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<span itemprop="name">Riset dan Analisis Eksklusif Farmasi (Tren Persaingan Obat Bebas, Generik, Herbal dan Daftar Obat Paling Laku)</span>

Riset dan Analisis Eksklusif Farmasi (Tren Persaingan Obat Bebas, Generik, Herbal dan Daftar Obat Paling Laku)

Riset dan analisis eksklusif farmasi di Indonesia ini menampilkan data, outlook, riset eksklusif terkait seluruh informasi mengenai industri farmasi di Indonesia, serta riset dan analisis pasar obat bebas (over the counter/OTC), obat generik, dan obat herbal. Riset eksklusif ini mengulas mulai dari tren investasi baru farmasi di Indonesia mulai 2014-2016 (analisis pemain baru), pergerakan pangsa pasar obat bebas dan obat herbal, tren pertumbuhan obat generik dengan program Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional (SJSN) 2016-2019, pertumbuhan pasar obat di Indonesia, analisis persaingan pasar obat generik vs obat bebas (over the counter/OTC), market leader obat bebas, daftar obat bebas, analisis obat bebas per segmen, tren pertumbuhan obat herbal, komparasi perbandingan kekuatan pemasok pemain obat bebas, dan daftar obat paling laku di pasaran.

Riset eksklusif ini dimulai dari tren investasi baru di industri farmasi di Indonesia 2014-2016 dan analisis pemain baru (halaman 2-5). Kemudian pangsa pasar obat bebas 2015 masing-masing pemain dan tren pergerakannya periode 2011-2015 (halaman 6-8).

Beranjak ke obat generik, riset eksklusif ini mencermati tren pertumbuhan obat generik dikaitkan dengan tren pertumbuhan pasar obat secara total di Indonesia 2010-2019 (halaman 9-11). Juga ditampilkan, pengaruh program SJSN Kesehatan terhadap pertumbuhan obat generik yang terus meningkat dari 6,9% pada 2011 menjadi 9,3% pada 2015 terhadap total pasar obat di Indonesia (halaman 12-14) serta estimasi 2016-2019 (halaman 15).

Pertumbuhan obat generik itu dikhawatirkan dapat menekan pangsa pasar segmen obat bebas (halaman 16-17). Pada halaman 18-36 merupakan intisari riset eksklusif ini yang mengulas tren pergerakan market leader obat bebas per merek untuk segmen obat antasida, obat anti-diare, obat batuk, obat sakit kepala, serta obat batuk dan flu. Juga diulas daftar merek obat bebas yang bersaing di pasar obat Indonesia. Sejumlah merek obat bebas yang menjadi market leader antara lain Promag (obat antasida), Neo Entrostop (obat anti-diare), Komix (obat batuk), Bodrex (obat sakit kepala), Bodrex Flu dan Batuk (obat batuk dan flu).

Pada halaman 37-47, ditampilkan tren pertumbuhan obat herbal mulai 2000-2015 serta tren pergerakan market leader Sido Muncul. Serta, analisis pertumbuhan obat herbal dan penetrasi Sido Muncul terhadap peta persaingan obat di Indonesia, terutama obat bebas.

Pada halaman 48-59, ditampilkan komparasi kekuatan pemasok (supplier) dari empat produsen farmasi terbesar di Indonesia, serta analisis kekuatan pemasok terhadap bahan baku serta bahan penolong lainnya. Pada halaman 61-62, ditampilkan top 7 obat bebas paling laku di pasaran Indonesia serta analisis persaingan.

Riset eksklusif ini sebanyak 62 halaman ini berasal dari Kementerian Kesehatan, BPS, WHO dan Bank Dunia, GP Farmasi, International Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Group (IPMG), sejumlah perusahaan farmasi di Indonesia, dan diolah

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Exclusive Research and Analysis Pharmaceutical Industries in Indonesia (Trends Competition OTC, Generics, Herbal)

Research and analysis of pharmaceuticals in Indonesia this exclusive display data, outlook, exclusive research related to all the information about the pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia, as well as research and analysis of the OTC market (over the counter/OTC), generic drugs, and herbal remedies. This exclusive research review from the new investment trends in the pharmaceutical Indonesia started 2014-2016 (analysis of new players), the movement of the market share of OTC drugs and herbal medicine, the growing trend of generic drugs to the program of the National Social Security System (Navigation) from 2016 to 2019, the market growth medicine in Indonesia, the analysis of market competition generic drug vs. drug-free (over the counter / OTC), a market leader counter medicines, a list of free drugs, analysis of drug-free per segment, the trend growth of herbal medicine, comparative comparative strength of suppliers players counter medicines, and the list top-selling drugs on the market.

This exclusive research starts from the new investment trends in the pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia 2014-2016 and analysis of new players (pages 2-5). Then the OTC market share in 2015 of each player and the movement trends 2011-2015 (pages 6-8).

Moving to a generic drug, exclusive research is looking at the growing trend of generic drugs was associated with a trend of growth in total drug market in Indonesia 2010-2019 (pages 9-11). Also shown, the influence of the Social Security program Health on the growth of generic drugs increased from 6.9% in 2011 to 9.3% in 2015 to total drug market in Indonesia (pages 12-14) as well as estimates from 2016 to 2019 (page 15).

The growth of generic drugs of concern that it can suppress drug segment free market (pages 16-17). On pages 18-36 is the essence of this exclusive research to review the trend of the movement of the market leader for branded drug segment free per drugs antacids, anti-diarrhea medication, cough medication, migraine headaches, and cough and cold medicines. Also reviewed the list of OTC brands competing in the pharmaceuticals market in Indonesia. Some OTC brands which was the market leader among others Promag (antacid drug), Neo Entrostop (anti-diarrhea medication), Komix (cough medicine), Bodrex (ibuprofen), Bodrex Flu and Cough (cough and cold medicines).

On pages 37-47, shown a growth trend herbal remedies ranging from 2000 to 2015 and the trend is market leader Sido Appears movement. As well, the analysis of the growth of herbal medicine and penetration Sido Appears against drug competitive landscape in Indonesia, especially drug-free.

On pages 48-59, featured a comparative power of suppliers (suppliers) of four of the largest pharmaceutical manufacturers in Indonesia, as well as the analysis of the power suppliers for raw materials and other adjuvants. On pages 61-62, shown top 7 free drugs most in demand in the Indonesian market and competitive analysis.

This exclusive research by 62 page is derived from the Ministry of Health, BPS, WHO and the World Bank, GP Pharmacy, International Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Group (IPMG), a pharmaceutical company in Indonesia, and processed

Index of industrial database is a new feature in featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented. Thank you.

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