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<span itemprop="name">Riset Pasar dan Analisis Oversupply Semen (2016-2019)</span>

Riset Pasar dan Analisis Oversupply Semen (2016-2019)

Riset Pasar dan Analisis Oversupply Semen (2016-2019) ini dirilis per Agustus 2016 menampilkan seluruh informasi mengenai kondisi kelebihan pasokan (oversupply) industri semen di Indonesia. Fokus utama pembahasan dalam riset independen, data, analisis, kajian, dan outlook komprehensif ini terkait kondisi oversupply semen dan strategi para pemain.

Riset Pasar dan Analisis Oversupply Semen (2016-2019) ini dimulai dengan tren permintaan (demand) semen 2003-2016, dikaitkan dengan kapasitas terpasang (instaled capacity), serta pertumbuhan konsumsi. (halaman 2) Dengan melihat tren jangka panjang sejak 2003, terlihat kapasitas semen domestik terus di atas tingkat konsumsi lokal, sehingga Indonesia tidak defisit pasokan semen. Oversupply terjadi saat pertumbuhan permintaan di bawah ekspektasi.

Pada halaman 3 ditampilkan grafis terkait proyeksi kondisi oversupply semen 2016-2020. Pertumbuhan kapasitas terpasang semen akan terjadi paling tinggi pada 2017, sementara estimasi produksi riil akan menyesuaikan. Tingkat permintaan semen diproyeksi tumbuh berkisar 4% (estimasi terendah), 6% (estimasi moderat), dan 8% (estimasi tertinggi) periode 2016-2020.

Kondisi oversupply semen juga dijabarkan lebih lanjut pada halaman 4 dengan komparasi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia periode 1993-2015. membuat analisis eksklusif terkait kondisi oversupply semen untuk proyeksi 2016-2017. (halaman 5-6)

Pada halaman 7, dipaparkan faktor kunci pendorong tingkat permintaan (demand) semen di Indonesia, antara lain anggaran infrastruktur, perumahan, potensi pasar, serta bonus demografi penduduk kelas menengah. Pengembangan proyek-proyek infrastruktur dijabarkan lebih detail pada halaman 8-9 dan dilengkapi dengan korelasinya terhadap tingkat konsumsi semen per kapita di Indonesia.

Pengaruh proyek infrastruktur terhadap konsumsi semen juga terlihat dari perubahan porsi penjualan semen dari kemasan zak (bag) kepada partai besar (bulk) periode 1997-2016. (halaman 11-12)

Riset Pasar dan Analisis Oversupply Semen (2016-2019) ini juga dilengkapi dengan data peta persaingan merek semen per daerah, market leader per daerah, serta perubahan dan pertumbuhannya hingga 2016. (halaman 13)

Pada halaman 14-20, dijelaskan strategi market leader semen untuk mengatasi kondisi oversupply dan persaingan yang makin ketat. Pada halaman 21 ditampilkan tingkat konsumsi semen di negara-negara ASEAN. Riset ini juga dilengkapi dengan strategi pemain dengan pangsa pasar kedua dan ketiga dalam menghadapi kondisi oversupply semen di pasar lokal.

Riset Pasar dan Analisis Oversupply Semen (2016-2019) sebanyak 32 halaman ini berasal dari riset dengan dukungan data yang berasal dari Kementerian Perindustrian, Asosiasi Semen Indonesia (ASI), BPS, Bank Dunia, dan sejumlah perusahaan semen di Indonesia. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih.

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Market Research and Analysis Oversupply Cement in Indonesia (2016-2019)

Market Research and Analysis oversupply Cement (2016-2019) was released by August 2016 displays all the information about the condition of excess supply (oversupply) cement industry in Indonesia. The main focus of the discussion in independent research, data, analysis, assessment, and this comprehensive outlook regarding the condition of the cement oversupply and strategies of the players.

Market Research and Analysis oversupply Cement (2016-2019) began with the trend of demand (demand) of cement from 2003 to 2016, was associated with an installed capacity (instaled capacity), and consumption growth. (Page 2) By looking at the long-term trend since 2003, seen the domestic cement capacity to hold above the level of local consumption, so that Indonesia did not supply deficit of cement. Oversupply occurs when demand growth below expectations.

On page 3 projection display related graphics cement oversupply conditions from 2016 to 2020. The growth of the installed capacity of cement will occur highest in 2017, while the real production estimates will adjust. The level of demand for cement is projected to grow around 4% (low estimate), 6% (moderate estimate), and 8% (the highest estimate) in the period 2016-2020.

Cement oversupply conditions are also described further on page 4 with the comparison to economic growth of Indonesia period 1993-2015. make exclusive analysis regarding the condition of oversupply of cement for 2016-2017 projections. (Page 5-6)

On page 7, outlined the key factors driving the level of demand (demand) of cement in Indonesia, among others, the infrastructure budget, housing, market potential, as well as the demographic dividend middle class population. The development of infrastructure projects described in more detail on pages 8-9 and comes with a correlation to the level of cement consumption per capita in Indonesia.

Effect of infrastructure projects on cement consumption also comes from changes in cement sales portion of the packaging sacks (bags) to the big party (bulk) in the period 1997-2016. (Pages 11-12)

Market Research and Analysis oversupply Cement (2016-2019) is also equipped with map data competition cement brands per region, per local market leader, as well as changes and growth until 2016 (page 13)

On pages 14-20, the cement market leader described the strategy to tackle oversupply and competition conditions are more stringent. On page 21, displayed a level of cement consumption in ASEAN countries. Research is also equipped with the strategy of the player with the second and third market share in the face of cement oversupply conditions in the local market.

Market Research and Analysis oversupply Cement (2016-2019) a total of 32 pages of this comes from research with the support of the data coming from the Ministry of Industry, the Indonesian Cement Association (ASI), BPS, WHO and the World Bank, and a number of cement companies in Indonesia , Index of industry data is a new feature in featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented. thanks.

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