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Data Industri Televisi Berlangganan di Indonesia

Data Industri Televisi Berlangganan di Indonesia ini menampilkan pangsa pasar provider televisi berlangganan (paid tv) di Indonesia periode 2012-2013. Grup MNC Sky Vision menguasai 71% pasar televisi berlangganan di 2012 dan naik menjadi 73,8% di 2013, disusul First Media, TelkomVision, Aora, Nexmedia, Orange, dan lainnya. Selain itu dijelaskan strategi dan kinerja keuangan penguasa pasar televisi berlangganan di Indonesia. Biaya iklan 30 detik prime time spot iklan televisi di Indonesia juga lebih murah dibanding negara Asean lainnya, Indonesia US$ 6.000, Thailand US$ 10.000, Filipina US$ 12.000.

Faktor pendorong pertumbuhan industri media di Indonesia antara lain populasi yang besar dan muda, sekitar 200 juta penduduk di bawah 50 tahun, 40 juta pengguna TV rumah tangga, serta penduduk Indonesia lebih memilih menonton TV daripada membaca, dengan rata-rata menonton TV 5 jam per hari. Data sebanyak 23 halaman ini berasal dari lembaga riset dan pemimpin pasar media di Indonesia.

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Data Subscription Television Industry in Indonesia

These data displaying a market share of subscription television provider (paid tv) in Indonesia period 2012-2013. MNC Sky Vision Group controls 71% of subscription television market in 2012 and rose to 73.8% in 2013, followed by First Media, TelkomVision, Aora, Nexmedia, Orange, and others. Additionally described strategy and financial performance ruler subscription television market in Indonesia. Advertising expenses 30 seconds of prime time television advertising spots in Indonesia is also cheaper than other ASEAN countries, Indonesia US $ 6,000 US $ 10,000 Thailand, Philippines US $ 12,000.

Factors driving the growth of the media industry in Indonesia, among others, a large population and younger, about 200 million people under 50 years, 40 million TV households, as well as the Indonesian people prefer watching TV than reading, with an average watch TV 5 hours per day. As many as 23 pages of data derived from research institutions and a market leader in the Indonesian media.

Download database industry is a new feature in featuring dozens of data options to suit the needs of users. All data is presented in the form of easily downloadable pdf so that once users perform the process according to the procedure, ie click purchase, click checkout and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the data sources are presented. Thank you for your trust to

If you have trouble or need more info, contact, Jln Mandar Block XII DD2 No 69, Sector 3A Bintaro, Tangerang, Phone: 021-7358329. Or if you do not find the data sought, please click detective industry at the top of this website.

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