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<span itemprop="name">Data dan Analisis Industri Baja Periode 2000-2014</span>

Data dan Analisis Industri Baja Periode 2000-2014

Data dan Analisis Industri Baja Periode 2000-2014 ini menampilkan analisis sejarah industri baja dari 1960-an sampai 2014, ketergantungan impor masih menjadi kendala utama sehingga defisit pasokan baja lokal berlanjut hingga 2014. Juga ditampilkan profil industri baja Indonesia dan prospek ke depan. Analisis itu dilengkapi dengan data perbandingan konsumsi dan produksi baja periode 2000-2014, konsumsi baja per segmen, konsumsi baja per kapita, utilisasi industri baja nasional, tren harga baja di pasar internasional, dan pemimpin pasar baja Indonesia (HRC, CRC, dan wire rod).

Selain itu, ditampilkan data bahan baku bijih besi, pohon industri baja, dan perkembangan investasi industri hulu baja. Ditambah lagi, data produksi dan konsumsi baja Indonesia dibanding negara-negara ASEAN. Data dan analisis komprehensif yang berjumlah 25 halaman ini merupakan hasil kompilasi tim riset, berasal dari Kementerian Perindustrian, Asosiasi Industri Baja Indonesia (IISIA), Asoasiasi Industri Baja ASEAN (SEAISI), serta sejumlah produsen baja terbesar di Indonesia.

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These data show the historical analysis of the steel industry in Indonesia from 1960 to 2014, import dependence is still a major constraint to local steel supply deficit continued until 2014. Also featured profile Indonesian steel industry and future prospects. Analysis of the data was equipped with the comparison of consumption and steel production period 2000-2014, the consumption of steel per segment, per capita steel consumption, utilization of the national steel industry, the trend of steel prices in the international market, and the market leader Indonesian steel (HRC, CRC, and wire rod ).

In addition, the data show the raw material iron ore, steel industry tree, and the development of the upstream steel industry investment. Additionally, data on production and consumption of steel Indonesia than ASEAN countries. The data and comprehensive analysis of the number 25 This page represents a compilation of the research team, comes from the Ministry of Industry, Steel Industry Association of Indonesia (IISIA), ASEAN Steel Industry Association (SEAISI), as well as a number of the largest steel producers in Indonesia.

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