Riset Data Spesifik Lab Pengujian Lingkungan 2017-2024 (Kajian Pertumbuhan Pasar dan Profitabilitas) ini dirilis minggu ketiga Desember 2019 menampilkan riset independen, riset data spesifik, data komprehensif, market analisis, market outlook, market trend, analisis pertumbuhan pasar (market revenue trend), dan kajian profitabilitas (margin laba operasi) 2017-2024. Riset data ini berisi 46 halaman berukuran 4,66 MB yang dibuat untuk menjadi panduan komprehensif serta referensi bagi investor, korporasi, peneliti, dan berbagai stakeholders secara luas.
Riset ini dimulai dengan menampilkan dengan menampilkan highlights perekonomian global, mulai dari tren pertumbuhan penduduk global, megatrend yang berkembang secara global terutama terkait digitalisasi, hingga 2045. (halaman 2 sampai 4) Kemudian beralih ke pemetaan demografi penduduk Indonesia, mulai dari proyeksi jumlah populasi penduduk di Indonesia pada 2045, usia harapan hidup, komposisi jumlah penduduk di perkotaan dan perdesaan. Jumlah penduduk usia produktif di Indonesia menjadi yang terbesar di ASEAN. (halaman 5 sampai 8) Di sisi lain juga ditampilkan jumlah dan kepadatan penduduk di Indonesia per wilayah.
Disusul kemudian proyeksi pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia 2016 sampai 2045 dengan dua skenario (skenario dasar dan skenario tinggi). (halaman 9) Serta, indikator pertumbuhan ekonomi di 2045 serta tahapan menuju ekonomi modern. (halaman 10)
Masuk ke bab berikutnya yakni fokus riset data ini, ditampilkan market revenue trend industri lab pengujian lingkungan periode 2017-2024. Pada halaman 11 ditampilkan fokus riset data ini, mencakup trend market revenue industri lab pengujian lingkungan, tren profitabilitas outlook industri lab pengujian lingkungan periode 2017-2024 beserta analysist, market leader review, dan market highlights peluang dan tantangan industri lab pengujian lingkungan perioe 2017-2024.
Pada halaman 12 dan 13 ditampilkan tabel market revenue industri lab pengujian lingkungan di Indonesia secara nilai periode 2017-2024. Pergerakan trend sempat melambat pada 2019 karena kondisi ekonomi, namun masih memiliki prospek positif hingga 2024. Analisis prospek positif beserta pertumbuhan hingga 2024 dijabarkan pada halaman 14 dan 15.
Pada halaman 16 dan 17 ditampilkan tabel tren profitabilitas (margin operasi) industri lab pengujian lingkungan di Indonesia periode 2017-2024. Perubahan tren pendapatan dan beban mempengaruhi profitabilitas industri ini selama 2017-2024. Meski demikian, outlook periode 2020-2024 masih positif, ditandai dengan ekspektasi peningkatan profitabilitas. Riset data ini juga diperkuat dengan asumsi yang mendasari tren pergerakan profitabilitas periode 2017-2024.
Beranjak ke bab selanjutnya, ditampilkan segmentasi dari gambaran umum terkait jasa inspeksi, sertifikasi, audit, dan pengujian lingkungan. Dari 7 segmen, lab pengujian lingkungan menjadi salah satu segmen dengan pertumbuhan paling prospektif.
Pada halaman 19 sampai halaman 25, dibahas secara komprehensif terkait market leader review dua pemimpin pasar lab pengujian lingkungan. Pembahasan komprehensif itu mencakup lini bisnis, kinerja keuangan (pendapatan), beserta pangsa pasar periode 2018 dan estimasi 2019. Pembahasan bab ini diharapkan menjadi acuan (benchmark) di sektor ini sehingga menjadi rekam jejak yang akurat.
Beralih ke Industri Jasa Pengujian, Inspeksi, dan Sertifikasi Lingkungan sebagai induk jasa lab pengujian lingkungan, pada halaman 26 sampai 33 ditampilkan market review industri jasa pengujian, inspeksi, dan sertifikasi lingkungan secara global. Mulai dari data porsi market revenue (omzet) industri jasa pengujian, inspeksi, verifikasi, dan sertifikasi lingkungan secara global pada 2017. Data berupa tabel pie chart tersebut kemudian diperjelas dengan porsi market revenue per kawasan (5 kawasan mencakup Eropa, Amerika Utara, Asia Pasifik, Timur Tengah dan Afrika, serta Amerika Selatan). Juga ditampilkan infografis pemetaan nilai market revenue industri jasa pengujian, inspeksi, verifikasi, dan sertifikasi lingkungan di kawasan Asia Pasifik dan khususnya Indonesia.
Pada halaman 34, ditampilkan tabel market revenue (omzet) industri jasa pengujian, inspeksi, verifikasi, dan sertifikasi lingkungan di Indonesia periode 2017 sampai 2020. Disusul, segmentasi dan peluang tantangan yang dihadapi di Indonesia. Juga ditampilkan market trend yang terjadi di Indonesia.
Riset Data Spesifik Lab Pengujian Lingkungan 2017-2024 (Kajian Pertumbuhan Pasar dan Profitabilitas) ini meliputi sebanyak 46 halaman pdf dan berukuran 4,66 MB. Riset spesifik ini dihasilkan oleh tim duniaindustri.com dengan dukungan data yang berasal dari big data Duniaindustri.com, digital database, kementerian terkait, asosiasi industri, serta sejumlah perusahaan market leader di Indonesia. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di duniaindustri.com yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. Duniaindustri.com mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan.
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Specific Data Research on Environmental Testing Lab 2017-2024 (Study on Market Growth and Profitability)
Specific Data Research for the 2017-2024 Environmental Testing Lab (Market Growth and Profitability Study) released the third week of December 2019 features independent research, specific data research, comprehensive data, market analysis, market outlook, market trends, market growth analysis (market revenue trend) , and review of profitability (operating profit margins) 2017-2024. This research data contains 46 pages measuring 4.66 MB which was made to be a comprehensive guide and reference for investors, corporations, researchers, and various stakeholders in a broad manner.
This research begins by presenting highlights of the global economy, ranging from global population growth trends, globally developing megatrends mainly related to digitization, until 2045. (pages 2 to 4) Then move on to demographic mapping of Indonesia’s population, starting from the projected population population in Indonesia in 2045, life expectancy, composition of population in urban and rural areas. The number of productive age population in Indonesia is the largest in ASEAN. (pages 5 to 8) On the other hand, the number and density of population in Indonesia is also displayed per region.
Followed then projections of Indonesia’s economic growth in 2016 to 2045 with two scenarios (basic scenario and high scenario). (page 9) Also, indicators of economic growth in 2045 and stages towards a modern economy. (page 10)
Entering the next chapter, the focus of this data research, is displayed the market revenue trend of the environmental testing lab in the 2017-2024 period. On page 11 the focus of this data research is displayed, covering the market revenue trend of the environmental testing lab industry, profitability trends outlook for the environmental testing lab industry 2017-2024 along with analysts, market leader reviews, and market highlights opportunities and challenges for the environmental testing lab industry in the 2017-2024 period .
On pages 12 and 13, a table showing market revenue for the environmental testing lab industry in Indonesia for the 2017-2024 period. The movement of the trend had slowed down in 2019 due to economic conditions, but it still had a positive prospect until 2024. Analysis of the positive outlook and growth up to 2024 was described on pages 14 and 15.
On pages 16 and 17 a profitability (operating margin) industry environmental testing lab table in Indonesia is displayed in the 2017-2024 period. Changes in revenue and expense trends affect the profitability of this industry during 2017-2024. Nevertheless, the outlook for the 2020-2024 period is still positive, marked by expectations of increased profitability. This data research is also strengthened by the assumptions underlying the 2017-2024 profitability movement trend.
Moving on to the next chapter, a segmentation of the general picture related to inspection, certification, auditing and environmental testing services is presented. Of the 7 segments, the environmental testing lab is one of the most prospective growth segments.
On pages 19 to page 25, a comprehensive discussion of the market leader review of two market leaders in the environmental testing lab is discussed. The comprehensive discussion covers business lines, financial performance (revenue), along with market share for the 2018 period and 2019 estimates. Discussion of this chapter is expected to be a benchmark in this sector so that it becomes an accurate track record.
Turning to the Environmental Testing, Inspection and Certification Services Industry as the parent of the environmental testing lab services, pages 26 to 33 display a market review of the environmental testing, inspection and certification services industry globally. Starting from the market revenue (turnover) portion of the global testing, inspection, verification and environmental certification service industry in 2017. The data in the form of a pie chart table is then clarified with the portion of market revenue per region (5 regions including Europe, North America, Asia Pacific , Middle East and Africa, and South America). Also displayed is an infographic mapping of the market revenue value of the testing, inspection, verification and environmental certification service industry in the Asia Pacific region and especially Indonesia.
On page 34, a market revenue (turnover) table for the testing, inspection, verification and environmental certification services industry in Indonesia for the period of 2017 to 2020 is displayed. Followed, segmentation and opportunities faced challenges in Indonesia. Also shown is the market trend that is happening in Indonesia.
Specific Data Research for the 2017-2024 Environmental Testing Lab (Market Growth and Profitability Study) includes 46 pdf pages and 4.66 MB in size. This specific research was produced by the duniaindustri.com team with data support from Duniaindustri.com big data, digital databases, relevant ministries, industry associations, and a number of market leader companies in Indonesia. Industrial data index is the latest feature in duniaindustri.com which displays dozens of selected data according to users’ needs. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easily downloaded after users process according to the procedure, namely click purchase, click checkout, and fill out the form. Duniaindustri.com prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented.(*)