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<span itemprop="name">Data dan Outlook Transportasi, Logistik, dan Infrastruktur 2009-2019</span>

Data dan Outlook Transportasi, Logistik, dan Infrastruktur 2009-2019

Data dan Outlook Transportasi, Logistik, dan Infrastruktur 2009-2019 ini menampilkan ukuran pasar (market size) sektor transportasi dan logistik di Indonesia 2009-2019. Pada 2014, pasar sektor transportasi dan logistik diestimasi Rp 1.810 triliun dengan pertumbuhan 13,2%. Pada 2015, market size tersebut naik 15,2% menjadi Rp 2.086 triliun. Pada 2016, angka tersebut diproyeksi tumbuh 15% menjadi Rp 2.399 triliun, dan terus naik hingga mencapai Rp 3.680 triliun di 2019. Rata-rata pertumbuhan tahunan (CAGR) sektor transportasi dan logistik di Indonesia diperkirakan 15,2% periode 2014-2019.

Sektor ini tumbuh secara signifikan sejak 2009-2019. Pada 2009-2014, pertumbuhan mencapai 13,7% CAGR dari hanya Rp 770 triliun pada 2009.

Segmen pengangkutan laut masih mendominasi sebesar Rp 1.096,6 triliun di 2015, disusul kereta api Rp 31,6 triliun, dan udara Rp 1,43 triliun. Segmen pengangkutan laut diproyeksi tumbuh 6,1% di 2013, 4,3% di 2014, dan 5,1% pada 2015 secara volume. Pengangkutan kereta api tumbuh 13,3% di 2013, 8,5% di 2014, dan 7,5% pada 2015. Sementara pengangkutan melalui udara naik 19,6% di 2013, 15,3% di 2014, dan 12,2% pada 2015. Sektor komoditas menjadi salah satu pendorong sektor transportasi dan logistik mengingat besarnya investasi antara lain di sektor CPO senilai US$ 2,4 miliar.

Selain itu, data ini dilengkapi data-data infrastruktur pendukung transportasi dan logistik di Indonesia, seperti sebaran bandara hingga 2030. Jumlah bandara umum saat ini sebanyak 189 bandara, yang terdiri atas 26 bandara komersial (dikelola PT Angkasa Pura) dan 1.643 bandara nonkomersial. Pada 2030, akan bertambah 44 bandara baru, sehingga total jumlah naik menjadi 233 bandara. Juga ditampilkan ekspansi PT Angkasa Pura I dan II dalam ekspansi bandara, meliputi: kebutuhan investasi, penambahan kapasitas, dan persentase pertumbuhan.

Di samping itu, ditampilkan infrastruktur pelabuhan yang cukup vital mengingat Indonesia memiliki garis pantai terpanjang keempat di dunia (95.181 km). Jumlah pelabuhan saat ini mencapai 2.392 pelabuhan yang terdiri dari 111 pelabuhan komersial, 1.481 pelabuhan nonkomersial, dan 800 terminal khusus. Terdapat rencana penambahan 91 pelabuhan baru di Indonesia bagian timur dengan investasi Rp 3,37 triliun.

Juga, ditampilan infrastruktur jalan dan rel kereta yang menopang pergerakan transportasi darat. Data ini juga dilengkapi infrastruktur coastal shipping, Trans Sumatera Railways, rel kereta api perkotaan, high speed train network hingga 2030.

Tidak ketinggalan, data ini menampilkan rasio biaya logistik dari berbagai sektor industri di Indonesia, misalnya untuk industri pengolahan makanan rasio biaya logistik terhadap input mencapai 35%. Terdapat 24 cabang industri yang memiliki rasio biaya logistik terhadap input yang cukup tinggi.

Data sebanyak 33 halaman ini berasal dari BPS, Kementerian Perhubungan, Kementerian Perindustrian, Asosiasi Logistik Indonesia, sejumlah riset perusahaan asing antara lain Frost & Sullivan, dan diolah

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Data and Outlook Transportation, Logistics, and Infrastructure 2009-2019

Data and Outlook Transportation, Logistics, and Infrastructure 2009-2019 showing market size the transport and logistics sector in Indonesia 2009-2019. In 2014, the transport and logistics sector market estimated Rp 1,810 trillion, with growth of 13.2%. In 2015, the market size was up 15.2% to Rp 2,086 trillion. In 2016, that number is projected to grow 15% to Rp 2,399 trillion, and continued to rise until it reaches Rp 3,680 trillion in 2019. Average annual growth (CAGR) in the transport and logistics sector in Indonesia is estimated to 15.2% from 2014 to 2019 period.

This sector grew significantly from 2009 to 2019. In the 2009-2014, the growth reached 13.7% CAGR of only Rp 770 trillion in 2009.

Marine transportation segment is still dominated by Rp 1096.6 trillion in 2015, followed by a train of Rp 31.6 trillion and Rp 1.43 trillion in the air. Marine transportation segment is projected to grow 6.1% in 2013, 4.3% in 2014 and 5.1% in 2015 in volume. Freight trains grew 13.3% in 2013, 8.5% in 2014 and 7.5% in 2015. While the airlift rose 19.6% in 2013, 15.3% in 2014, and 12.2% in 2015. The commodity sector into one of the drivers of the transport and logistics sector in view of the magnitude of the investment, among others in the CPO sector worth US $ 2.4 billion.

In addition, these data include data transport and logistics support infrastructure in Indonesia, such as the distribution of the airport until 2030. The number of public airports currently as many as 189 airports, which consists of 26 commercial airports (managed by PT Angkasa Pura) and 1,643 non-commercial airports. In 2030, 44 new airports will increase, bringing the total number rose to 233 airports. Also featured expansion of PT Angkasa Pura I and II in the expansion of the airport, including: the need for investment, capacity expansion, and the percentage of growth.

In addition, display port infrastructure that is vital considering that Indonesia has the fourth longest coastline in the world (95 181 km). Port number currently reaches 2,392 ports consisting of 111 commercial ports, 1481 port noncommercial, and 800 special terminals. There is a plan of adding 91 new ports in eastern Indonesia with an investment of Rp 3.37 trillion.

Also, ditampilan road and rail infrastructure that sustains the movement of land transport. These data also include coastal shipping infrastructure, the Trans Sumatra Railways, railways, urban, high-speed train network by 2030.

No lag, these data show the ratio of logistics costs of various industrial sectors in Indonesia, for example, for the food processing industry logistics costs to input ratio reaches 35%. There are 24 branches of industry which has a ratio of the input logistics costs are quite high.

As many as 33 pages of data is derived from the BPS, the Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Industry, Indonesian Logistics Association, a number of foreign research firm Frost & Sullivan, among others, and processed

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