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<span itemprop="name">Data Hilirisasi Industri Sawit, dari Regulasi hingga Persebaran Investasi</span>

Data Hilirisasi Industri Sawit, dari Regulasi hingga Persebaran Investasi

Data Hilirisasi Industri Sawit, dari Regulasi hingga Persebaran Investasi ini menampilkan luas area kebun sawit di Indonesia 2011-2015, produksi CPO nasional 2011-2015, serta produktivitas kebun rakyat. Selain itu, ditampilkan juga pohon industri pengolahan CPO, baik yang sudah diproduksi di Indonesia maupun belum diproduksi. Juga dipaparkan peningkatan nilai tambah dari CPO, CPKO, minyak goreng, margarine, biodiesel FAME, confectionaries, fatty acid, fatty alcohol, surfaktan, kosmetik. Serta dijelaskan skema pemberian insentif investasi di sektor ini, seperti tax allowance, tax holiday, pembebasan bea masuk mesin, restrukturisasi bea keluar, dan lainnya. Dampak dari program hilirisasi; ragam Produk Hilir pada Tahun 2011 hanya 54 Jenis, berkembang menjadi 149 jenis pada awal tahun 2014 dan diperkirakan meningkat menjadi 169 jenis pada Tahun 2015. Juga ditampilkan persebaran investasi di industri oleokimia (masing-masing perusahaan dan kapasitasnya), industri biodiesel, serta proyeksi tambahan kapasitas biodiesel hingga 2015.

Sebaran investasi industri oleokimia antara lain PT Musim Mas, PT Soci Mas, PT Domba Mas, PT Flora Sawita, PT Sumi Asih, PT Ecogreen, PT Wilmar Nabati. Sementara sebaran investasi industri biodiesel antara lain PT Darmex Biofuels, PT Nusa Energy, PT Indo Biofuels Energy, PT Bits Energy, PT Multi Biofuels, PT Permata Hijau Palm Oleo, PT Oleokimia Sejahtera Mas, dan PT Wilmar Bioenergy Indonesia. Data berjumlah 18 halaman ini berasal dari Kementerian Perindustrian, Asosiasi Produsen Biodiesel Indonesia, Asosiasi Produsen Oleokimia, Gapki serta sejumlah produsen CPO terbesar di Indonesia.

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Data Downstream Palm Oil Industry in Indonesia

These data show national CPO production in Indonesia 2011-2015, as well as the productivity of their fields. In addition, also displayed an increase in the added value of CPO, CPKO, cooking oil, margarine, biodiesel FAME, confectionaries, fatty acid, fatty alcohol, surfactants, cosmetics. As well as the incentive schemes described investments in this sector, such as tax allowances, tax holidays, import duty exemption machinery, the restructuring of duties, and others. The impact of downstream program; Downstream Product diversity in the year 2011 only 54 type, evolved into 149 species in early 2014 and is expected to increase to 169 species in the year 2015.

Also shown distribution of investments in the oleochemical industry (each company and its capacity), the biodiesel industry, as well as additional projection biodiesel capacity until 2015. The distribution of the oleochemical industry investments include PT Musim Mas, PT Soci Mas, PT Sheep Mas, PT Flora Sawita, PT Sumi Asih, PT Ecogreen, PT Wilmar Nabati. While the distribution of industrial investment biodiesel, among others PT Darmex Biofuels, PT Nusa Energy, PT Indo Biofuels Energy, PT Bits Energy, PT Multi Biofuels, PT Permata Hijau Palm Oleo, PT Oleochemical Mas Sejahtera and PT Wilmar Bioenergy Indonesia. This amounted to 18 pages of data derived from the Ministry of Industry, the Indonesian Biofuel Producers Association, the Association of Producers Oleochemical, Gapki as well as a number of the largest palm oil producer in Indonesia.

Download database industry is a new feature in featuring dozens of data options to suit the needs of users. All data is presented in the form of easily downloadable pdf so that once users perform the process according to the procedure, ie click purchase, click checkout and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the data sources are presented. Thank you for your trust to

If you have trouble or need more info, contact, Jln Mandar Block XII DD2 No 69, Sector 3A Bintaro, Tangerang, Phone: 021-7358329. Or if you do not find the data sought, please click detective industry at the top of this website.

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