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<span itemprop="name">Riset Pasar dan Data Industri Sepeda Motor (Tren Penjualan Merek Per Daerah)</span>

Riset Pasar dan Data Industri Sepeda Motor (Tren Penjualan Merek Per Daerah)

Riset Pasar dan Data Industri Sepeda Motor (Tren Penjualan Per Merek Per Daerah) yang dirilis Agustus 2016 ini menampilkan seluruh informasi, data, riset independen, serta proyeksi dan tren pasar motor di Indonesia. Dari mulai nilai pasar (market size), tren penjualan, rasio kepemilikan, jumlah populasi, serta komposisi pasar motor tersaji dalam riset dan data industri ini.

Riset Pasar dan Data Industri Sepeda Motor (Tren Penjualan Per Merek Per Daerah) ini dimulai dari dimulai dengan menampilkan highlight makro ekonomi Indonesia, meliputi pertumbuhan PDB 2014-2019, tren inflasi, populasi penduduk, tren konsumen kelas menengah, potensi pasar lokal, serta tren PDB per kapita. (halaman 2-4)

Selanjutnya, riset pasar ini menampilkan tren penjualan motor dan mobil di Indonesia 2005-2019 (estimasi) dalam grafis yang menarik. (halaman 5) Penjualan motor tumbuh dengan persentase tertinggi pada periode 2006-2011 secara historis dari 4,42 juta unit menjadi 8,01 juta unit.

Tren peta persaingan pangsa pasar per merek motor dipaparkan secara jelas dengan diagram yang menarik pada halaman 6. Data jumlah motor yang beroperasi dipaparkan pada halaman 7 lengkap dengan rekam jejak periode 2006-2016, dilengkapi dengan tren pertumbuhan rata-rata serta tingkat penetrasi pasar dan klasifikasi konsumen dilihat dari tingkat pendapatannya.

Mulai halaman 8, membuat riset independen terkait industri motor secara spesifik mulai dari gambaran industri motor Indonesia secara global (halaman 8), populasi dan nilai pasar (market size) industri motor Indonesia (halaman 9), rasio kepemilikan motor dibanding jumlah penduduk (halaman 10), dan analisis pasar motor 2015 (halaman 11).

Komposisi segmen motor ditampilkan dengan grafis yang menarik pada halaman 12. Kemudian, tren penjualan motor per daerah di Indonesia secara detail dipaparkan pada halaman 13, lengkap dengan volume penjualan per pulau di negeri ini.

Riset ini dilanjutkan dengan analisis penjualan motor per provinsi dan pangsa pasar masing-masing merek (brand). Analisis itu dilengkapi dengan tren penjualan motor di 10 provinsi yang menjadi pasar terbesar di Indonesia, lengkap dengan market share masing-masing merek motor. (halaman 14-16)

Top 10 provinsi dengan penjualan motor terbesar di Indonesia juga disajikan dalam kurun waktu yang cukup panjang (2012-2015) untuk menunjukkan tren secara komprehensif. (halaman 17-20)

Sebagai tambahan, data ini menampilkan industri komponen motor di Indonesia, terutama industri velg motor, mulai dari persaingan produsen dan merek velg, struktur pasar industri velg di Indonesia, serta nilai pasar industri velg motor di negeri ini. (halaman 21-25)

Tidak ketinggalan, Riset Pasar dan Data Industri Motor (Tren Penjualan Per Merek Per Daerah) ini juga menampilkan arah kebijakan (grand strategy) pemerintah untuk mengembangkan industri kendaraan roda dua, peluang investasi, serta regulasi dan insentif yang diberikan. (halaman 26-29)

Riset Pasar dan Data Industri Sepeda Motor (Tren Penjualan Per Merek Per Daerah) sebanyak 30 halaman pdf ini berasal dari berbagai sumber antara lain asosiasi industri yakni Asosiasi Industri Sepeda Motor Indonesia (AISI), regulator di Indonesia seperti BPS, Kementerian Perindustrian, BKPM, Polri, World Bank, serta sejumlah perusahaan motor. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih.

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Market Research and Motorcycle Industry Data (Brand Sales Trend Motorcycles Per Province)

Market Research and Motorcycle Industry Data (Brand Sales Trend Motorcycles Per Province) which was released in August 2016 showing all information, data, independent research, as well as projected markets and trends motorcycles in Indonesia. From the start of the market value (market size), sales trends, the ratio of ownership, number of population, as well as the composition of the motorcycle market research and data presented in this industry.

Market Research and Motorcycle Industry Data (Brand Sales Trend Motorcycles Per Province) was started from the beginning by showing highlights macroeconomic Indonesia, covering GDP growth from 2014 to 2019, the trend of inflation, population, middle-class consumer trends, the potential of the local market, as well as trends GDP per capita. (Page 2-4)

Furthermore, market research showing trends car and motorcycle sales in Indonesia 2005-2019 (estimate) in an interesting graphic. (Page 5) Motorcycle sales grew by the highest percentage in the period 2006-2011 historically from 4.42 million units to 8.01 million units.

Trends in the competitive landscape of the market share per brand motorcycle clearly presented with an interesting diagram on page 6. Data on the number of motors operating described on page 7 complete with the track record of the period 2006-2016, supplemented with average growth trends and market penetration rate and classification consumer views of their income.

Beginning on page 8, make independent research specifically related to the motor industry from Indonesia picture motor industry globally (page 8), population and market value (market size) Indonesian motor industry (page 9), motorcycle ownership ratio compared to the total population (page 10), and the motor market analysis 2015 (page 11).

The composition of the motorcycle segment with an attractive graphical display on page 12. Then, motorcycle sales trends per region in Indonesia in detail described on page 13, complete with a sales volume per island in the country.

This research followed by analysis by province motorcycle sales and market share of each brand (brand). Analysis was equipped with motorcycle sales trends in 10 provinces which became the largest market in Indonesia, complete with a market share of each brand of motorcycle. (Pages 14-16)

Top 10 provinces with the largest motorcycle sales in Indonesia are also presented in a fairly long period (2012-2015) to show trends in a comprehensive manner. (Pages 17-20)

In addition, the data showing motor components industry in Indonesia, especially the motorcycle wheel industry, from manufacturers and brand competition wheels, wheels industry market structure in Indonesia, as well as the market value of the motorcycle wheel industry in this country. (Pages 21-25)

Market Research and Motorcycle Industry Data (Brand Sales Trend Motorcycles Per Province) also displays the policy direction (grand strategy) government to develop a two-wheeler industry, investment opportunities, as well as regulation and incentives. (Pages 26-29)

Market Research and Motorcycle Industry Data (Brand Sales Trend Motorcycles Per Province) as much as a 30 page pdf is derived from various sources such as industry associations namely the Association of Indonesian Motorcycle Industries (AISI), the regulator in Indonesia such as BPS, Ministry of Industry, Investment Coordinating Board, the Police , the World Bank, as well as a motor company. Index of industry data is a new feature in featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented.

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