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<span itemprop="name">Data dan Outlook Industri Semen 2003-2019</span>

Data dan Outlook Industri Semen 2003-2019

Data dan Outlook Industri Semen 2003-2019 ini menampilkan data dan outlook secara komprehensif terkait seluruh informasi mengenai industri semen di Indonesia, mulai dari tren pertumbuhan pasar semen di Indonesia, pangsa pasar, kompetisi pasar, pemain baru dan ekspansi pemain existing, segmentasi pasar, harga jual rata-rata semen, pasar semen Asean (supply-demand), hingga pemimpin pasar, para pemain terbesar, strategi ekspansi ke depan, serta kinerja keuangan para pemain semen di negeri ini.

Data ini dimulai dari informasi umum terkait perkembangan Indonesia, mulai dari proyeksi pertumbuhan ekonomi periode 2014-2019, jumlah penduduk, segmentasi penduduk, dan peluang pasar di Indonesia (halaman 2). Selanjutnya, ditampilkan tren pertumbuhan infrastruktur sebagai salah satu penyerap semen terbesar, mulai dari anggaran belanja infrastruktur 2015-2019 (halaman 3). Juga, pertumbuhan infrastruktur jalan (roads) dan pelabuhan (ports) di Indonesia dibanding negara-negara Asean serta China, Taiwan, Jepang, dan Korea (halaman 4). Indonesia masih dikategorikan kurang belanja infrastruktur (underspending on infrastucture development). Meski anggaran infrastruktur Indonesia meningkat hingga di atas 2% dari PDB dari 1,7% pada 2011, dana tersebut masih relatif rendah dibanding kompetitor dengan rata-rata 4,1%. Selain itu ditampilkan proyek-proyek infrastruktur yang sedang dilakukan pemerintah hingga 2019 (halaman 5).

Di halaman 6, secara khusus ditampilkan tren kapasitas terpasang, kapasitas produksi, pertumbuhan pasar industri semen sejak 2014-2019. Semen kantong mendominasi pasar pengguna semen dengan komposisi 90% untuk perumahan dan 10% semen untuk industri, sedangkan semen curah mendominasi 23,3% di antaranya beton jadi (infrastruktur) 60%, beton pracetak, semen fiber, dan paving 35%, mortar dan render 5%. Ikut ditampilkan perbandingan konsumsi semen domestik, pertumbuhan konsumsi, serta kapasitas domestik semen periode 2003-2015 di halaman 8.

Di halaman 9, ditampilkan pertumbuhan konsumsi semen per kapita yang tumbuh dari 172 kilogram per kapita pada 2010 menjadi 238 per kapita pada 2015. Di halaman 10, dijabarkan rasio konsumsi semen dan pertumbuhannya terhadap laju ekonomi nasional periode 2002-2015. Di halaman 11, ditampilkan rasio konsumsi semen kantong dan semen curah periode 1997-2015.

Selanjutnya, pada halaman 12 ditampilkan pangsa pasar produsen semen per daerah. Di halaman 13, pangsa pasar tersebut dijabarkan secara lebih detail per daerah dan per pulau di Indonesia.

Kemudian di halaman 14, ditampilkan kapasitas semen beserta lokasi pabrik masing-masing produsen. Pada 2015, kapasitas semen domestik mencapai 80,4 juta ton, dan diperkirakan naik menjadi 89,7 juta ton pada 2016 dengan tambahan pabrik dari Semen Merah Putih, Anhui Conch, Siam Cement, dan Semen Pan Asia. Penambahan kapasitas produksi dari pemain baru dijelaskan lebih detail pada halaman 15 dengan total penambahan 9 pemain baru dan 6 ekapnsi dari pemain existing. Dengan adanya penambahan kapasitas pabrik baru, kompetisi pasar semen lokal makin ketat seperti ditampilkan pada halaman 16. Tidak heran jika produsen semen lokal mulai melirik pasar semen di ASEAN yang ikut dijelaskan pada halaman 17.

Pada halaman 18 mulai ditampilkan data market leader industri semen nasional, mulai dari sejarah berdiri, kapasitas produksi, komposisi pemegang saham, anak usaha, lokasi pabrik semen (cement mill, kiln, packing plant), strategi ekspansi ke depan, volume penjualan dan kinerja keuangan. Juga ikut ditampilkan struktur beban produksi (beban pabrikasi) produsen semen serta harga jual rata-rata semen.

Data sebanyak 48 halaman ini berasal dari BPS, Kementerian Perindustrian, Asosiasi Semen Indonesia (ASI), sejumlah perusahaan semen di Indonesia, dan diolah

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Data and Outlook 2003-2019 Cement Industry is displaying data and a comprehensive outlook regarding all information about the cement industry in Indonesia, ranging from trends in the Indonesian cement market growth, market share, market competition, new players and the expansion of existing players, market segmentation, price Average selling cement, cement Asean markets (supply-demand), up to a market leader, the largest players, its expansion strategy into the future, as well as non financial players in the country.

This data starts from general information related to the development of Indonesia, ranging from economic growth projection for the period 2014-2019, the total population, population segmentation, and market opportunities in Indonesia (page 2). Furthermore, displayed a growth trend of infrastructure as one of the largest cement absorbent, ranging from infrastructure spending 2015-2019 (page 3). Also, the growth of road infrastructure (roads) and ports (ports) in Indonesia compared to Asean countries as well as China, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea (page 4). Indonesia is still considered lacking in infrastructure spending (underspending on infrastucture development). Although Indonesia’s infrastructure budget increased to over 2% of GDP from 1.7% in 2011, the funds are still relatively low compared to the competitors with an average of 4.1%. Moreover displayed infrastructure projects that are being done by the government until 2019 (page 5).

On page 6, specifically shown the trend of installed capacity, production capacity, market growth in the cement industry since 2014-2019. Cement bags of cement to the market dominates the composition of 90% for residential and 10% for the cement industry, while the bulk cement dominates 23.3% of ready-mixed concrete (infrastucture) 60%, precast concrete, fiber cement, and paving 35%, mortar and render 5%. Participate shown a comparison of domestic cement consumption, consumption growth, as well as domestic cement capacity in the 2003-2015 period page 8.

On page 9, shown growth in cement consumption per capita grew from 172 kilograms per capita in 2010 to 238 per capita in 2015. On page 10, described the ratio of cement consumption and the rate of national economic growth of the 2002-2015 period. On page 11, show the ratio of consumption of bagged cement and bulk cement 1997-2015 period.

Furthermore, on page 12 show the market share of manufacturers of cement per area. On page 13, the market share is described in more detail per area and per island in Indonesia.

Then on page 14, is displayed along with the capacity cement plant location of each manufacturer. In 2015, domestic cement capacity of 80.4 million tons, and is expected to increase to 89.7 million tons in 2016 with the addition of Cement factory Red and White, Anhui Conch, Siam Cement and Cement Pan Asia. Increase the production capacity of the new players are described in more detail on page 15 for a total addition of 9 new players and 6 ekapnsi of existing players. With the additional capacity of the new plant, the local cement market competition increasingly tight as shown on page 16. Not surprisingly, the local cement manufacturers began to look at the cement market in ASEAN contributing described on page 17.

On page 18 to begin displaying the data market leader national cement industry, ranging from the history of the stand, the production capacity, the composition of the shareholder, a subsidiary, the location of the cement plant (cement mill, kiln, packing plant), its expansion strategy into the future, the volume of sales and financial performance , Also shown the structure of the production load (load fabrication) cement producers and the average selling price of cement.

As many as 48 pages of data derived from the BPS, the Ministry of Industry, the Indonesian Cement Association (ASI), a cement company in Indonesia, and processed

Download database industry is a new feature in featuring dozens of data options to suit the needs of users. All data is presented in the form of easily downloadable pdf so that once users perform the process according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the data sources are presented. Thank you for your trust to

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