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<span itemprop="name">Riset Pasar dan Data Oli Pelumas Otomotif 2011-2016</span>

Riset Pasar dan Data Oli Pelumas Otomotif 2011-2016

Riset Pasar dan Data Oli Pelumas Otomotif 2011-2016 ini dirilis September 2016 menampilkan data, riset pasar, tren pangsa pasar, market leader, serta pertumbuhan pasar dan market size industri oli pelumas secara umum dan industri oli pelumas otomotif secara khusus. Periode yang jadi fokus 2011-2016.

Riset Pasar dan Data Oli Pelumas Otomotif 2011-2016 ini dimulai dengan menampilkan highlight makro ekonomi Indonesia, meliputi pertumbuhan PDB 2014-2019, tren inflasi, populasi penduduk, tren konsumen kelas menengah, laju urbanisasi, median usia penduduk, potensi pasar lokal, serta tren PDB per kapita. (halaman 2-4)

Kemudian, data ini menampilkan highlights perkembangan industri ini sejak 2007-2016, regulasi sejak 1998-2016. (halaman 5-8) PT Pertamina Lubricants–anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero) di bisnis pelumas–pernah menguasai pangsa pasar oli nasional sebesar 90% sebelum 1997. Pada masa itu, penjualan oli masih diatur oleh Keputusan Presiden (Keppres) Nomor 18 tahun 1988 tentang Penyediaan dan Pelayanan Pelumas Serta Penanganan Oli Bekas yang memberikan hak monopoli kepada Pertamina. Namun, hak monopoli tersebut kemudian dicabut melalui Keppres 21 tahun 2001 tentang Pelayanan Penyediaan Pelumas, yang memperbolehkan adanya pemain baru di pasar pelumas.

Di halaman 9-12, secara eksklusif membuat riset terkait persaingan pasar di bisnis oli pelumas di Indonesia secara umum. Peta persaingan itu dijabarkan dalam chart (infografik) terkait pangsa pasar 10 pemain utama di industri ini. Selain itu ditampilkan perkembangan pangsa pasar periode 2007, 2011, dan 2015. Tidak ketinggalan ditampilkan estimasi penjualan oli pelumas masing-masing pemain disertai pangsa pasarnya.

Di halaman 13 ditampilkan nilai pasar (market size) industri oli pelumas di Indonesia periode 2013-2016 (forecast) serta neraca perdagangan (ekspor-impor) di industri ini. Selain itu, di halaman 14, ditampilkan tren permintaan (demand) di pasar lokal pada periode 2011-2016 serta pertumbuhannya, dilengkapi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya.

Pada halaman 15-19, secara eksklusif membuat analisis peta persaingan yang terjadi di industri ini, perkembangan pemain baru sejak 2003, serta kabar terbaru investasi dan ekspansi dari sejumlah market leader di industri ini.

Berlanjut ke riset khusus, membuat riset eksklusif tentang komposisi segmen pengguna oli yang dibagi dua, yakni oli otomotif dan oli industri. Tren periode 2011-2016 menunjukkan porsi pasar oli otomotif lebih mendominasi (halaman 20). Dari oli otomotif, ternyata oli motor menyumbang komposisi terbesar (halaman 21).

Pada halaman 22, dijabarkan tren volume pasar dan nilai pasar (market size) oli otomotif dan oli industri di Indonesia periode 2011-2016. Data itu diperkuat dengan top 10 market leader oli pelumas otomotif tahun 2014 (halaman 23), tahun 2015 (halaman 24), dan tahun 2016 est (halaman 25). Data ini juga dilengkapi dengan tren penjualan otomotif, baik motor maupun mobil, periode 2005-2019 est (halaman 26). Juga, data jumlah kendaraan yang beroperasi di Indonesia, baik motor maupun mobil, periode 2006-2016 serta peluang bisnis ke depan (halaman 27).

Riset Pasar dan Data Oli Pelumas Otomotif 2011-2016 sebanyak 28 halaman ini berasal dari Kementerian Perindustrian, BPS, WHO dan Bank Dunia, Kementerian ESDM, asosiasi industri dan sejumlah perusahaan oli pelumas di Indonesia, diolah Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda kepada

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Automotive Lubricants Data and Market Research 2011-2016

Automotive Lubricants Data and Market Research 2011-2016 was released September 2016 displaying data, market research, market trends, market leader, as well as market growth and market size lubricating oil industry in general and automotive lubricating oil industry in particular. The period in focus 2011-2016.

Automotive Lubricants Data and Market Research 2011-2016 begins by showing highlights macroeconomic Indonesia, covering 2014-2019 GDP growth, inflation trends, population, middle-class consumer trends, urbanization, the median age of the population, the potential of the local market, as well as trends GDP per capita. (Page 2-4)

Then, the data showing highlights the development of the industry since 2007-2016, regulation since 1998-2016. (Page 5-8) PT Pertamina Lubricants-subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) in the lubricants business-ever market share of national oil by 90% before 1997. At that time, the sale of oil is still regulated by Presidential Decree (Decree) No. 18 1988 Supply and Service Used Oil Lubricants Handling and that gives monopoly rights to Pertamina. However, the monopoly rights are then removed through Presidential Decree 21 of 2001 on Providing Services Lubricants, which allows for a new player in the lubricant market.

On page 9-12, exclusively create market competition-related research in the lubricating oil business in Indonesia in general. The competitive landscape is described in the chart (infographic) related market share of 10 major players in this industry. Also shown the development of market share between 2007, 2011 and 2015. Do not miss the show estimated sales of lubricating oil each player along with its market share.

On page 13 show the market value (market size) lubricating oil industry in Indonesia period 2013-2016 (forecast) and the trade balance (exports-imports) in this industry. Additionally, on page 14, show the trend of demand (demand) in the local market in the period 2011-2016 and the growth, include the factors that influence it.

On pages 15-19, exclusively making analysis of the competitive landscape is happening in the industry, the development of new players since 2003, and the latest news of investment and expansion of a number of market leader in this industry.

Continues to specialized research, make exclusive research on the composition of the oil segment is divided into two, namely automotive oil and oil industries. Trends in the 2011-2016 period shows the portion of automotive oil market is dominated (page 20). Of automotive oil, motor oil turns accounted for the largest composition (page 21).

On page 22, described the trend of market volume and market value (market size) automotive oil and the oil industry in Indonesia period 2011-2016. The data reinforced the market leader of the top 10 automotive lubricating oil in 2014 (page 23), 2015 (page 24), and 2016 est (page 25). Data is also equipped with automotive sales trends, both motorcycles and cars, est period 2005-2019 (page 26). Also, data on the number of vehicles operating in Indonesia, both motorcycles and cars, the period of 2006-2016 as well as business opportunities in the future (page 27).

Automotive Lubricants Data and Market Research 2011-2016 as many as 28 pages comes from the Ministry of Industry, BPS, WHO and the World Bank, the Ministry of Energy, industry associations and a number of companies in Indonesia lubricating oil, processed Index of industry data is a new feature in featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented. Thank you.

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