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<span itemprop="name">Outlook Industri Consumer Goods 2017 dan Tren Harga Bahan Baku</span>

Outlook Industri Consumer Goods 2017 dan Tren Harga Bahan Baku

Outlook Industri Consumer Goods 2017 dan Tren Harga Bahan Baku ini dirilis Februari 2017 menampilkan riset independen, data, analisis, kajian, dan outlook secara komprehensif terkait seluruh informasi mengenai pasar consumer goods serta tren harga bahan baku untuk industri consumer goods. Dua subjek kajian outlook ini dipilih mengingat harga komoditas terutama bahan baku consumer goods terpengaruh perlambatan ekonomi global sepanjang 2015 hingga 2016.

Outlook Industri Consumer Goods 2017 dan Tren Harga Bahan Baku ini dimulai dengan pemaparan outlook ekonomi Indonesia 2017 pada halaman 2-4. Perekonomian Indonesia pada 2017 diestimasi tumbuh 5,1% dengan sejumlah tantangan baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri seperti kesenjangan infrastruktur antar daerah serta perlambatan perekonomian China. Pada halaman 5, ditampilkan tren pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional periode 2015-2017, beserta sejumlah komponen utama seperti target nilai tukar rupiah, inflasi, dan lifting migas.

Selanjutnya Outlook Industri Consumer Goods 2017 dan Tren Harga Bahan Baku ini menampilkan kondisi pasar consumer goods di Indonesia yang didukung konsumen kelas menengah. (halaman 6) Dengan GDP per kapita melebihi US$ 3.500, Indonesia memiliki konsumen rumah tangga dengan daya beli US$ 5.000 hingga US$ 15.000 per tahun melampaui 58% dari total penduduk pada 2020. (halaman 7)

Secara lebih detail, dipaparkan tren populasi penduduk di Indonesia periode 2010-2019F, laju urbanisasi, konsumen kelas menengah atas, dan PDB per kapita. (halaman 8) Terkait dengan itu, pada halaman 9 ditampilkan chart tren pergerakan inflasi periode 2014-2017F serta tren inflasi per daerah.

Tren pergerakan kurs rupiah terhadap dolar AS juga ditampilkan pada halaman 10 dengan rekam jejak periode 2011-2017. Dan tak ketinggalan tren upah minimum regional (UMR) dijabarkan periode 2007-2017. (halaman 11)

Pada halaman 12, membuat riset independen terkait outlook industri consumer goods 2017-2018 dan ukuran pasar (market size) industri consumer goods untuk kategori biskuit & wafer, mi instan, snack, jeli, permen, minuman berenergi, minuman isotonik, sirup, teh siap saji, kopi siap saji, jus, susu siap saji, minuman berkarbonasi, minuman sari buah, air minum kemasan, dan roti dengan periode 2009, 2015-2017F. (halaman 13-14)

Pada halaman 15-22, ditampilkan tren harga bahan baku industri consumer goods mencakup harga minyak sawit mentah (crude palm oil/CPO), harga gula, harga beras, harga jagung, harga kopi, harga kakao, harga gandum, dan harga susu periode 2014-2017.

Tren pertumbuhan penjualan sejumlah perusahaan consumer goods ditampilkan pada halaman 23, diperkuat dengan tren indeks kepercayaan konsumen pada halaman 24.

Berlanjut ke riset market leader, menampilkan peta pangsa pasar industri biskuit periode 2015 dari 10 merek utama pada halaman 25. Pangsa pasar perusahaan produsen biskuit dilihat dari kapasitas produksi pada 2015 di halaman 26. Selain itu, ditampilkan juga top 15 perusahaan produsen biskuit di Indonesia, dilengkapi kapasitas produksi, dan entitas anak usaha secara grup. (halaman 27-28)

Market leader susu bubuk tahun 2015 ditampilkan pada halaman 29 dengan 10 pemain utama, demikian juga susu ultra high temperature (UHT) pada halaman 30, market leader industri yoghurt pada halaman 31-32, dan industri teh siap minum (ready to drink/RDT tea) pada halaman 33.

Outlook Industri Consumer Goods 2017 dan Tren Harga Bahan Baku sebanyak 34 halaman pdf ini berasal dari kompilasi berbagai sumber antara lain asosiasi industri, BPS, riset eksternal, dan diolah Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan. Terima kasih.(*)

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Consumer Goods Industry Outlook 2017 and the Raw Materials Price Trends

Consumer Goods Industry Outlook 2017 and the Raw Materials Price Trends was released in February 2017 featuring independent research, data, analysis, review, and a comprehensive outlook regarding all information on the consumer goods market and the trend in raw material prices for the consumer goods industry. Two subjects have been given the outlook study in commodity prices, especially of raw materials consumer goods affected by the global economic slowdown throughout 2015 to 2016.

Consumer Goods Industry Outlook 2017 and the Raw Materials Price Trends begins with the presentation of the economic outlook for Indonesia in 2017 on pages 2-4. The Indonesian economy in 2017 is estimated to grow 5.1% with a number of challenges both from within and outside the country such as the infrastructure gap between regions as well as the slowdown in China’s economy. On page 5, show the trend of national economic growth period from 2015 to 2017, along with a number of key components such as a target exchange rate, inflation, and oil and gas lifting.

Further Outlook 2017 Consumer Goods Industry and Raw Material Price Trends showing the condition of the consumer goods market in Indonesia that supported middle-class consumers. (Page 6) With a per capita GDP exceeds US $ 3,500, Indonesia has household consumers with purchasing power of US $ 5,000 to US $ 15,000 per year exceed 58% of the total population in 2020 (page 7)

In more detail, described the trend of population in Indonesia 2010-2019F period, the rate of urbanization, upper middle-class consumers, and GDP per capita. (Page 8) Related to that, on page 9 show charts the movement trends of inflation and inflation trends 2014-2017F period per area.

Trends movement of the rupiah against the US dollar is also shown on page 10 with the track record of the period 2011-2017. And do not miss the trend of regional minimum wage (UMR) described the period 2007-2017. (Page 11)

On page 12, make independent research related to the outlook for the consumer goods industry from 2017 to 2018 and the size of the market (market size) the consumer goods industry for the category of biscuits and wafers, instant noodles, snacks, jelly, candy, energy drinks, isotonic drinks, syrup , instant tea, instant coffee, juice, instant milk, carbonated drinks, fruit drinks, bottled water, and bread to the period of 2009, 2015-2017F. (Pages 13-14)

On pages 15-22, show the price trend of raw materials consumer goods industries include crude palm oil (crude palm oil / CPO), the price of sugar, the price of rice, the price of corn, the price of coffee, cocoa prices, the price of wheat and milk prices 2014 period -2017.

The growing trend of sales of consumer goods companies is shown on page 23, is reinforced by the trend in consumer confidence on page 24.

Continues to research the market leader, ask questions of industry market share biscuit period of 2015, from 10 major brands on page 25. The market share of visits biscuit manufacturer of production capacity in 2015 on page 26. In addition, the company also displayed the top 15 manufacturers of biscuits in Indonesia, include production capacity, and its subsidiaries as a group effort. (Pages 27-28)

Market leader powdered milk in 2015 is shown on pages 29 to 10 major players, as well as milk ultra high temperature (UHT) on page 30, the market leader of industrial yoghurt on page 31-32, and ready to drink tea industry (ready to drink / RDT tea ) on page 33.

Consumer Goods Industry Outlook 2017 and the Raw Materials Price Trends as much as 34 page pdf is derived from a compilation of various sources such as industry associations, BPS, external research, and processed Index of industry data is a new feature in featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented. Thank you.(*)

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