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<span itemprop="name">Data Market Insight Private Equity di Asia Tenggara</span>

Data Market Insight Private Equity di Asia Tenggara

Data Market Insight Private Equity di Asia Tenggara ini menampilkan tren arus investasi di Asia Tenggara, yang mencapai US$ 7,9 miliar pada 2009 dan US$ 5 miliar pada 2013. Arus investasi itu dijabarkan melalui aktivitas investasi yang terekam melalui sejumlah negara di Asia Tenggara, seperti Indonesia, Singapura, Filipina, dan Vietnam. Di 2013, terjadi pergeseran sektor incaran private equity menjadi basis internet, logistik, makanan dan minuman, jasa, finansial, serta kesehatan. Tren pergeseran sektor incaran itu terjadi seiring booming-nya sektor-sektor tertentu yang menawarkan keuntungan tinggi. Khusus Indonesia, private equity menilai negeri ini memiliki potensi tinggi, valuasi dan isu politik menjadi fokus perhatian. Data berjumlah 22 halaman ini berasal dari sejumlah private equity diolah

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Jika Anda kesulitan atau butuh info lebih lanjut, hubungi, Jln Mandar XII Blok DD2 No 69, Bintaro Sektor 3A, Tangerang, Phone: 021-7358329. Atau jika Anda tidak menemukan data yang dicari, silakan klik detektif industri di bagian atas website ini.


Data Private Equity in South East Asia

These data show the trend of investment flows in Southeast Asia, which reached US $ 7.9 billion in 2009 and US $ 5 billion in 2013. The investment flows are translated through investment activity recorded through a number of countries in Southeast Asia, such as Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines , and Vietnam. In 2013, a shift in the private equity sector became the target of internet base, logistics, food and beverage, services, financial, and health. Trends shift that occurs as a target sector booming specific sectors that offer high returns. Indonesia specifically, private equity assesses the country has a high potential, valuation and political issues become the focus of attention. This amounted to 22 pages of data derived from a number of private equity collected by

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If you have trouble or need more info, contact, Jln Mandar Block XII DD2 No 69, Sector 3A Bintaro, Tangerang, Phone: 021-7358329. Or if you do not find the data sought, please click detective industry at the top of this website.

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