapi sekitar 500 database perusahaan tekstil di Indonesia halaman 22-120, yang menjabarkan nama perusahaan, lokasi pabrik, nomor telpon, email, kontak top manajemen, status perusahaan, nomor izin, lini usaha, tipe produksi dan kapasitas produksi, orientasi pasar, lini bisnis, tipe produk dan merek, jumlah pekerja dan nama bank pendukung.

Database 500 perusahaan tekstil ini sangat berguna bagi tim marketing atau business development untuk melakukan penetrasi pasar serta kerjasama bisnis.(butuh database lebih banyak, silakan hubungi tim pengelola

Riset Pasar dan Database 500 Perusahaan Tekstil (Data Industri Tekstil Hulu-Hilir) sebanyak 120 halaman pdf ini berasal dari BPS, Kementerian Perindustrian, Asosiasi Pertekstilan Indonesia (API), Asosiasi Produsen Serat Sintetis dan Fiber (Apsyfi), sejumlah perusahaan tekstil di Indonesia, dan diolah Download database industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda kepada Khusus untuk pembelian data ini, user tidak hanya memperoleh file softcopy, tapi juga print eksklusif (1 eksemplar – kertas hardcopy art carton 150 miligram) seharga Rp 250.000,- free ongkir pengiriman.

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Jika Anda kesulitan atau butuh info lebih lanjut, hubungi, Ruko Griya Cinere 2 Blok 49 No 29 Jalan Cinere Raya, Jakarta Selatan, Phone: 021-7544833. Atau jika Anda tidak menemukan data yang dicari, silakan klik detektif industri untuk pencarian spesifik (request data), Indeks Data Industri untuk melihat database secara keseluruhan, Datapedia Marketplace untuk jual-beli data, di bagian atas website ini.


Market Research and Database 500 Textile Company (Textile Industry Data Upstream-Downstream)

Market Research and Database 500 Textile Company (Textile Industry Data Upstream-Downstream) was released November 2016 featuring research and
comprehensive data, analysis, and trends in exports and imports and raw materials upstream-downstream textile industry in Indonesia. In addition, data and market research database 500 comes complete with addresses textile company, the ranks of top management, line of business, production capacity, brand name, number of employees, market orientation, to support the bank’s name.

Market Research and Database 500 Textile Company (Textile Industry Data Upstream-Downstream) begins with the economic and market highlights featuring Indonesia, include consumer trends and purchasing power. (Page 2-4)

Furthermore, market overview displayed textile and fashion world in 2015 are projected to reach 854 billion on page 4. The textile market and global fashion was dominated by three major markets are the United States, Europe, and Japan with projected growth to 2020 are relatively small as the world economic slowdown. (Page 5)

On page 6 presented segmentation and composition of the textile market and global fashion. Outer garments (outerwear) contribute the largest. (Page 6) Also featured overview of fashion and textile world brand, 200 brand manufactured in Indonesia. (Page 7)

Sign in to the more technical discussion, on page 8 show the structure of the textile industry from upstream to downstream, complete with raw materials, in an interesting chart. On page 9, displayed value chain (value added) from upstream to downstream textile industry, from petroleum to apparel or garment.

On page 10, make independent research related to the trend of the market value of textiles and fashion in Indonesia in the period from 2011 to 2016 along with the percentages of growth. On page 11, described Indonesia’s textile industry performance trends 2011-2015 period, as well as projected growth in 2016, especially for export-import trade balance, as well as exporters of the world rankings.

On page 12 described the global market share of textile exports in 2014, the market share of ASEAN textiles, wage trends in the countries of textile manufacturers. Then the trend of textile export contribution to the national economy is shown on pages 13-14. The cost structure (cost structure) in the textile industry and garment making sector fiber shown on page 15.

On page 16 is described overview uniform textile industry, the level of competition between producers in Indonesia, as well as competition with companies from India, China, Taiwan, and Bangladesh.

Next, go to the discussion of textile raw materials, on page 17 show comparative pricing trends textile raw materials namely cotton, acrylic, viscose, nylon, and polyester 2009-2014. Also featured trade balance mainly imports raw textile materials such as polyester staple fiber (PSF), polyester filament yarn (PFY), knitted fabrics, and woven fabrics on page 18. In addition, the display PSF and PFY production trends 2010-2015 period along with the trade balance the first half of 2016 as well as factory utilization on page 19.

Balance of supply and demand, upstream global textiles presented on page 20, is equipped with a database of companies upstream textiles in Indonesia on page 21, complete with investment, number of employees, turnover turn over, and the installed capacity of PTA, MEG, PSF, PFY , NYF, resin, and VSF.

These data also include a database of about 500 textile companies in Indonesia pages 22-120, which outlines the company name, plant location, phone number, email, contacts of top management, the status of the company, license, business lines, type of production and production capacity, market orientation , line of business, types of products and brands, the number of workers and supporters of the bank’s name.

Database 500 textile enterprises is very useful for marketing or business development team to penetrate the market and business cooperation. (Databases need more, please contact team manager

Market Research and Database 500 Textile Company (Data Textile Industry Upstream-Downstream) of 120 page pdf is derived from BPS, Ministry of Industry, the Indonesian Textile Association (API), the Association of Synthetic Fibers (Apsyfi), a number of textile companies in Indonesia, and processed Download the database industry is a new feature in featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented. Thank you for your confidence to

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