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<span itemprop="name">Data Sumberdaya Batubara, Tren Harga, serta Biaya Produksi per Ton</span>

Data Sumberdaya Batubara, Tren Harga, serta Biaya Produksi per Ton

Data Sumberdaya Batubara, Tren Harga, serta Biaya Produksi per Ton ini menampilkan sumberdaya batubara Indonesia diperkirakan mencapai 160,65 miliar ton dengan cadangan 28,02 miliar ton. Jumlah itu terdiri dari sumberdaya batubara di Sumatera 75,03 miliar ton dan cadangannya 13,22 miliar ton, serta sumberdaya di Kalimantan 85,25 miliar ton serta cadangannya 14,8 miliar ton. Dari jumlah itu, sekitar 39,84% termasuk batubara medium rank, 29,02% batubara low rank, 9,4% batubara high rank, dan 1,74% batubara very high rank.

Juga dipaparkan tren oversuplai batubara secara global diperkirakan masih terjadi minimal 12-18 bulan ke depan. Permintaan kuat di Asia belum mampu menyerap kelebihan pasokan batubara. Indonesia dan Australia akan mendominasi ekspor batubara global. Selain itu, ditampilkan tren penurunan harga sejak 2011 sebesar 43% dari November 2011 US$ 131 per ton menjadi US$ 75 per ton pada Maret 2014. Ditampilkan juga biaya produksi rata-rata batubara global dengan Indonesia menduduki posisi terendah dalam tiga tahun terakhir. Dijelaskan juga perbandingan pasokan dan permintaan global periode 2012-2014.

Permintaan di China dan India tetap kuat periode 2011-2017. Juga ditampilkan kebutuhan batubara untuk tenaga listrik, terdiri atas kebutuhan domestik dan impor (periode 2013, 2020, dan 2030). Data berjumlah 38 halaman ini berasal dari Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Global Coal 2014, China Coal Resources 2014, Wood Mackenzie, Salva Resources India, IEA World Energy Outlook 2013, BP Energy Outlook 20135, serta produsen batubara terbesar di Indonesia.

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Data Coal Resources, Trends Price, and Production Cost per Ton in Indonesia

These data show Indonesia’s coal resources estimated at 160.65 billion tonnes with reserves of 28.02 billion tons. The amount is composed of coal resources on Sumatra 75.03 billion tons and 13.22 billion tons of reserves and resources in Kalimantan 85.25 billion tons and 14.8 billion tons of reserves. Of that amount, approximately 39.84% including medium rank coal, low rank coal 29.02%, 9.4% of high rank coal, coal 1.74% and very high rank.

Also described trends in global coal oversupply is predicted to occur a minimum of 12-18 months. Strong demand in Asia has not been able to absorb the excess supply of coal. Indonesia and Australia will dominate the global coal exports. In addition, displayed a downward trend in prices since 2011 by 43% from November 2011 US $ 131 per ton to US $ 75 per ton in March 2014. Published also the average cost of production of global coal by Indonesia occupying the lowest position in the last three years. Described is also a comparison of supply and global demand for the period 2012-2014. Demand in China and India remain strong 2011-2017.

Also shown the need coal for electric power, consists of domestic demand and imports (period of 2013, 2020, and 2030). Data numbered 38 this page is derived from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Global Coal 2014, China Coal Resources, 2014, Wood Mackenzie, Salva Resources India, IEA World Energy Outlook 2013, BP Energy Outlook 20135, as well as the largest coal producer in Indonesia.

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If you have trouble or need more info, contact, at Jln Mandar Block XII DD2 No 69, Sector 3A Bintaro, Tangerang, Indonesia. Phone: 021-7358329. Or if you do not find the data sought, please click detective industry at the left top of this website.

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