Riset Eksklusif dan Data Industri Minyak Goreng Sawit 2005-2015 ini menampilkan riset eksklusif, data, analisis, dan outlook industri minyak goreng sawit di Indonesia, dari mulai tren produksi, tren investasi, peningkatan kapasitas produksi, para pemain besar, persebaran lokasi pabrik, tren market leader (pemimpin pasar berdasarkan merek dan berdasarkan kapasitas produksi), serta berbagai informasi lain seperti regulasi dan target 2030.
Riset ini dimulai dengan highlight singkat tentang industri minyak sawit goreng, proses pengolahan, serta pohon industri hilir minyak sawit mentah (halaman 2-4). Kemudian beranjak pada regulasi hilirisasi industri kelapa sawit yang menekankan pada diversifikasi produk turunan minyak sawit mentah (crude palm oil/CPO), serta klaster industri hilir kelapa sawit (halaman 5). Pada halaman 6 ditampilkan insentif-insentif yang diberikan pemerintah untuk program hilirisasi industri CPO.
Di halaman 7 dipaparkan dalam chart tentang peta penyebaran pabrik minyak goreng di Indonesia. Sumatera Utara menjadi daerah dengan populasi pabrik minyak goreng terbesar di Indonesia, mencakup 30,46% dari total jumlah pabrik minyak goreng di negeri ini. Disusul Riau dengan 24,83%.
Pada halaman 8, dipaparkan tren produksi minyak sawit goreng yang tumbuh 80% dari 2011 ke 2014. Data tersebut dilengkapi dengan tren investasi, tren pertumbuhan produksi, konsumsi, serta ekspor minyak goreng sawit periode 2011-2017 (estimasi) pada halaman (9-10).
Duniaindustri.com membuat riset eksklusif terkait pangsa pasar produsen minyak goreng sawit berdasarkan kapasitas terpasang untuk periode 2013 dan 2015, lengkap dengan masing-masing kapasitas 5 pemain terbesar (halaman 11-13). Sementara pada halaman 14-15, duniaindustri.com membuat riset eksklusif terkait tren perubahan pangsa pasar merek minyak goreng periode 2005-2015.
Berlanjut ke halaman 16, ditampilkan proyeksi produksi CPO Indonesia pada 2016 sebesar 35 juta ton, tumbuh 9,3% dibanding proyeksi tahun ini 32 juta ton, menurut data United State Department of Agriculture (USDA). Kenaikan tersebut akan mendorong peningkatan produksi CPO global sebesar 5,96% menjadi 65,1 juta ton pada 2016 dibanding proyeksi tahun ini 61,44 juta ton.
Dengan demikian, produksi CPO Indonesia tahun depan diperkirakan menyumbang 53,7% dari total produksi CPO global. Sementara Malaysia, produsen CPO terbesar kedua setelah Indonesia, diperkirakan memproduksi CPO sebanyak 21 juta ton pada 2016, dengan kontribusi 32,25% terhadap pasar global.
Selain itu, ditampilkan data proyeksi harga CPO dunia pada 2016, pengaruh El-Nino dan sentimen program biodiesel. Serta, dampaknya terhadap perkembangan ekspor dan tren permintaan global.
Juga ditampilkan cakupan lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit di Indonesia, dengan komposisi provinsi terbesar berdasarkan kebun sawit. Luas lahan kebun kelapa sawit di Indonesia pada 2015 diperkirakan mencapai 11,4 juta hektare, dengan komposisi 5,9 juta hektare lahan swasta, 4,7 juta hektare lahan rakyat, dan 0,8 juta hektare lahan BUMN.
Di sisi lain, ditampilkan juga tren investasi di sektor hulu dan sektor hilir industri perkebunan kelapa sawit di Indonesia dalam lima tahun terakhir, insentif investasi yang disiapkan pemerintah, serta proyeksi tren ke depan. Tidak ketinggalan, dipaparkan kawasan industri khusus industri kelapa sawit yang sedang dibangun pemerintah, target 2030, dan tren mata rantai industri sawit modern.
Riset sebanyak 30 halaman ini berasal dari berbagai sumber antara lain regulator di Indonesia, BPS, BKPM, kementerian terkait, serta asosiasi industri, seperti Gabungan Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (GAPKI), Gabungan Industri Minyak Nabati Indonesia (GIMNI), diolah duniaindustri.com.
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Edible Oil Industry Data and Exclusive Research (Trends Competition Market Leader)
Edible Oil Industry Data and Exclusive Research 2005-2015 showing exclusive research, data, analysis, and industry outlook for palm oil in Indonesia, ranging from production trends, investment trends, increased production capacity, the big players, the spread of the plant site, the trend market leader (based on the brand and the market leader based on production capacity), as well as a variety of other information such as regulation and targets in 2030.
This research begins with a brief highlight of cooking palm oil industry, processing, and the tree of crude palm oil downstream industry (pages 2-4). Then move on regulation of downstream palm oil industry which emphasizes diversification of crude palm oil derivative products (crude palm oil / CPO), as well as downstream palm oil industrial cluster (page 5). On page 6 is shown the incentives given by the government for the program downstream CPO industry.
On page 7 presented in the chart on the map of the spread of cooking oil factory in Indonesia. North Sumatra became the area with the largest population of cooking oil factory in Indonesia, covering 30.46% of the total amount of cooking oil factory in the country. Followed Riau with 24.83%.
On page 8, described the trend of cooking palm oil production which grew 80% from 2011 to 2014. The data were fitted with investment trends, the growth trend of production, consumption, and export of palm olein period 2011 to 2017 (estimated) on the page (9-10 ).
Duniaindustri.com make exclusive research related to the market share of palm oil producers based on the installed capacity for the period 2013 and 2015, each complete with a capacity of 5 greatest players (pages 11-13). While on pages 14-15, duniaindustri.com make exclusive research related to the changing trend of cooking oil brand’s market share 2005-2015.
Continued on page 16, is displayed projection Indonesian CPO production in 2016 amounted to 35 million tons, up 9.3% compared to the projected 32 million tons this year, according to data from the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA). The increase will push the global CPO production increase of 5.96% to 65.1 million tonnes in 2016 compared to this year’s projection of 61.44 million tons.
Thus, Indonesia’s CPO production next year are estimated to contribute 53.7% of total global CPO production. While Malaysia, the second largest palm oil producer after Indonesia, is expected to produce 21 million tons of CPO in 2016, with a contribution of 32.25% to the global market.
In addition, the data show the world CPO price forecast in 2016, the influence of El Nino and sentiment biodiesel program. As well, the impact on the development of exports and global demand trends.
Also featured coverage of oil palm plantations in Indonesia, the largest province composition based on an oil palm plantation. The land area of oil palm plantations in Indonesia in 2015 is estimated at 11.4 million hectares, with a composition of 5.9 million hectares of private land, 4.7 million hectares of the people, and 0.8 million hectares of state-owned enterprises.
On the other hand, displayed a trend also invest upstream and downstream sectors of the palm oil industry in Indonesia in the last five years, investment incentives prepared by the government, as well as projections of future trends. No lag, presented a special industrial zones palm oil industry is being built by the government, the target in 2030, and the trend of the modern oil industry chain.
Research about 30 pages is derived from various sources such as regulators in Indonesia, BPS, BKPM, relevant ministries, as well as industry associations, such as the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (GAPKI), Indonesian Vegetable Oil Industry Association (GIMNI), processed duniaindustri.com.
Index of industrial database is a new feature in duniaindustri.com featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. Duniaindustri.com priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented. Thank you.