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<span itemprop="name">Database Direktori 364 Perusahaan Farmasi, Obat, Alat Kesehatan di Indonesia</span>

Database Direktori 364 Perusahaan Farmasi, Obat, Alat Kesehatan di Indonesia

Database Direktori 364 Perusahaan Farmasi, Obat, Alat Kesehatan di Indonesia ini dirilis awal Oktober 2019 menampilkan database terlengkap dan direktori perusahaan paling komprehensif terkait informasi spesifik perusahaan-perusahaan farmasi, alat kesehatan, alat penunjang kedokteran, dan jamu serta minuman kesehatan di Indonesia. Database direktori ini mencakup lebih dari 70 subkategori industri farmasi, obat, dan alat kesehatan di Indonesia.

Subkategori dalam industri farmasi yang ditampilkan dalam database direktori perusahaan ini antara lain obat generik, produk farmasi untuk manusia, alat infus, permen kesehatan, lotion kesehatan, obat salep, obat hewan, kain kasa, jamu, jamu tradisional, obat herbal, distribusi produk farmasi, distributor obat, ekstrak buah, obat cair, obat kapsul, obat khusus, consumer health, alat kesehatan, minuman energi, vitamin, vaksin, produk alkes, bubuk jamu, dan bahan baku obat.

Selain itu, obat sirup, obat tablet, obat powder, kapsul gelatin, obat pelangsing, obat mata, jamu serbuk, minyak ikan, cairan infus, kain kasa, kapas farmasi, obat batuk, kapsul kosong, minyak oles, kasa farmasi, obat batu ginjal, pembalut wanita, jamu beras kencur, sarang burung walet, salep kulit, madu kemasan, obat nyamuk, laserin, obat paten, kapas kecantikan, minuman jamu, pembalut bersalin, larutan infus, bedak antigatal, minyak kayu putih, suplemen kesehatan.

Di samping itu, obat kulit, tabung oksigen, obat sakit kepala, ekstrak herbal natural, obat flu, obat batuk, obat etikal, alat kontrasepsi, obat turun panas, tablet sakit kepala, bubuk nutisi, puyer, vaksin hewan, alat kedokteran, kursi dokter gigi, kacamata kesehatan, contact lens, urine bag, alat lab kesehatan, dan alat kedokteran gigi.

Juga, baby diapers, blood tubing set, limbah medis, alat medis, tensimeter, alat suntik, jarum suntik, ranjang rumah sakit, hospital bed, lemari rumah sakit, alat bantu dengar, masker, alat optik, dan lainnya.

Database direktori ini merupakan perwujudan layanan big data yang menawarkan nilai lebih (value added) bagi penggunanya (user). Database Direktori 364 Perusahaan Farmasi, Obat, Alat Kesehatan di Indonesia ini berisi nama perusahaan, alamat lengkap, nomor telpon dan fax, kategori subsektor otomotif, dan sebagian ada yang disebutkan kapasitas produksinya.

Database Direktori 364 Perusahaan Farmasi, Obat, Alat Kesehatan di Indonesia ini terangkum dalam 60 halaman pdf untuk memudahkan proses download, sedangkan versi microsoft word tersedia secara pembayaran offline. Tim juga melayani jasa tambahan sebagai pelengkap dari database direktori ini, berupa layanan survei perusahaan, penyebaran kuesioner, observasi perusahaan (company observation), investigasi perusahaan (company investigation), dan lainnya.

Database Direktori 364 Perusahaan Farmasi, Obat, Alat Kesehatan di Indonesia ini berisi 60 halaman pdf dan berukuran 0,79 MB. Database Direktori Perusahaan ini berasal dari hasil monitoring big data, survei terbatas, serta kompilasi data terpercaya dari Kementerian Perindustrian, sejumlah perusahaan farmasi di Indonesia, dan diolah

Database Direktori 364 Perusahaan Farmasi, Obat, Alat Kesehatan di Indonesia ini diharapkan menjadi acuan yang akurat bagi para marketing, executive perusahaan, business development, pedagang, international trader, export import trader, pemasok bahan baku, investor, board of directors, entrepreneur, researcher, investment bankers, strategic & corporate planners, kreditur perbankan, ataupun bagi perusahaan-perusahaan pemasok barang, suku cadang, permesinan (oli mesin), serta kebutuhan kantor.(*)

Terdapat dua metode untuk membeli data ini, yakni metode online (tinggal klik tombol beli di bagian bawah website) atau via bank transfer. Jika Anda kesulitan atau butuh info lebih lanjut, hubungi (Desainbagus Group):


WA: 081296668812
HP: 081296668812

Suci Widyaningsih
Corporate Secretary
Phone : 021-7447443
HP: +62 87780767262

Alamat: Ruko Griya Cinere 2 Blok 49 No 29 Jalan Cinere Raya, Jakarta Selatan (Desain Bagus Group). No Telpon: 021-22779565, 021-7447443.

Jika Anda kesulitan atau butuh info lebih lanjut, hubungi, Alamat: Ruko Griya Cinere 2 Blok 49 No 29 Jalan Cinere Raya, Jakarta Selatan (Desain Bagus Group). No Telpon: 021-22779565, 021-7447443. Atau jika Anda tidak menemukan data yang dicari, silakan klik detektif industri untuk pencarian spesifik (request data), Indeks Data Industri untuk melihat database secara keseluruhan, Datapedia Marketplace untuk jual-beli data, di bagian atas website ini.


Directory Database of 364 Pharmaceutical, Drug, and Medical Device Companies in Indonesia

The 364 Directory Database of Pharmaceutical, Drug, and Medical Device Companies in Indonesia released in early October 2019 features the most comprehensive database and the most comprehensive company directory related to specific information on pharmaceutical companies, medical devices, medical support devices, and herbs and health drinks in Indonesia. This directory database includes more than 70 subcategories of the pharmaceutical, drug and medical device industries in Indonesia.

Subcategories in the pharmaceutical industry displayed in this company directory database include generic drugs, pharmaceutical products for humans, infusion devices, health candy, health lotions, ointments, veterinary medicines, gauze, herbs, traditional herbs, herbal medicines, distribution of pharmaceutical products , distributor of medicines, fruit extracts, liquid medicines, capsule drugs, special medicines, consumer health, medical devices, energy drinks, vitamins, vaccines, medical devices, herbal powders, and medicinal raw materials.

In addition, syrup medicines, tablet medicines, powder medicines, gelatin capsules, slimming drugs, eye medicines, powdered herbs, fish oil, intravenous fluids, gauze, pharmaceutical cotton, cough medicines, empty capsules, topical oils, topical oils, pharmaceutical gauze, stone medicines kidney, sanitary napkin, rice herbal medicine, swallow’s nest, skin ointment, packaged honey, insect repellent, patent medicine, beauty cotton, herbal medicine, maternity sanitary napkin, infusion solution, eucalyptus oil, health supplements.

In addition, skin medicines, oxygen cylinders, headache medicines, natural herbal extracts, cold medicines, cough medicines, ethical drugs, contraceptives, fever medications, headache tablets, nutritional powders, powder, animal vaccines, medical devices, chairs dentist, health glasses, contact lens, urine bag, medical lab equipment, and dental equipment.

Also, baby diapers, blood tubing sets, medical waste, medical devices, syringes, syringes, hospital beds, hospital beds, hospital cabinets, hearing aids, masks, optical devices, and others.

This directory database is a manifestation of big data service which offers more value (value added) for its users (users). This Directory Database of 364 Pharmaceutical, Drug, and Medical Device Companies in Indonesia contains company names, full addresses, telephone and fax numbers, automotive subsector categories, and some of which have mentioned production capacity.

364 Directory Database of Pharmaceutical, Drug and Medical Devices Companies in Indonesia is summarized in 60 pdf pages to facilitate the download process, while the Microsoft Word version is available offline payment. The team also provides additional services as a complement to this directory database, in the form of company survey services, questionnaires, company observations, company investigations, and others.

This 364 Directory Database of Pharmaceutical, Drug and Medical Devices Companies in Indonesia contains 60 pages and measures 0.79 MB. This Company Directory Database comes from the results of monitoring big data, limited surveys, and compilation of reliable data from the Ministry of Industry, a number of pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia, and processed by

364 Directory Database of Pharmaceutical, Drug and Medical Devices Companies in Indonesia is expected to be an accurate reference for marketing, company executives, business development, traders, international traders, export import traders, raw material suppliers, investors, board of directors, entrepreneurs, researchers , investment bankers, strategic & corporate planners, banking creditors, or for companies supplying goods, spare parts, machinery (engine oil), and office needs. (*)

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