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<span itemprop="name">Riset Komprehensif Industri Susu Olahan 2013-2016</span>

Riset Komprehensif Industri Susu Olahan 2013-2016

Riset Komprehensif Industri Susu Olahan 2013-2016 ini menampilkan data dan outlook secara komprehensif terkait seluruh informasi mengenai industri susu olahan di Indonesia, mencakup pengelompokan industri dan pohon industri susu dari hulu-antara-hilir, segmentasi industri susu cair, tren konsumsi dan pertumbuhan volume produk susu, nilai penjualan produk susu, ukuran pasar (market size) industri susu olahan nasional, hingga pangsa pasar susu cair, susu bubuk, susu ultra high temperature (UHT), susu fermentasi, susu pasteurisasi (sterilisasi), yoghurt, keju olahan, serta tantangan dan peluang industi ini ke depan.

Riset ini dimulai dengan menampilkan pengelompokan industri susu dari hulu (susu segar), industri antara (susu pasteurisasi, susu UHT, susu fermentasi), hingga industri hilir (susu bubuk, susu kental manis, makanan bayi dari susu, keju, mentega, es krim, dan yoghurt) dilengkapi pohon industri susu secara lengkap. (halaman 2-3)

Di halaman 4-5 ditampilkan segmentasi industri susu cair dan susu bubuk terhadap total pasar. Pertumbuhan volume konsumsi produk susu periode 2008-2018 (forecast) ditampilkan pada halaman 6, serta tren penjualan produk susu periode 2008-2018 dipaparkan pada halaman 7.

Di halaman 8-9 ditampilkan perusahaan-perusahaan yang termasuk dalam industri susu olahan, lengkap dengan lokasi pabrik dan produk-produk yang dihasilkan. Terdapat 48 perusahaan di kategori industri pengolahan susu yang memproduksi susu segar, susu bubuk, susu UHT, susu steril, susu pasteurisasi, susu kental manis, susu formula, susu kemasan, ice cream, yoghurt, acidified milk drink, mentega, kopi instan, caramel, dan makanan bayi.

Pada halaman 9, pembahasan masuk pada segmen susu bubuk, mengulas pangsa pasar susu bubuk periode 2011-2013. Terdapat pergerakan pangsa pasar yang cukup signifikan untuk 10 perusahaan pemimpin pasar susu bubuk di Indonesia. Secara khusus, di halaman 10-11, membuat riset terkait pangsa pasar susu bubuk di Indonesia untuk 2014-2015. Pada halaman 13, dipaparkan pertumbuhan pasar produk susu bubuk di Indonesia secara volume dan nilai. Di halaman 14, membuat riset dan estimasi terkait pasar susu bubuk pada 2015 dan 2016.

Kategori susu cair dibahas secara komprehensif di halaman 15-16, mencakup pertumbuhan volume pasar, market size, dan tren pertumbuhan dari 2013-2016. Demikian juga susu UHT dibahas secara lengkap di halaman 17, mencakup pangsa pasar market leader, nilai pasar, serta pertumbuhan volume. Susu fermentasi juga dibahas secara khusus pada halaman 18, susu pasteurisasi di halaman 19, yoghurt cream dan drink di halaman 20-21, serta keju olahan pada halaman 22.

Riset ini juga dilengkapi dengan data produksi susu segar, impor susu, konsumsi bahan baku susu, serta pergerakan tren konsumsi susu di Indonesia. Ditambah dengan kapasitas terpasang, produksi, dan konsumsi susu cair, susu kental manis, susu bubuk.

Riset data industri susu olahan sebanyak 29 halaman ini berasal dari BPS, WHO dan Bank Dunia, Kementerian Perindustrian, Kementerian Pertanian, dan sejumlah perusahaan susu di Indonesia, diolah

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Comprehensive Research Processed Dairy Industry 2013-2016

Comprehensive Research 2013-2016 Dairy Industry Processed showing data and a comprehensive outlook regarding all information on the dairy industry in Indonesia, including industrial clustering and tree dairy industry from the upstream-downstream-between, segmentation of liquid milk industry, consumer trends and product volume growth milk, the sales value of dairy products, the size of the market (market size) dairy industry nationwide, up to a market share of liquid milk, milk powder, milk ultra high temperature (UHT), fermented milk, milk pasteurization (sterilization), yogurt, processed cheese, as well as challenge and this industry also opportunities ahead.

This research began with a breakdown of the dairy industry from upstream (fresh milk), the industry between (pasteurized milk, UHT milk, fermented milk), up to the downstream industry (milk powder, condensed milk, baby food milk, cheese, butter, ice cream and yoghurt) tree comes complete dairy industry. (Page 2-3)

On page 4-5 display industry segmentation liquid milk and milk powder to the total market. Growth in the volume of dairy product consumption period 2008-2018 (forecast) is shown on page 6, and dairy product sales trends 2008-2018 period outlined on page 7.

On page 8-9 show the companies included in the milk processing industry, complete with the location of the factory and the products produced. There are 48 companies in the category of milk processing industry that produces fresh milk, milk powder, UHT milk, milk sterilized, pasteurized milk, sweetened condensed milk, infant formula, milk packaging, ice cream, yogurt, acidified milk drink, butter, instant coffee, caramel and baby food.

On page 9, the discussion entered the segment of milk powder, milk powder to review market share 2011-2013. There is a movement of a significant market share for its 10 milk powder market leader in Indonesia. In particular, on page 10-11, make research related milk powder market share in Indonesia for 2014-2015. On page 13, described the growth market milk powder products in Indonesia in volume and value. On page 14, make estimates related research and powdered milk market in 2015 and 2016.

Liquid milk category discussed comprehensively on pages 15-16, covers the market volume growth, market size and growth trends from 2013 to 2016. Likewise, UHT milk discussed in detail on page 17, covers the market share of market leader, market value and volume growth. Fermented milk also discussed on page 18 on page 19 of pasteurized milk, yoghurt cream and drink in pages 20-21, as well as processed cheese on page 22.

Research is also equipped with fresh milk production data, imports of milk, the consumption of raw milk, milk consumption trends and movements in Indonesia. Coupled with the installed capacity, production, and consumption of liquid milk, sweetened condensed milk, milk powder.

Industry data and research as much as 29 this page is derived from the BPS, WHO and the World Bank, the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Agriculture, and a number of dairies in Indonesia, processed

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