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<span itemprop="name">Riset Data Pemetaan Pasar 7 Market Leader Petrokimia Hulu (Market Demand Produk Petrokimia Hulu 2015-2030)</span>

Riset Data Pemetaan Pasar 7 Market Leader Petrokimia Hulu (Market Demand Produk Petrokimia Hulu 2015-2030)

Riset Data Pemetaan Pasar 7 Market Leader Petrokimia Hulu (Market Demand Produk Petrokimia Hulu 2015-2030) ini dirilis minggu ketiga September 2021 menampilkan outlook tren pasar, data pertumbuhan pasar (volume market size/size business), market leader database, database spesifik, dan riset independen. Disajikan dalam tabel, grafis, dan tabulasi data yang menarik, Riset Data Pemetaan Pasar 7 Market Leader Petrokimia Hulu (Market Demand Produk Petrokimia Hulu 2015-2030) berjumlah 81 halaman dan berukuran 7,55 MB ini diharapkan menjadi acuan pertumbuhan bisnis pemain petrokimia hulu-hilir serta stakeholders terkait lainnya.

Riset Data Pemetaan Pasar 7 Market Leader Petrokimia Hulu (Market Demand Produk Petrokimia Hulu 2015-2030) ini menjadi salah satu dari 238 kumpulan database spesifik terlengkap yang diproduksi tim, dengan coverage yang cukup luas dari gambaran umum hingga spesifik sehingga dapat menggambarkan dinamika industri yang komprehensif.

Riset data ini dimulai dengan menampilkan dengan menampilkan highlights perekonomian Indonesia, yang terpengaruh pandemi Covid-19 sehingga mengganggu aktivitas industri secara umum. Tantangan perlambatan ekonomi di 2020 menjadi perhatian khusus para pelaku industri, termasuk sektor petrokimia dan end user produk petrokimia. (halaman 2 sampai halaman 4)

Kemudian disusul megatrend dunia menuju 2045 dan demografi dunia di halaman 5, highlights demografi Indonesia periode 2010 hingga 2045 di halaman 6. Dilanjutkan dengan rasio jumlah penduduk di Indonesia berdasarkan wilayah periode 2010 dan 2045 pada halaman 7. Serta, skenario pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia dengan dua skenario (skenario dasar atau baseline dan skenario tinggi) periode 2016-2045 pada halaman 8 hingga halaman 10.

Beralih ke fokus pembahasan, pada halaman 11 ditampilkan fokus Riset Data Pertumbuhan Pasar 22 Produk Petrokimia 2015-2025 (Trend Kapasitas Lokal & Market Leader) dilengkapi metodologinya, serta executive summary di halaman 12. Secara umum, fokus riset data ini antara lain mencakup 1) riset data pemetaan pasar 7 market leader petrokimia hulu, 2) market leader database dan rencana ekspansi, serta 3) outlook market demand produk petrokimia hulu 2015-2030.

Dalam fokus pembahasan 1, tim mencoba memetakan pasar produk petrokimia hulu, neraca ekspor-impor, serta kapasitas produksi perusahaan lokal. Dari hasil pemetaan itu diperoleh, 15 produk petrokimia hulu masih mengandalkan produk impor secara signifikan. Hal ini tentu menjadi peluang pasar bagi market leader lokal dan perusahaan sejenis untuk menjajaki peluang investasi.

Pembahasan dan analisis riset data pemetaan pasar 7 market leader petrokimia hulu dilakukan secara komprehensif, dan disajikan pada halaman 12 sampai halaman 23. Juga dilengkapi dengan monitoring rencana ekspansi sejumlah market leader untuk menangkap peluang pasar.

Beralih ke fokus pembahasan 2, tim menyajikan market leader database berupa profil pemimpin pasar petrokimia hulu, kinerja produksi, hingga rekam jejak ekspansi yang telah dilakukannya. Fokus pembahasan 2 ini disajikan pada halaman 24 sampai halaman 63, sehingga dapat menjadi benchmark persaingan pasar secara riil dan update.

Masuk ke fokus pembahasan 3, tim membuat outlook market demand petrokimia hulu beserta kapasitas produksi lokal periode 2015-2030, pada halaman 63 sampai halaman 80. Isi dari fokus pembahasan 3 antara lain market demand outlook untuk 22 produk petrokimia yang meliputi (ethylene, propylene, LLDPE, HDPE, polypropylene, ethylene dichloride, vinyl chloride monomer, polyvinyl chloride, ethylene oxide, mono ethylene glycol, acrylic acid, butanol, ethylhexanol, pygas, crude c4, butadiene, benzene, paraxylene, styrene, synthetic rubber, methyl tert-butyl ether, butene) periode 2015-2030 forecast.

Untuk menyusun outlook tersebut, tim telah menelaah pertumbuhan sektor hilir (end user) dari 22 produk petrokimia hulu sehingga dapat dijadikan patokan yang kuat untuk membuat outlook hingga 2030. Pertumbuhan sektor hilir pengguna produk petrokimia hulu akan meningkat hingga 2030, dan menjadi benchmark pertumbuhan market demand petrokimia hulu.

Riset Data Pemetaan Pasar 7 Market Leader Petrokimia Hulu (Market Demand Produk Petrokimia Hulu 2015-2030) yang berisi 81 halaman pdf dan berukuran 7,55 MB ini berasal dari riset eksklusif, didukung data penunjang dari BPS, IMF dan Bank Dunia, dan perusahaan market leader di Indonesia dan monitoring database. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan ratusan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Per September 2021, terdapat 238 riset data spesifik dari 22 sektor industri. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda kepada*)

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Jika Anda kesulitan atau butuh info lebih lanjut, hubungi, Alamat: Ruko Griya Cinere 2 Blok 49 No 29 Jalan Cinere Raya, Jakarta Selatan (Desain Bagus Group). No Telpon: 021-22779565, 021-7447443. Atau jika Anda tidak menemukan data yang dicari, silakan klik detektif industri untuk pencarian spesifik (request data), Indeks Data Industri untuk melihat database secara keseluruhan, Datapedia Marketplace untuk jual-beli data, di bagian atas website ini.


Market Mapping Data Research 7 Upstream Petrochemical Market Leaders (Market Demand for Upstream Petrochemical Products 2015-2030)

Market Mapping Data Research for the 7 Upstream Petrochemical Market Leaders (Market Demand for Upstream Petrochemical Products 2015-2030) released in the third week of September 2021 featuring an outlook for market trends, market growth data (market size/business size), market leader databases, specific databases, and independent research. Presented in attractive tables, graphics, and data tabulations, Market Mapping Data Research of 7 Upstream Petrochemical Market Leaders (Market Demand for Upstream Petrochemical Products 2015-2030) totaling 81 pages and measuring 7.55 MB is expected to be a reference for business growth of upstream petrochemical players – downstream and other relevant stakeholders.

Market Mapping Data Research 7 Market Leaders for Upstream Petrochemicals (Market Demand for Upstream Petrochemical Products 2015-2030) is one of the 238 most comprehensive collections of specific databases produced by the team, with wide enough coverage from general to specific descriptions so that they can describe dynamics. comprehensive industry.

This data research begins by displaying the highlights of the Indonesian economy, which was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, thus disrupting industrial activities in general. The challenge of the economic slowdown in 2020 is of particular concern to industry players, including the petrochemical sector and end users of petrochemical products. (page 2 to page 4)

Then followed by the world megatrend towards 2045 and world demography on page 5, highlights of Indonesia’s demographics for the period 2010 to 2045 on page 6. Followed by the ratio of the population in Indonesia by region for the period 2010 and 2045 on page 7. And, Indonesia’s economic growth scenario with two scenarios (basic scenario or baseline and high scenario) period 2016-2045 on page 8 to page 10.

Turning to the focus of the discussion, on page 11 the focus of Market Growth Data Research for 22 Petrochemical Products 2015-2025 (Local Capacity Trends & Market Leaders) is shown, along with the methodology, as well as an executive summary on page 12. In general, the focus of this data research includes 1) market mapping data research of 7 upstream petrochemical market leaders, 2) market leader database and expansion plans, and 3) market demand outlook for upstream petrochemical products 2015-2030.

In focus of discussion 1, the team tried to map the upstream petrochemical product market, the export-import balance, and the production capacity of local companies. From the mapping results, 15 upstream petrochemical products still rely significantly on imported products. This is certainly a market opportunity for local market leaders and similar companies to explore investment opportunities.

The discussion and analysis of market mapping data for market mapping of 7 upstream petrochemical market leaders is carried out comprehensively, and is presented on pages 12 to 23. Also equipped with monitoring expansion plans for a number of market leaders to capture market opportunities.

Turning to the focus of discussion 2, the team presents a market leader database in the form of profiles of upstream petrochemical market leaders, production performance, and track record of expansion that has been carried out. The focus of discussion 2 is presented on page 24 to page 63, so that it can become a benchmark for real and updated market competition.

Entering discussion focus 3, the team developed an outlook for upstream petrochemical market demand along with local production capacity for the 2015-2030 period, on pages 63 to 80. The contents of the focus of discussion 3 include market demand outlook for 22 petrochemical products which include (ethylene , propylene, LLDPE, HDPE, polypropylene, ethylene dichloride, vinyl chloride monomer, polyvinyl chloride, ethylene oxide, mono ethylene glycol, acrylic acid, butanol, ethylhexanol, pygas, crude c4, butadiene, benzene, paraxylene, styrene, synthetic rubber, methyl tert-butyl ether, butene) 2015-2030 forecast period.

To prepare the outlook, the team has studied the growth of the downstream sector (end users) of 22 upstream petrochemical products so that it can be used as a strong benchmark for making an outlook until 2030. The growth of the downstream sector of users of upstream petrochemical products will increase until 2030, and become a benchmark growth of upstream petrochemical market demand.

Market Mapping Data Research for the 7 Upstream Petrochemical Market Leaders (Market Demand for Upstream Petrochemical Products 2015-2030) which contains 81 pdf pages and is 7.55 MB in size, comes from exclusive research from, supported by supporting data from BPS, IMF and World Bank, and market leader companies in Indonesia and monitoring database. Industry data index is the latest feature in which displays hundreds of selected data according to user needs. As of September 2021, there are 238 research specific data from 22 industrial sectors. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users carry out the process according to the procedure, namely click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented. Thank you for your trust in*)

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